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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yea, I've noticed it as well. Not sure if this belongs here or Troubleshooting.. e.e
  2. Simon

    Pick up table?

    I remember Amethyst said something about this.. I'll look for it.. EDIT: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7903&hl=pick Go to Post #7 if you want to see what she says.
  3. Make it more of a challenge for yourself then
  4. XD I can't believe I forgot that.
  5. Meh, wasn't that interesting to me as the other gym leaders, to be honest. I honestly didn't care as much xD
  6. Yep, this. I believe the pokemon that is appears as were Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Zangoose, Starly, and Murkrow.
  7. Been watching Black Bullet, actually liking it~

    1. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      lolis are humanity's last hope

    2. Simon


      e.e Wasn't that the name of the 1st episode?

  8. Its windy, try to search on a clear day. And its fine, I encountered it before I faced Shelly and just caught it after I remembered about it a couple of days ago.
  9. Hm, that's odd. What is the current weather/time you're in?
  10. Try the morning then.. if not, just watch this video: Pokemon Reborn: ZORUA (and Murkrow) - YouTube It may be outdated, but it still shows everything that should occur. Skip a bit ahead since he catches Murkrow first.
  11. Er.. I actually did this event awhile ago. You encounter him at first during a windy night, but then you find him throughout all the alleyways during a clear morning/day.
  12. Yes, if you bring a Helix Fossil to the guys in 7th Street, talking to one of them will start a side-quest that you can do.
  13. Woah, that sounds pretty challenging e.e Good luck. I'm guessing you'll exclude battles like the Garchomp and Arceus, or will you make it a goal to beat them?
  14. That's great and good luck with showdown, I stopped going there cause of the lag at times.
  15. Item Maniacs are just people who play more for certain items (ex: Big Mushrooms).
  16. Unless you have the Dull Key, you can't open the gate to the Scraggy Event. Either that, you can go back to a older episode and get it.
  17. Oh, then you should have already went through there.. either that or I'm wrong, probably the second option. I'mma check myself since I'm currently in that area. EDIT: Yep, just checked, I was right about that. If you know where the Grand Gate is, just go left once you go inside and follow the path. It should be pretty clear to follow it Also, here's a pic of the area (My god, I forgot to rid of the white space e.e )
  18. That's later on the game that you'll be getting to that place. I believe it leads to a place called Citae Arc-D'Astrae.
  19. Its the right place, don't worry. Um, the key to open that back room is the Yureyu Key, which you get it after you defeated Noel, I think. (If I'm wrong, someone correct me xD )
  20. That's good ^^, I generally just try to catch the pokemon and breed it since I'm done with the game xD
  21. Haha, I got on my third try. Don't worry, it shall learn to like ya ^^
  22. Yepz, it has a 10% chance to appear. Just keep trying xD Source -> http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866
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