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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Its available during the morning and daytime, with a higher chance to be found during the daytime. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866 <- Source
  2. It doesn't? Oh well - shrugs - Learn something new every day ^^
  3. Budew can be found on the wall between Peridot and Lapis Ward. You need a Rose Incense for it to appear, which can be found from the woman at that little "park" at the Peridot Ward or can be bought at Lapis Ward Floral Shop. I believe it has to be clear daytime(?) for it to appear, maybe sunny/windy as well.
  4. If necessary, I/others can help as well.
  5. Not that far, really. You get it as soon as you get rid of the Tangrowth in Beryl Ward and gain full access to the ward.
  6. - cough - Make a new one Vinneh - cough -
  7. Yea, the level range is random for muk at the Wasteland. You can look here to see the range: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866
  8. Actually, there is a thread for TMs and HMs: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=4094
  9. Budgeting isn't really necessary lol, but always recommended as you don't want to run out of cash ever, especially in this game. Yea, I generally sell my mushrooms just for quick cash. I found a Balm Mushroom surprisingly and got 25k.
  10. You're correct, its not there anymore. That should be changed.
  11. Someone found Pumpkaboo at a time other than nighttime? That's odd, it should be only found during nighttime..
  12. Simon

    Im bored

    Oh, never knew that. I'mma try it out.
  13. Yea, because it would make earning money easier, they're most likely won't be appearing in Reborn, unfortunately. But let's see what Amethyst has to say if she sees this.
  14. Over leveling is an option, but not recommended. If you have a solid enough team, Flo-bot should be a breeze. If you need help with your team, just make a topic on Team Showcase so others can assist you.
  15. Simon

    Im bored

    Nice, but I would wait til the next episode to ressurect those fossils as some people, including myself, have had issues with the scientist who does the resurrection and has had our fossils die. I believe Amethyst said that it has been fixed for Episode 12, so it's only an issue for the current one.
  16. Simon

    Im bored

    Yea, he's in the wild. It just has a low appearance percentage. You can look at this to see the appearance percentage for it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866
  17. Simon

    Im bored

    Yep, its Farfetch'd and Chyrsolia Forest.
  18. Simon

    Im bored

    Er.. now that I think about it, this should belong in this topic: Ask Your Questions: Quests And Pokemon/Item Locations Nevertheless, I'll still answer your question. Go back to 7th Street, and if you remember the building where the weird guy that looked like El was standing in front of, that building should be available to go into.
  19. Simon

    Im bored

    Yes, just search around that area during night and you'll eventually find a path that wasn't there before. If you can remember those trees, maybe the surprise will still be there, not entirely sure. If not, just try again. The guy Ark was talking is completely different from the guy on 7th Street, whereas this guy gives a Linkstone for a regular rare candy, not the "Rare Candy" you traded for the Piplup.
  20. Simon

    Im bored

    I remember doing this, if you give him a regular rare candy, he'll give you a linkstone for it. He then later on complains how it wasn't the "Rare Candy" he was looking for.
  21. Simon

    Im bored

    There's alot to do the woods, from the Joltik event during a clear night to catching Heracross/Pinsir in the South Aventurine Woods. With the spider webs/logs that block your way, you'll notice there is a odd looking tree. If you go up to the tree and have honey, something will occur if you wait awhile And to answer your question about Mysidia Railcave, its back in Chyrsolia Forest but can only be found during a windy night.
  22. People who want to get rid of unwanted EVs / increase a pokemon's happiness.
  23. To answer your questions on Shuckle and Blitzle: Shuckle just takes awhile to get, make sure to Rock Smash the rocks at the Apophyll Beach Training Grounds, and Blitzle is not yet implemented. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866 <- This topic will show you the appearance rates for Shuckle. To answer your question about that house, it used to be an event for Togepi, but was removed. EDIT: Ninja'd ._.
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