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Everything posted by ExoFlashFire

  1. Well crap I wasted my Proteins on the wrong Basculin

  2. -Gleaming Bulwark of Order- Zygarde @ Leftovers Ability: Aura Break EVs: 220 Def / 56 HP / 232 Atk Adamant Nature - Glare - Coil - Earthquake - Dragon Tail/Extreme Speed/ Stone Edge/Outrage For a fast offensive presence from the Dragon/Ground trio(Zygarde, Flygon, Garchomp), Zygarde had the advantage over them with Dragon Dance. However, based on Garchomp's speed, he is used much more than Zygarde, so I aim to do the opposite of that; a bulky set to manipulate it's good base defense. For this, I use glare to paralyze fast and potent sweepers of any sort, which can especially be a pain for DDance users if they don't have a lum berry. Coil raises it's already large defense stat and decent Attack stat. Zygarde serves as a good counter to Talonflame, and will KO it if the opponent uses Roost. Dragon Tail can be used since it lacks Dragon Claw, Extreme Speed to handle already fast threats if they can't be paralyzed or HP is too low to take opposing hits(remember, Zygarde is slow, especially with this EV spread), Stone Edge if switching to a pokemon that checks TFlame is too dangerous to do, and Outrage for sheer power. Best teamed up with wish passers, Heal Bell/Aromatherapy users, special walls, and/or any pokemon that resists ice.
  3. don't touch me I'm startled

    1. Slicster


      Don't touch me I'm sterile.

  4. When I saw Bisharp and Pawnard for the first time, I thought of two word; I WANT. I caught one, bred one, and had sentimental feelings for the Sword Blade Pokemon. I don't care what other people say; this is my favorite Poke,
  5. Shiny Bisharp. I already have shiny Chandelure down, now my favorite Pokemon is what I'm hunting next.
  6. How does one be social.

    1. Summer


      use your mouth and not your eyes to talk

  7. Y'know what, I'm canceling the tourney. Why? Here are some reasons. -It'll take lots of topics, making it harder for other roleplayers to find their own topics that they're roleplaying in he/she hasn't followed it yet. -Explaining about someone who godmods might cause unneeded drama. -Not enough people joined. Okay, that should be it. Sorry for any commotion, and I'll see what I can do in the future if I choose to make another tourney again.
  8. We need two more members to start the tourney. Tell your friends and other roleplaying members to join!
  9. Shiny Geodude used Selfdestruct. Perfect.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vinny


      Who uses damp poliwrath?

    3. Skeleton


      Always have Damp Poliwrath in caves.

    4. ExoFlashFire
  10. Anyone play showdown? I know how most of the members stick to PO tier lists and the server.

    1. Arom


      I had played a lot of it actually. Wanna have a match, mate?

  11. Note to self, smogon banlists differs from PO banlists.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Most communities Banlists do differ. Most of them have their own opinions lol.

  12. MIght as well say this. The people who are in the semifinal seeds recieved a bye, something different than most bracket systems. What is a "bye"? Well, I can set an example. Lets say Flux was against KingMurdoc. The person with a bye will challenge the winner of that battle. This also applies to other competitors and competitors with byes. For now, there aren't any byes, since I just added another member. If you want more information about the system, click https://challonge.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/254697-why-some-participants-go-straight-to-round-2
  13. lel aerilate Pinsir

  14. Gallade- A psychic wannabe for my favorite Poke; Bisharp. Patrat/Poochyena/Zigzagoon//Bidoof/Bunnelsby- THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. I somehow like Rattata and Sentret. Electrode and Voltorb- This is by far the most uncreative evolution line created. Magneton looks hyper-realistic compared to the two "poke-bombs." Whitney's Mitank: I don't hate Miltank, but this MIltank in particular. Rollout on my Quilava and Milk Drink when at red HP was just annoying as hell. Muk and Grimer: Just acid...with a pair pf eyes Fifth gen monkeys except for Pansage/Simisage: The Panpour and Pansear lines aren't of my caliber.
  15. Octillery used Fire Blast! It's super effective! Cue "Meltdown" by Rin Kagamine~
  16. No, just roleplay. I'll try to get a referee up for my fights, while I referee other fights. There'll be a bracket system I'll be creating.
  17. Ah, this would seem interesting~ I would go for Exo Orukous and his trusty Bisharp, Ronin.
  18. Deja Vu (Exo's Gengar)   Gengar (M) @ Gengarite Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Shadow Ball - Sludge Bomb - Disable -Destiny Bond   Y'know, Banded Azumarill, Swords Dance Mega Lucario, and other threats are a pain to deal with. As they can easily KO gengar, two moves can severely affect them. The first move is Destiny Bond. If you know you have safe no switch in to a hazardous Pokemon, you might want to sacrifice Gengar. Yet with blistering speed after Mega Evolution, Gengar can quickly use Destiny Bond and faint; taking it's foe with it. The second is Disable, which is makes Mega Gengar seem omnipotent compared to choice item users, Lets say for example...Specs Keldeo. Since Mega Gengar outspeeds Keldeo, it'll use Disable to take the opponent's locked move and replace it with struggle; something ghost types like Gengar aren't affected by. Feel free to spam Sludge Bomb and Shadow Ball, STAB moves that aid you in some cases. The EV spread was pretty standard, since I want Gengar to hit hard and use Disable/Destiny Knot quickly.
  19. I want to pull off a roleplay for trainers OCs and real pokemon trainers from all regions to face off in a World Tournament styled RP. In short, this'll be an RPF (Role-Play Fight) tourney. Please follow the format below. Legendary pokemon with a BST of 600 and lower can join. -Name -Region(can be made up or not) -Pokemon -Trainer Class RPF rules: http://instagram.com/p/huR_E8AsPl/ Bracket System: http://challonge.com/WorldsRPF REGISTERED MEMBERS -ExoFlashFire- Name: Obsidian Rashu Region: Kanto Pokemon: Aerodactyl, Beedrill, Gallade(Shiny), Blaziken, Staraptor, and Metagross. Trainer Class: Ace Trainer -Flux- Name: Flux Region: Johto Pokemon: Forretress, Noivern, Nidoking, Gengar, Greninja, Shedinja Trainer Class: Mystery Man -Jory- Name: Jory Region: Sinnoh Pokemon: Zangoose, Dragonite, Heliolisk, Gardevoir, Entei, Gyarados Trainer Class: Casual Dude -KingMurdoc- Name: Sarcus Region: Hoenn Pokemon: Salamence, Garchomp, Arcanine, Aggron, Metagross, Latios Trainer Class: Dragon Tamer -Hukuna- Name: Leopold Alexander Region: Kanto Pokemon: Charizard(Shiny/Mega Y), Honchkrow(Shiny), Donphan, Ferrothorn, Greninja, Scizor Trainer Class: Eccentric Gentleman -Subkoopa- Name: Bob Region: Johto Pokemon: Genesect, Volcarona, Heracross, Mega Pinsir, Yanmega, Shuckle Trainer Class: Bug Expert -GrasssSnake485- Reserved -PersonWithBanana9870- -Name: Yuzuki -Region: Kalos -Pokemon: Mawile, Latias, Cradily, Eelektross, Volcarona, Hitmontop -Trainer Class: Furisode Girl
  20. -Name: Jet Orixion -Roleplay Universe: Pokemon trainer roleplay and OC elite four roleplay. -Appearance: Has pitch black hair, hence his name. His eyes are metallic gold, and Jet has a trench coat most of the time, along with gunmetal-colored jeans. Jet always carries a pocket knife he had since he was eight. -Personality: Mature for his age, and quiet as well. Even at the peak of a tension filled moment, he always remains stoic and able to solve the problem quickly with an articulate mind. -Birthdate: April 19, 1993. -Facts: Jet is an elite member of the Oracle League as a steel type trainer. The Oracle League is located in the Oracle Region, famous for it's abundance of wild Rayquaza that seem to take a liking in the isles and mountain ranges. The elite was born in Slateport City, Hoenn, yet his starter was a shiny Karrablast, unlike the usual Torchic, Treeko, and Mudkip starters. 10 years after, Jet and Vanguard, his Escalvalier/ what was once Karrablast, fight against the plethora of trainers, defending the champion from being dethroned of his title.
  21. Sanity, I'll grasp on it for the mean time. It's the essence that keeps me stable. Since I'm using the IPad with limited options and the fact I can't use a scroll bar, I'll do that tomorrow, and I'll just cut up that second picture now. I don't have a computer, so…yeah… *repeatedly autocorrected*
  22. Some people dislike that they're favorite Pokemon is in a low tier, and some of the analyses say that "You shouldn't use ____ unless its for a gimmick team" for his/her favorite poke. Other players, however, dislike smogon because of the banlists might include their favorite pokemon or one that, in the player's perspective, not "Uber." Take Blaziken for example. It can be countered by Talonflame, Slowbro, Salamence, and Latias, yet it's banned anyway because of it's sheer power, forcing the player to have at least one of those pokes. While some smogon players like me think its fair, others think it's stupid.
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