Lol, the magazine thing is super cheeky, I think it's hilarious. It definitely doesn't fit in though. Like, even though its allegedly sitting on a table in thier house, i still don't think of it as real. Like, there's not really a Dragon Tamer Monthly magazine in Reborn, and if it is it's not porn, and if it is porn, I genuinely cannot see Saphira ever participating in something like that. It just doesn't suit her character at all.
If anything I see the magazine as sort of breaking the fourth wall for the sake of a joke, and I'm honestly fine with that. lol.
But overall, I love Saphira's character, I'm super excited to learn more about her, i feel like right now were only getting that one fiercely protective dimension of her, but there's DEFINITELY room for so much more depth there and I'm hyped.