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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Its fine, we all make mistakes, I do alot. If you want the Abra, you can either go back a Episode or wait til later on in the game.
  2. Yea, and hopefully a mod can move this to the correct location.. probably On The Hunt or Reborn City.
  3. Simon


    No, as far as I know.
  4. Yea, I agree. It would be creepy if its some random legendary like Deoxys.
  5. Probably not a Mawile since we can already encounter wild ones.. same goes for Zoroark considering there is a Zorua event. Like other people said, its probably one of the pixie legendaries, most likely Celebi since that area was affected by time and Celebi is known to time travel.
  6. Heh heh, Jogglybuff. Overall, Clefable is a better poke over Wigglytuff and you can get a Jigglypuff later, unlike the Clefairy line.
  7. See ya around man.
  8. Ah okay, forgot that it was two separate locations.
  9. I thought there was another Pyrous Mountain gate..
  10. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8379 <- That thread may have some listed in there that you may have missed.
  11. Not for the kids in my Game Design class, they raged so hard when they faced Shelly's Yanmega. Heck, some of them rage quitted at Julia. Yea, moves like Fire Blast, Explosion, Hurricane, Twister, etc. could also nullify it.
  12. I noticed ~senpai (jk) I actually liked the idea of it, would make Shelly more of a challenge.. e.e What moves would cancel/temporarily nullify the field effect?
  13. Since we're most likely facing Terra aka "WHAT THE F*CK IS A PHYSICS?!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR b000ty", maybe she could have been the one who has Inversed. - shrugs -
  14. AP Calculus exam tomorrow.. :c

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tacos


      I feel excited since I'm in geometry and recognized tangent lines!!!! Good luck, I'm sure your Calc Senpai will be very pleased with your efforts ^_^

    3. Magus


      Have fun, took mine on the 7th and feel pretty solid on it

    4. Arkhi


      Your sine is pi over 2, because you are the ___

      Good luck

  15. Yush, the accomplishment unlocked :] And, wow o.o I found the Battle Dome to be the easiest for me xD. That's pure evil.
  16. e.e Battle Factory all over again - shudders - I always faced a team that countered mine so well back in RSE so I never got to face Noland :L
  17. Wow, thanks. I shall see the glory at its finest EDIT: TOO MUCH GLORY
  18. e.e My game lags way more when its raining, can't do that.. But yea, I like the idea and Rose gave a good suggestion of giving a use for Castform besides rotting - er.. I mean relaxing in my PC.
  19. Simon

    Sneaky Little Onix

    I believe the house was the one the Whismur used to be in. As goes for event triggering, all I know is that I got it work during the night when I went back to the hiker, talked to him, went into the house and talked to a salesman saying he was looking for someone to purchase the house, and then I went back to the Hiker to inform him of this, and then I had to go back to the house and the Hiker thanked me by giving me a Onix. I should take a picture of it.. but I'm lazy. EDIT: Dammit it, I'm not.. but I was too lazy to crop it xD Sorry. House The Salesman Guy
  20. Or a 2ds.. no love for the 2ds ;-;
  21. Quack.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Catilena1890


      I happened XD

    3. Vinny


      What in the actual fuck? I mean.. I...




    4. Catilena1890


      Embrace the insanity Vinny. Embrace it!

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