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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Let it be known that I endorse Sheep's endorsement of this message.
  2. Hit your thumb so hard it turns into grain? tfw holidays are good mhm mhm mhm
  3. and and and and ...I can't just pick one, I'm sorry .__.
  4. ey o Trevore Happy birthday dude! Hopefully soon enough you'll have that Redemption card along with the rest for your collection Hope you had the greatest of days \o/ also late :v
  5. 100% chance to catch Lunala in the future, guaranteed~
  6. Oh look it's been a while Name: Vinny Age: 20 Birthday: January 15th Location: Brassil Height: 1.80m Hair Color: whBlack Eye Color: Black Live With: Father, Mother, brother Pets?: Nope. Relationships?: hahahahahahaa Crushes lately?: Only if you mean crushing my enemies... which would still be no Dream Job: Anything that involves travelling a lot. Perhaps I could be the pilot. Currently Playing: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Elsword, DA:I, Old stuff from old consoles Favourite Food: CHOCOLATE Favourite Drink: Coffee mhm, mhm. Favourite Color: Green with a single yellow stripe Favourite kind of Music: Howling Wind idk, I like Everything Favourite Band: No group that I really follow these days Favourite Album: ^^^ Favourite Game: Crash Twinsanity will forever be my shit Favourite Genre of Game: RPG is love, RPG is life Favourite Hobbies: Music, drawing, cleaning, selling popcorn in the internet Favourite Movies: zzz nothing comes to mind Favourite Shows: South Park, Gotham, Arrow, Lip Sync Battle, stupid brazilian prank shows
  7. I saw Shofu's video on it. yeah i know that makes me suck 3000x more but such is how it is
  8. Viri, your last question was so powerful that it actually borked my Skype

  9. Everything was worth it~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spineblade


      You almost weren't.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I chose to attack the greater of two evils

    4. Ironbound


      Now I am almost insulted, but my relief is still greater.

  10. Okay hold up... I'm actually amazed at how much I liked that song, holy shit. let me login on my other 10 accounts to upvote
  11. that's the elevator that on days like this, it will take you to HELL.
  12. btw Telos gave me this yesterd-- today. Blame him~ now go ahead and post something already so I can post the other thing I want mrrr
  13. Bibs, you need beaver cream.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      on a side note, that sotd is lit vin

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I worry for people sometimes

    4. Ironbound


      Don't worry, it's just our payback for all the memes he's spewed at us for years.

  14. hey Sheep you're not going to really need all those rupees right *eyebrow wiggle*

    1. Arkhi








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