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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by iowayshay

  1. Hi! I'm Shay. I haven't actually been on in several months...but I'm here now! So Welcome! #pigswag <- haha what is this I've never seen this before.
  2. Maybe less about myself yeah, but I could never stop caring about my friends. not that I would ever admit that to them out loud
  3. I much prefer the whole energy beings thing. Didn't Oak or someone say something about Pokemon becoming healthier by battling? Like even if they lose? It's like they have to battle. It's part of what keeps them going and makes them alive. But yeah, I'd probably be a coordinator/breeder, and I would take my Glaceon and my Venusaur with me everywhere I went. :3
  4. It does sound really interesting actually. Probably tough to deal with though. It's hard when you have something "wrong" with you that isn't clearly visible. Nobody ever takes you seriously. They just think you're an asshole or something. Tell you you need to "change your attitude..." You wouldn't tell someone who was missing an arm to change thier attitude, but if someone's brain doesn't function right it's all thier fault... Or maybe that's just me. Idk. *end rant* I hope you all had a nice weekend. Btw, the picture in your signature made me laugh for way too long.
  5. Hmm. Interesting topic. Kinda cool how messed up we all are. I have severe depression, I have to take 5 pills a day and see a psychiatrist because I managed to land myself in a psyche ward. It's pretty much under control now though. My doctor also thinks I have Attention Deficit, which I don't really doubt. He wants to put me on meds, but I'm taking so many already so he isn't sure yet...idk... Other than that I'm normal! If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is Asperger's Syndrome?
  6. Many thanks you. Will do, Weavilesnowmaster Kyra. I may have already signed my soul away. I believe the contract was written on a napkin... But yeah. No worries. :3
  7. Thanks for the warm welcomes. I feel welcomed. Welcome is a funny word.
  8. Thanks! :3 On a semi-unrelated note, that moment when someone DCs on Battle Spot because they know they're gonna lose. -.-
  9. Thank you Tenshine. And yes, of course they do. Haven't you ever seen Meerkat Manor? It's like Gossip Girl, but better because all of the cast members are meerkats. Ayyyy, thanks for the welcome gurl. May your jimmies also remain un-rustled.
  10. All riiiight. Sounds magic, my man. I am so jazzed. I will pray for your Sneasel.
  11. Wats gud. I am a young lady and my name is Shay. I am new-ish here. I've sorta been popping in and out of the forums around here for a little while, but I haven't actually introduced myself. So yeah. Pokemon Reborn is a magnificent creation. Great game. 10/10. Bravo. I haven't actually finished it yet but I don't need to I know it's perfect no spoilers plz. If you can't tell I'm a forum noob. I don't even completely understand how forums work. I've never had a forum that I regularly visited, but I've found myself returning to these ones a lot lately. Probably because ya'll like Pokemon, and I like Pokemon... It's like were brothers. But closer. Anyway, I am kind of a nerd. Like, 49% black, 50% white and 40% giant nerd. That's all fine and dandy, but the thing is my friends are NOT giant nerds they're like, 60% white, 13% black, 78% flaming homosexual male, 10% bad bitch... Anyway you get the point. Did I mention I failed my last math class? I don't have people to talk about "nerd" stuff (namely Pokemon) with. Like none. I just have to hold it all in. I hatched a shiny Eevee the other day and I was beyond ecstatic, guess who I shared my overwhelming glee with? That's right. No one. And that is not healthy. It's not healthy to hold in your glee. Idk if you should give people the opportunity to introduce themselves like this cause I can talk about myself forever. I think I will. *pulls easy chair up to the podium* Anywaaaaaaays... I really like some video games, I'm not like a HUGE GAMER or anything but there are certain games I will just play for DAYS. (Like Pokemon, lol duh). I try to stay hip with the new fresh nerd crowd as best as I can. I've watched Doctor Who, I've experienced the magic of Sherlock, I'm totes up to date on what's happening with Twitch Plays Pokemon. Etc. My cats are my life. I love MLP, I read books, andIstillhaveaneopetsaccountpleasedonttellanyoneohmygod. I'm into all artsy junk. singing, dancing, performing in general. I love acting particularly. But I'm REALLY into dinosaurs. Not really JUST dinosaurs but like, Earth Science. Ancient Earth Science. Pretty much anything kickass natural thing that happened a hella long time ago is cool to me. Sometimes the thought of how goddamn cool dinosaurs and shit are is literally the only thing that gets me up in the morning. I don't think you understand. I can be crying in bed unable to move in a dangerous state of abysmal depression, but goddammit if my Earth Science class is starting soon you bet your bottom dollar I will be there. Front row. With questions I've prepared for the professor after the lecture. I hope it's okay if I curse. I do that. I have a huge crush on Jeff Goldblum yeah I know he's in his 60s shut up idc he is my everything, and it's not just because he was in J Park. (Although I do admit he was just, oh my god. I can't. Ugh. He was so beauti-okay I'm done.) I also just think he's overall a very underated actor. Don't act like you didn't love Cats & Dogs more than life, because I DID. Also he plays jazz piano. Wow I actually just wrote a whole paragraph about that. I also really love to draw, and I think I'm pretty damn decent at it and I am not afraid to admit that. In fact. BOOM. Four meerkats enjoying apple martinis. If that doesn't sum me up in one image I don't know what will. I'm always happy to receive constructive criticism of course, not exactly on THIS since its kinda old and I just drew it cause my friend dared me to but...yeah! I'm always looking to get better! I guess regular criticism is fine too since you can't see me crying through the internet.... Anyway I should probably wrap this up before I remember something else that none of you really need or care to know about me. Hopefully you don't hate me too much. If you'd like to file a restraining order in advance please let me know so I can add you to the list. IN CONCLUSION. Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, cause' I will always be Jenny from the block. *drops mic*.
  12. Yo I love fillin' out junk like this.   [b]Trainer's Name(s):[/b] Shay (I have literally never played as a male. Idk why.) [b]Ever "caught 'em all":[/b ]No.... [b]Games Played:[/b] Yellow, Fire Red, Emerald, Heart Gold, Diamond, Platinum, Colosseum, X, Black, White 2, (is Battle Revolution a spin off or regular game?...)  [b]Spin-off games played:[/b] Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, Ranger, many rom hacks and fan made games, and Snap of course... [b]Any TCG decks:[/b] Nooooope [b]Favorite Generation for Pokémon:[/b] Probably 3, but 6 is totally blowing my mind tbh. [b]Favorite Generation for Games:[/b] 3! [b]Favorite Game:[/b] Emerald, but X has been sooooo much fun too. [b]Favorite Spin-off game:[/b] The Mystery Dungeon Games! :3 [b]Pokémon that needs to exist:[/b] Uh. Idk. Maybe a new flying starter/one that evolves into a flying type, like Charizard. [b]Pokémon that needs to not exist:[/b] Jynx is an embarrassment to ice types. [b]Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc):[/b] Breeeeeder. Or a professor. OR BOTH. [b]Currently Playing:[/b] Zeta and Reborn [b]Favourite Pokémon:[/b] Glaceon, Bulbasaur, and Amaura  [b]Favourite Starter: [/b] Bulbasaur and Mudkip [b]If you could have anything for a starter: [/b] I guess, an Eevee maybe. But honestly I'd also be fine with a Bulbasaur...or a Mudkip... [b]Favourite Pokémon Song: [/b] Viridian City is my jam. [b]Favourite Kanto Leader/E4:[/b] uuuhhh. Koga I guess? [b]Favourite Johto Leader/E4: [/b] Morty! [b]Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: [/b] WALLACE. AND JUAN. I LOVE THEM BOTH. SO MUCH. [b]Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4:[/b] Roark is adorbz<3 I really like Candice too though... [b]Favourite Leader/E4 overall:[/b] Wallace. Wallace is best trainer. [b]Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon:[/b] I liked contests, I still do! If I had to be a pokemon I think I'd want to belong to an amazing coordinator. [b]Favourite Pokémon Movie:[/b] tbh i really only remember the first one. .-. [b]Favourite Animé Episode:[/b] I think the episode where Ash's Bulbasaur finds that forest full of Bulbasar and that Venusaur is like the ruler tht was a good episode. [b]Favourite Type:[/b] Ice. (and Fairy type also gives me life.) [b]Favourite Strategies:[/b] Uh...win? [b]Favourite Characters:[/b] WALLACE. Steven, Brock, James, AND THAT GUY WITH THE CACTURNE I DONT REMEMBER HIS NAME BUT OMG I LOVED HIM SO MUCH I WATCHED EVERY EPISODE HE WAS IN HE WAS LIKE MAY'S RIVAL OR SOMETHING AND HE HAD THAT CACTURNE AND HIS OUTFIT WAS FANTASTIC OMG I NEED TO GO WATCH ONE OF THOSE EPISODES NOW BYE.
  13. OMG I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I'M CRYING RIGHT NOW CONGRATS. *lays on ground and rolls out of thread while sobbing*
  14. I...I-'m so sorry. My pokemon. Too over-leveled. No pokeballs. Please understand. Luckily I've always known what shinies are, because I wasn't allowed to play video games until i was 13 and I got two stepbrothers with Gameboys.
  15. Oooh this is way cool. Way too lazy to think up movesets though. XD I guess I would probably have an ice type gym. No idea where though. Some town with a science lab where you can resurrect fossils! Gym Leader: Shay Master of the Ancients Type: Ice Badge: Glacier Badge TM: Avalance Avalugg Glaceon Froslass Mamoswine Aurourus Mega Abomasnow BOOM. That was fun. Post another.
  16. Art! Yay! That's a mighty fine Trevenant you've drawn there. Mind if I share? I drew this not too long ago after my friends and I had an extensive conversation about what Pokemon we would be. I'm the Glaceon. :3
  17. My first encounter was a Shuppet in Diamond I believe. And i killed it on accident. My next encounter was a shiny Buizel in Black though, and I still have him! His name is Ladyboy. My other shinies are ones I've bred. Except for 3 days ago when I got a Bold, Marvel Scale, 6IV shiny Feebas via wondertrade. I cried. Whoever was on the other end of that trade will forever be my valentine.
  18. Wait i can be black i am black how do i be black i would like to be black plz thank you.
  19. Yo momma so ugly she gave my darkrai nightmares. Yo momma so stupid when I tried to explain Pokemon to her she hurt herself in her confusion. I just checked yo momma's stats and her ability is Thick Fat. ... boom.
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