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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by iowayshay

  1. Is anyone else here a simmer or am I really the only one?...

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  2. Huh...I don't see it. Honestly I'd be all about a buff Macklemore too. Yum. Bodybuilding is a front, all Samson really wants is a successful rap career. Yeah yeah, I'll try to stop being greedy with Taka... I'l TRY. Still gotta finish Cal and Blake tho~ stahp it they're just sims its no big deal omg why u always make me blush so rude :feelsgd:
  3. So does Vinny have to run for the title of himself again in 4 years

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  4. HAPI BURRDAAAYYY :feelsgd: :feelsgd: :feelsgd:
  5. LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, BINARY AND NON-BINARY, GATHER AROUND AND WELCOME THE AGATE CIRCUS TRIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *cough* Right. Disclaimer, when it comes to these guys accuracy is a very distant goal. They have very unique designs, so try to remember that these sims are Reborn INSPIRED and are my own personal interpretations. That being said, the main challenge was obviously hair. Samson actually gave me the most trouble because holy crap his hair is ridiculous, honestly I just did my best to find a decent shade of brown, and In my opinion he is...well...stunning to say the least. Just wait until you see his back muscles... *heavy breathing* .... Okay, well, now that that's out of the way. Ciel my darling, take the stage! and now, the big chucklehead you've all been waiting for, Ms. Terra Pierce. I certainly hope you aren't disappointed. alright! That's all for tonight folks! We sincerely hope you enjoyed the show! Donations of all kinds are gladly accepted, particularly donations of the b00ty.
  6. I wasn't excited to make Samson at all like it was just gonna be a chore and then i remembered that i really like muscles

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  7. If Terra Pierce wants to wear a giant purple pimp hat and dollar sign earrings, who am I to stop her?

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  8. I think I'm just gonna let Terra pick out her own clothes...

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  9. Terra will be fun to play. She's batshit insane. :D

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  10. Well, technically they aren't dating or anything, so I don't think Aya really cares. Cain was really just goin for a one night thing with this one. Patience child...
  11. Titania is there, but she's been a little busy. She is currently pursuing a career as a secret agent. Don't tell her I told you that. Julia is just kinda...hanging out. Not sure what she wants to do with her life just yet. She does a lot of jogging though. That's fair. Aging is off for now then! But don't worry, Cain's child will still be born.
  12. Okay, so i THINK i've updated the first post with every sim. Correct me if I'm wrong?

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  13. Cain does not waste time. He's not getting any younger. Speaking of aging, should I just turn aging off for Reborn land or do yall want to see everybody get old and crusty? If anyone has kids or anything we can still age them up whenever we want. i mean, IF that happens. *cough*
  14. I want a title too, can i be the centaur unicorn princess?

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pocky


      do i get any political favor prizes? like coupons?

    3. iowayshay


      if u vote me ur princess i will let u pick what happens in RebornSimtopia for one post.

      unless it has anything to do with taka because he is my betrothed.

    4. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      I like turtles.

  15. Back at Fiore manor, Rini has been working hard on creating her perfect garden... Guys I'll be honest i'm having fun with this.
  16. I have a bucket of chocolate chip cookie dough in my fridge if anyone is feelin the cookies but not feelin the political changes.
  17. I'm not really sure why Vinny needs a replacement. How about you just be the Sneasel guy or something? :3

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    1. AuthorReborn


      In Sims or in Reborn?

    2. iowayshay


      hopefully both.

    3. Vinny


      Hori kills fern confirmed

  19. i kno something u dont knoooow huehuehue

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  20. okay since Zeta obviously cannot wait any longer. shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade SHAAAAADE I hope he is adequate. I worked with what I had. as for his convo with GG that is completely up to your own interpretation because I honestly don't know.
  21. lol wats a streem

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    1. Meruem


      idK like twitch, google it

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