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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Simon

  1. No it isn't possible for Episode 15. For future reference, check the Obtainable Pokemon chart and the Pokémon Location Guide v3 (Episode 15).
  2. ok, this was unexpected lol. good job on mde's EDIT: And you forgot Swims and Kyoyo :[[
  3. I hope the rumor that the Steam Summer Sale happening later on today is true.

  4. Looks like we're back.

  5. ♫ Uhh.. uhh Good morning! ♫

  6. Only Pokemon Reborn as it says in the thread title.
  7. The better question is: Will Lebron stay in Cleveland or return to Miami? If Lebron stays, K-Love will stay most likely. Otherwise, he'll leave imo.
  8. Yes, you can obtain starters with their Hidden Ability. EDIT: Moved to Reborn City.
  9. Congrats to Cleveland Cavaliers!

  10. shit I'm late. Happy birthday Inuki :]]
  11. Watch this video by Lostelle.
  12. It's still there in Blackview City. There's a certain tile near the port where you need a Gourmet Treat in order for the encounter to happen.
  13. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-60438 won, gg. Sorry about the misses.
  14. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-58154 Was winnable on my part but Pokemon being Pokemon. That being said, Hushie played well imo. ggs man.
  15. Since the creator hasn't been on the forums for a couple of months now, I'm just gonna lock it til they return/PM to unlock it.
  16. Happy birthday Maria. Definitely enjoyed talking to you occasionally during the Redemption League as well as now for Nations being on the same team. Hope you enjoy your birthday. i expected ody to make this thread lul
  17. Happy birthday Scarlet. Haven't really interacted with you much, but from what I can tell, you seem like a swell guy and member of the forums. Hope you enjoy your b-day.
  18. You can still join. Just post in this thread instead of here: PokeNations 2: Sign Up Thread
  19. This adorable little guy is my signature mon.
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