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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I swore they also talked about El being a Elite 4 member e.e
  2. It should spawn as an event pokemon on the beach during the rain, maybe a thunderstorm. I believe it spawns at a location on the route to the Apophyll Cave.
  3. It looks pretty solid (literally). I don't think you really need Freeze-Dry due to Water having so many weakness and you probably would have pokemon who can use those super-effective type moves.
  4. e.e I would comment, but pretty much gutten and Vinny stated what needs to be said. Depending on the ability of the Aggron will make those moves useful :]
  5. That's odd.. I don't remember most of the stuff, to be honest. I guess the best thing would be to watch shofu's playthrough that he did of it, or wait for someone else to answer. It could be a bug, but I don't know.
  6. Try going to the far north-right part of 7th Street and see if anything new happens. You may even see someone familiar..
  7. What is your current moveset for Aggron so I can see which moves should be added. There are alot of better moves Aggron can learn than Rollout..
  8. o_o Do we really need Amethyst for this? It doesn't seem like that big of an isssue, yet. Try it when it is rainy and windy. Might as well look for it on my alt run. brbz EDIT: Lulz, deleted it and forgot about that.
  9. Dat nerco'd. And yes, it was pretty damm hard, but a occasional challenge is always interesting.
  10. Was it only raining or raining and windy? Maybe the weather conditions are different, idunno.
  11. Finally beat Amaria... Lum Berry on my Garchomp :]

    1. Vinny


      Good one mate! And remember: If everything fails, give everything a Focus Sash ^^

    2. Simon


      I tried it before, I think it was the 3rd time. Still got destroy'd.

    3. Shamitako


      I've done that before... It failed

  12. No, it wouldn't. However, to keep the same save file, you need to go your Saved Games->Pokemon Reborn folder on your computer and take the filer "Game.rxdata". http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/save.html <- If you need more help to find it. EDIT:
  13. If you really want Riolu, you can always go back an episode to get it as well as other pokemon. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7756&hl=%2Bepisode+%2Blink#entry136630 <- That's the link to the forum that has it. Go to Post #7 and make sure you deposit all 6th pokemon in your party into the PC. Also, if you're using the new sprite, you'll be invisible.
  14. Sometimes, I went to the bottom pier walkway instead of the top one, maybe that happened with you? If not, then there must be another condition then.
  15. Yea, as far as we know, there is no new sticker this episode. I did go back some episodes to get the Chrysolia sticker again, so now I have access to the almighty floor of Evolutionary Stones.
  16. Oh, I thought they would just implode if that occurred. Darn.
  17. Make Fern face himself in a battle.
  18. The pickup table is Episode 12. Some of those items, like the Blasting Powder, isn't in the chart for Episode 11. So yes, you won't be getting some of those items as depicted in the table. Anyways, the higher level pokemon with pickup are the Pachirisu in the South Aventurine Forest (like Shushup said) and Dedenne in Tanzan Cove.
  19. Nope, got replaced by Noibat. If you want to get Golbat, go back to the Byxbysion Tunnels or go back to an older episode.
  20. Simon

    Byxbysion Tunnels

    ._. I was right the first time? crud.
  21. Simon

    Byxbysion Tunnels

    I'mma check which color it should be tho, brbz. EDIT: Checking again.. and it was blue xD
  22. Simon

    Byxbysion Tunnels

    Don't you also how to turn all the "glowy-thingys" to a certain color, which is red? I feel so stupid for getting what those things were xD
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