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Vinny last won the day on July 27 2016

Vinny had the most liked content!


28 Developing

About Vinny

  • Birthday 01/15/1996

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  1. 👋 Take care, amigo.

  2. I don't get it. And You also made me show up here again just to say hi to you. So wololohi zephy o7 ~
  3. bro do you even covfefe?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @Tommy Wiseau I will be the one to appreciate it lol.


      Anyway, I thought he misspelled coffee badly, but if it was supposed to be coverage, that would be really weird... Maybe he really did it on purpose though to throw off everyone from talking about more serious issues.

    3. Sheep
    4. Hycrox


      Maybe he wanted to spell coffin, therefore referencing the coffin of his (albeit little) credibility

  4. Literally. Happy birthday SpiderDan, you're our man. If you can't do it, no one can~ blnd gardan

    1. Vinny


      But if you're following me, does that make me a stalker stalking a stalker?

    2. Shamitako


      I was simply returning fire

  6. Nice argument, though I can still see why the current limit should stand. Also, I had no clue that rep is tied to Execution Points right now. @Arkhi do we have a topic that describes how to get EXP and what actions = how many points? And if not, can we have one?
  7. is it true Brazilians like bananas and cinnamon as a pizza topping

    1. Vinny


      Yes, people do that kind of shit.

      Liking it is a different matter, however...

    2. PedroHenrique


      Hello, I just read this and...


  8. Are you a real V I L L A I N? Where did you get that N E T? ----- Do you think your younger self would be disappointed in who you are right now? What was the worst moment of your life, and how did you go through it? 2 jk and 2 srs. Not bad~
    1. Felicity


      don't throw it away


      seal the memory away behind 9 spiritual seals in a nuke bunker beneath a maximum duty prison.

    2. Hycrox


      And release it in 2020

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