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  1. You can play with the controller,but first you need a working keyboard to set it up. On my laptop I am using a "ps2 controller look alike" with JoyToKey ver 3.7.4 (an older version). Here is how the settings look like : http://imageshack.com/a/img673/9910/Rzl6uC.png
  2. Hello. Voted for: 1.Episodic 2.A mild balance between the two What makes a RPG (or any rpg-likes games) really good is not a complex story,instead its the characters of that given game. Lets see - 2d turn-based tactical RPG and Hell vs Heaven theme. Keep the story simple and follow what you have in mind till end (maybe with multiple endings or not,depends of the desire of the player not the storyteller). Since the player will a have party (its not fun to be alone ) and for example having a choice to save a innocent angel from an evil demon or helping said demon to kill the the angel,well depending on the choice you will have a new member to your squad.Your party members could have some relationship with each other or with the player and could affect some parts of the story,but it would be intresting to see it since the game would be in a episodic format (dont see why it shouldn't).The player doesnt need to have full control over the story,only needs to enjoy it. Anyway I am rambling and imagining some stuff.Whatever the game will be,I'll support and play it.Ok,bye for now
  3. "Critical hit rate increases by one stage if an attacker is faster than its target" Will it be +3=100%(gen6) or +4=50%(gen2-5)?
  4. Should be. Ok,finished ep12.And we get the HM.... :Kappa:
  5. Hell yeah! They are fixed for sure
  6. Not correctly at all.Check the data folder for townmap (dat file),its removed (it should not do that) after you hit playtest...
  7. The downloaded pokemon reborn game doesnt include the PBS folder (which is used in the rpg maker xp),so you cant hit that play test button (so only ame/others can give you those files.....).But,you can test it by loading the game normaly. Also if you want to learn about rpg maker xp+pokemon essentials,then check the wiki ( http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Essentials_Wiki) and then forum ( http://www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=244 ).And if you need more help,feel free to pm me.
  8. Also,why the heck is an Arceus sealed away in the first place? To keep the anwser short and not looking in all the main points of the story (to make sense to them),its not even an Arceus.
  9. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノGIFF MILOTIC OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  10. Do it.Arcanine still destroys the poor bird. Actually,dont implent all this crazy stuff,cuz stuff like nuzlocke run will be impossible to do.Just saying.xD
  11. Well when I played Reborn for the first time,I kept walking to the west there and I knew there was "a room",but I didnt know whats there(but I really wanted to know )...
  12. Yup its the second one and hm flash can't be used in that place.xD
  13. Yep like that one,but its too dark to see it or even know where you are walking.
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