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About Redo.

  • Birthday 05/26/1995

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  • Location
    From the very south
  • Interests
    A lot of things, and in the same time very few of them...

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  1. Thanks, didn't know you could just expand for more info
  2. Could someone help me with the Gimmighoul event? I talked to the Hiker but no idea how to proceed with the clues
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  5. RNG has not been kind to me, so if someone can help me with one it would be appreciated.
  6. Early game Charmeleon can probably laugh at everything up to Corey. Protean Froakie is a nuke. Nasty Plot Infernape is also quite awesome. Blaziken with Speed Boost and Bulk Up is one of the strongest things in game right now. And if you can survive a totally mediocre mid-game, by Radomus/Luna Serperior becomes as good as any of the starter in mentioned earlier thanks to Contrary Leaf Storm.
  7. Replies: So yeah, Golbat or Ducklett, come on random.org. shine on me! Thanks, random.org _________________________ UPDATE#12: SHORT AND DISSAPOINTING Caught: Nidoran Venipede Farfetch'd (Illegal, for Jaw fossil) Tyrunt Hoppip Clefairy Well guys... this update is boring. There's no important trainer between Luna and Samson. And none of the ¿8? trainers in total made me wipe. So to help everyone remember what I have as my pokes, here are some screenshot. Rotation are the pokémon I currently use to beat everything bar the leaders (Swadloon is only here for this gym). Possible are random pokémon I caught, they may be trained or fresh caught (Don't ask me why I have 3 Chansey, I didn't want to free them). Important are those pokémon that featured in at least one gym but where permaboxed since then. So yeah, here's Sanson battle VS Samson: I... lost to f*cking Samson? Isn't he a joke of a gym leader or something? Second try, my plan actually worked and I won, here's an abridged version of it: >Set up Sticky Web >Damage Hariyama with Swadloon so Kadabra can go on a killing spree >Use Murkrow to suicide kill Blaziken >Use Dusclops to Destiny Bond'd Hawlucha >Double team Conkeldurr with Graveler Explosion and Golbat broken Acrobatics. Team: _________________________ Well, you can now vote for Charlotte, and I guess the next update will be longer.
  8. Team Popplio? Someone?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IdleThoughts


      Maybe... I'm not sure if I'll keep any of the Starters end-game tbh.

    3. Deleted User
    4. Drymus


      I'm Team Litten, but one of my university friends is choosing Popplio. You folk are few and far between, it seems...

  9. Actually no, you can get the 7th sticker (enough to go to the 8th floor) just after Noel and pre-El battle, at that point you get access to the South Adventurine woods.
  10. Okay, Im going to catch one. Oh and yeah guys, for now Samson as only 1 vote which is Ducklett, so if you want to do something about that, I would be happy.
  11. Premier Ball for best ball, it's beautiful and even better, FREE.
  12. Hey guys, it's my pleasure to say that the Beta 0.01 is out from today onwards. A little information here: This beta goes as far as Julia, everything after is just normal Reborn. This is a test of the difficulty I'm thinking, if you like it or you want it to be easier/harder, I acept your feedback. I hadn't fully tested it yet, so some trainers may be too difficult or not a challenge at all. So yeah, I'll say also look for the clowns and tell me everything (good AND bad) that you found. Also, I still acept people if you want to help me, don't be shy. The idea is to fix the difficulty and get the general idea going so this mod can be finished not that long after EP16 is out.
  13. Yes, the EV reducing berries are in game, to get it you need to have 7 stickers at least and go to the Pokémon Department Store in Obsidia Ward, they sell them in the 8th floor. For more information on the stickers, you can click here.
  14. I DID IT, KAIZO REBORN IS BORN! (sorry for all caps)

  15. In most cases all the countries are going for the "Life starts at the point where the fetus is conceived". Human thinking goes way deeper, and the choice of who is going to govern you for the next 4 years go as deep too. Will this president fight the other powers so all growth together? What are his/her economical measures? His/her views on the other countries? etc. It doesn't stop on "Hey, he hate gays, insta vote him", also, in the case of this particular US elections, both candidates choice wa the "lesser evil", going hard on that particular point won't make you go anywhere.
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