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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by iowayshay

  1. This is a whole new Reborn isn't it, I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Shay and I've missed this game and site very much. Hello new friends.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexagoen


      Hiya shay!


      reborn sims was p cool. only one episode released since your absence, i myself have been on and off here, but welcome back!

    3. ZEL


      Things I (and apparently everyone else) will never forget: Reborn Sims
      Welcome back!

  2. Hello you beautiful bunch of people, it sure has been awhile. 

  3. eeeehhhh guys i wrote a blogpost and shared it but now im scared people might actually read it and what if its bad

  4. whut is pixelmon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iowayshay
    3. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Pixelmon is a mod for minecraft where you have random pokemon spawn which you can catch train etc etc. basically pokemon in minecraft

    4. iowayshay


      oh, weird. lets do it.

  5. so, has reborn changed a lot since i disappeared? like, should i start a new game?

    1. Red_Chaos
    2. Red_Chaos


      but keep your old to

    3. Fumble


      I don't think there's been an new update after you left, Shay. E15 came out in June, and you left around August~

  6. yoooo Rejuv is fun af but where tf is the odd key tho...

  7. Ugh. Just had to block someones phone number for the first time...

    1. Hexagoen


      On skype? Or irl? Cause stalkers are always on skype. If its in irl, and you do not know the person, it was the best decision to block their number. Same for skype, so just be careful out there~

    2. iowayshay


      nah, irl, i technically knew him but not very well. i never use skype, lol.

  8. Whoop hi guys, thanks 4 the welcomes. Pokemon is hard.

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Well, if you want to strategize your team, yeah it is, but if not, then should be a piece of cake!

  9. i should really catch up on Reborn...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tringus


      Agreed. (This also goes with Rejuvenation for me. XD)

    3. Arkhi


      Welcome back.

    4. Mikzal


      Welcome back, Shay

  10. yeeee my tumblr url is djinntrouble, gimmie ur url so i can follow u ok thnx

  11. hey kid, wats ur tumblr url?..

    1. Aishi



      wats urs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      Too much armor. Needs cutting back.

    3. Magus


      Looks light enough to move fast with no hindrance to agility.

    4. AuthorReborn


      That armor probably has great defensive stats just by the look of it.

  12. Also for all of you who were wondering what it would look like if sim Samson had a son with sim Disney princess Pocahontas here you go. .... *drool slowly floods the room*
  13. im sad again. :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TRHStatement


      Just go to the Funny picture thread. Then sleep. Then eat away all you troubles. Repeat process until happiness has returned

    3. iowayshay


      i love bulbasaur.

    4. Juniper


      Bulbasaur loves YOU! 0_0

  14. why does everyone hate me why do i have bronchitis why is life so awful my throat hurts why wont bae respond to my texts why is my cat so annoying. Tune in again at 10 for more complaining.

    1. Juniper
    2. Magus


      I have bronchitis ain't nobody got time fo dat

  15. Managed to get a shiny Fennekin AND a shiny spoink on my psychic monotype, and I havent done any soft resets. Yeeeee

  16. oh shit 4got to post new GG 1 sec.

  17. Y'all so impatient I swear. *clears throat* GG's humanized makeover! kinda going for a professional type of look. Probably gonna put her in the detective career again. Maybe have her look into this whole situation a bit. It helps that her good friend Luna just happens to work as the hired help in the Savage mansion.
  18. I tried to post like 13 times yesterday but the site wasnt working, BUT I TRIED, I SWEAR.

    1. Vinny


      No don't mention you're gonna jinx it nooooooo

    2. iowayshay


      o sorry.

      but i post now so its there 5ever.

  19. Ok so im changing GG's look up a lot and sort of humanizing her because I want her to fit into the storyline better dont be mad kthnx

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