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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yes, most people, if not all, know about this as this was a new feature added.
  2. Simon

    Im bored

    There's alot you can still do, from the Yureyu Key to side stuff like Ark said. You can also try to fill your pokedex if you're into that.
  3. Er.. I'll give it a shot. I was on this website for awhile now, since Episode 9, I believe.. but didn't feel like coming on to the forums. Anyways, I registered this account on February 1st and started to play this game more and more. I saw people talking about "league" and I was thinking they were just talking about LoL. But when I found out that it was actually a Pokemon League with the Reborn Leaders, I was intrigued. I'm decent when it comes to battling, and have alot to learn. I'm glad I did this as I got to meet alot of new people ^^
  4. Nope, maybe later on when we get enough stickers at the Department Store or something else.
  5. Okay, I got the image now if you need to know what it looks like. And thanks Espy, I can't believe I forgot the name of it :T
  6. Not sure if that's the correct one..but okay that's good. I'll just put a picture of the area as soon as I'm done defraggin my laptop.
  7. Saphira was the purple-haired chick, the cave was in Tanzan Mountain (I can't remember the exact name of the area). I remember that if you kept going straight, you went to the South Aventurine Woods.
  8. Remember when you went to go look for Saphira and she came out of a certain cave? If so, go back to that one.
  9. Haha, wow. I completely missed that. Thanks Ame ^^
  10. Yea, I was just wanted to make the suggestion. He has the choice whether to say yes or no ^^
  11. Yea, I had a feeling I wasn't being clear. Example: Poliwag: Tanzan Cove - Best Found During The Night
  12. I wanted to make this suggestion for awhile now, with the completion(?) of the EV Training Guide, maybe an addition to the location of the pokemon could also be the best time during the day to look for the pokemon.
  13. To add on, Croagunk is also a option, it'll deal heavy damage when you evolve it to Toxicroak at level 37.
  14. Defeat the 3 entry block leaders - 10 Check siggy :] Catch 200 Pokemon in the pokedex in Reborn Game - 25
  15. e_e Thank god the kid is just on a poster.
  16. Not sure if it does, maybe. I do know that the item being knocked off is functioning.
  17. Lol, I still remember this, yep make sure its at night and clear weather.
  18. Pyrous Mountain, just kill Slugmas and Numels is one of the ways, probably other, more efficient ways.
  19. Simon

    Dull key event

    Yea, that's probably it. I feel bad that I forgot this. Edit: dat 69 post tho.
  20. This sums it up, it is possible though, all depending on which pokes you have. If you can give a list of the pokemon you currently are using, maybe we can come up with a way to win. If not, then wait til later on in the game.
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