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  1. Not everyone has winzip or may be comfortable getting it. There are a ton of fake sites with the winzip download. They also might not want to dedicate the space to it especially if all they want is one mon.
  2. While waiting for the next episode, I decided to try a rock monorun! I would love to have a larvitar as my starter. I would be happy with any Larvitar Though if I was being greedy, I would like it to have dragon dance, be adamant nature, shiny, and perfect IVs. I recently discovered that there was in fact a black tyranitar so I am in love with the shiny version in Reborn! I know I sound really needy and greedy but I already have a number of pokemon on my main game with perfect IVs and am currently working on another and just don't feel like going for multiple at the same time. Take your time, don't feel pressure, and thank you in advance for your time. Game.rxdata
  3. Awesome thanks. Just wanted to make sure I was on the right train of thought.
  4. So I decided I want to try a rock type monorun. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a mistake before I tried making multiple profiles. I go find my game.rxdata file, copy it into a safe place (this is my main game). Then I simply restart the game, and continue as planned. If I want to switch back, repeat the process for the monorun and save the game.rxdata file to a safe location. Then I just switch the 2 out whenever I want to play one or the other right?
  5. Well here is something to consider if you haven't already decided. How many teams on reborn do you see with Blaziken, Greninja, Gardevior, magnezone, etc.? I have never really liked to use the most popular picks and I try to use a wide variety of pokemon in Reborn. Example, EVERYONE knows how strong Blaziken is with speed boost and swords dance, its arguably the best pokemon in Reborn. Now how many people do you see sporting their tank Meganium? This game isn't about PVP, so I would encourage you to strike out into the unknown and try adding an odd pick or two. I have at least 20-25 pokemon that I use on rotation.
  6. If you are looking for a dragon, Kingdra is one of your best options in the game and a personal favorite of mine. You can run it physical with ddance, waterfall, outrage, and a coverage move. You can run it special with dragon pulse, surf, then coverage moves. If you want to have a really fun time, make its ability sniper and give it a scope lens and teach it focus energy. 100% crits OP. One of my favorite crit-dra sets is a mixed variant with ddance, waterfall, draco meteor, and focus energy. When this thing gets a ddance then focus energy up, there really isn't much that can stand up to it.
  7. You seem to lack physical defense. Milotic and light screen delphox give you plenty of special defense. So I would recommend a nice bulky wall. HOWEVER! Remember you are not required to only have 6 main pokemon. I have a large number of pokemon I can switch in and out of rotation. Also remember, you are facing AI opponents. So you can choose anyone you would like to have on your team and be just fine. If you had to pick between a mon you want to try and something that is competitively "more viable", have some fun and don't worry about viability! Also if you want an extra challenge, try picking not well known powerhouses.
  8. ... maybe you should just let the OP do it...
  9. That would absolutely suck since all those have already been said. 2 of them multiple times. I can think of a ton of ones not used yet just from gen 1 alone. Caterpie, weedle, oddish, gastly, dratini, pidgey, poliwag, machop, geodude.
  10. I am curious what I would get! I probably will replay it at some point.
  11. So I am completely lost on what I should try to get next. My team is very diverse already but I want to add something else. My team so far Special: Typhlosion, Porygon-z, Kingdra Attack: Staraptor, Tyrantrum, Kabutops, Feraligatr Physical Tank: Sandslash, Dusclops Special Tank: Dragalge If you had this line up, what would you add and why? I was thinking another spec. tank, but Dragalge is just so strong in that regard. I was also thinking of Mismagius, but I obtained the Gastly before the Misdreavous event was changed so now I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  12. As title says, have a pokemon that you are just incredibly proud of? Show it some love and show it off! I was bored waiting for the next episode so I was doing some breeding to get better IVs on some of my pokemon. Eventually I got a near perfect IV Cyndaquil, but I wanted to try to get a perfect IV one so I could have it next time I was breeding a pokemon in the field egg group. I never got the perfect IV because I got something that was so much cooler! My newest member of the team, Cataclysm, the modest nature, SHINY Typhlosion! IV: 31 Hp, 29 At, 31 Def, 28 SpA, 31 Spdef, 31 Speed The IVs are really strong. The 28 SpA seems like a little bit of a bummer, but this IV spread makes hidden power electric type! The only thing better is if the SpA was 30, but who cares about 2 missing IVs when you got an amazing looking shiny? I have hatched 2 other shiny pokemon, but I didn't like the looks of them too much. This most recent shiny though just got me so pumped that I just had to share my good fortune with other reborn players. I can't wait to take it for a spin in the next episode! I am curious to see what others are proud of in their reborn game.
  13. So I was watching a video recently when it said that magma armor and flame body reduce the number of steps needed to hatch an egg. While this effect would not stack in earlier generations, apparently the two abilities will stack with each other. However two pokemon with magma armor will not cause the effect to stack. Is this true in reborn and if so, is it worth using? EDIT: Never mind, I was misunderstanding. It stacks with something called O-power.
  14. Ohh didn't think of that. I used to run a mixed Golduck and Flareon back in the RBY and GSC days. Flareon had crazy hits. If only it was a bit faster or had something like Ddance. Magnezone is epic. But I just used a magneton in a recent play through of FR. Heracross would be nice, Aggron already fills a similar role that Escavalier would. The types were just to help give more ideas of what the team doesn't have. I am not opposed to introducing more of the same type. Maybe a better way to ask is "What do you think would compliment the current roster the best?"
  15. While waiting for new episode releases, I like to breed and level up new additions to my pokemon team. It gives me something to do, keeps me prepared for any challenge and greatly reduces the overleveling potential (yes, I know what common candies do). I really couldn't care less if my pokemon aren't the most competivly viable. I usually try to avoid super popular pokemon (Blaziken for example) since it seems like everyone has one of them. The pokemon in rotation now are as follows. Special Sweepers: Typhlosion, Porygon-z, Kingdra Physical Sweepers: Staraptor, Feraligatr, Tyrantrum. At one point I had a Gyrados, but after it was made unobtainable it went into retirement. Physical Tank/Bulky attacker: Sandslash, Aggron, Torterra Special Tank/Bulky attacker: Dragalge, Dusclops, Throh I am stuck on finding something I want to get next. Types I don't have yet are electric, ice, dark, psychic, bug and fairy. Though even without those types, the team still covers just about everything. A few pokemon in mind are Sceptile (need to trade for a treeko), Avalungg, Altaria, Nidoqueen/king, Heracross, Flareon, Amphros, and Mismagius. What would you add to this roster?
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