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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. "...oh! So that would be the perfect argument to that discussion I had 5 months ago." Other than that, I don't know. My thoughts are too convoluted because there's just too much on my head while I'm showering. I usually have good ideas on the swhoer, however.
  2. Acid Spray > Special move >> Reduces Sp.Def by 2 levels every use lol. This though~
  3. Even though the old League rules don't really apply in the game, I'll bring up anyway that only the champion had access to a Legendary mon irrc. Not all gym leaders, just the Champion before the existance of Fairies and 18 leaders instead of 17. Megas are a different story, however.
  4. A topic will show up either in the Development Blog subforum or the Community Announcements one, for the Community Release.
  5. While the Obtainable List was updated for Episode 16, Slowpoke is not available in the current episode. This is one of those rare cases where both the Pokédex and the Obtainable List are "lying" to you. But yeah, not available now.
  6. Greetings. You're welcome to stay, just keep in mind: see ya.
  7. It's been a while since I've been through that part (Episode 10 :v), but I stole this from Losty's old post along with the image before~ So that's how you do it~
  8. 10/10 I'd use the Atok of Aproval if I had it hand it over m9 btw, do you still follow this channel? I found it in one of your early posts~
  9. One of my most memorable battles is the one against Dr. Sigmund Connal in the Belrose Mansion. Simply because what follows it (If you do things correctly, that is) is my favorite moment (So far) of Pokémon Reborn: "Sapphira's Dragonite using Hyper Beam on Dr. Connal and he goes through the wall." This is also the part where Team Meteor grunts start to die for real, and you realize that perhaps not everyone on "your side" is all that ok~
  10. Vinny


    yeah same Pokémon "o ye" confirm
  11. I only say Charmander because Charmeleon's Dragon Rage is hard to ignore at the start. It's no Gyarados, but it does work~
  12. Assuming the order I could pick pokémons was different from what we have in Reborn right now, I would pick Ice because it's my favorite type and the majority of my favorite mons are ice types. I'd have to do good work though. However, if we're just talking about being powerful and forgetting the funzies, they I would go Water. 10/10~
  13. Hmm, so this is why we removed the Abyss room from the server. We needed it in the game~ also new forum shit
  14. Not sure if Ame left that for the sake of convenience or another reason that I don't remember, but the general consensus is that you shouldn't be using because of the problems that you've already mentioned. Although I was not aware there were places where Fly was actually working, so I suppose that's really not a problem if you manage to aavoid the walls :v
  15. tfw fighting Azery on Hackmons But harpy birth dude! Hope it's a great one~
  16. tbh I always thought Kurotsune was all the characters. And all the pokémons too. What a sly fox.
  17. "do your homework you piece of shit."
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