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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Dull key event

    Ugh, I honestly forgot this event as it was awhile ago I did this. If no one else responds, can you send over your save file so I can see what's wrong.
  2. Just pointing out some minor spelling errors. *Dephts of the Railnet (Just change Dephts to Depths) *Rodochrine Jungle (Change Rodochrine to Rhodochrine) *Rodochrine Cavern (Same as above) Great work on the guide! I like that you all are pitching in to make it go by quickly.
  3. Oh okay, I honestly thought there was, my mistake.
  4. Dat Attack on Titan Ova..

  5. Yea, the one that is shown is for Episode 12, but we're on Episode 11. I was wondering if someone had an image of Episode 11's or either Amethyst/someone can put both Episode 11 and Episode 12 on the same page.
  6. Moonblast is better in this case, your Noivern's moveset is more solid compared to Gardevoir's. I also agree with Shuckle, just go to Tanzan Cave, make sure you have a mon with Covet/Thief or just catch the Luvdisc. The ability Frisk will also be useful as it will tell if the Luvdisc is holding the Heart Scale.
  7. Make a (legit) Regular League Trainer Card - 5 - Check My Signature. Watch the teaser for the next episode - 10 Start an adventure on the Reborn Game - 10 See 100 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 10 See 200 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 15 See 300 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 20 See 400 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 30 See 500 Pokemon in your pokedex in Reborn Game - 40 Catch 50 Pokemon in the pokedex in Reborn Game - 10 Catch 100 Pokemon in the pokedex in Reborn Game - 20 Find the Yureyu Key - 20 Post a total of 10 different comments - 10 Post a total of 50 different comments - 20 - Check my Post Count
  8. This. Make sure it is a clear day so you can get it.
  9. Yep, it should be 70, I believe Luna said that with the dialogue after you beat her.
  10. This looks amazing I do have a question, will you [guys] put information like "This area is best for __ EVs" ? I remember in the old EV Training Guide that was there.
  11. Look over to the left side of the screen, at Reborn League, there should be "Card Manager". Click on it, and then click on Update Trainer Card. Card Manager <- Right Here as Well.
  12. I remember it has to be a clear day or maybe a clear night.
  13. Interesting to use Trubbish to get rid of the Toxic Spikes set up by Corey's own. Hm, I really don't remember how I beat him as it was a long time ago. I can try to suggest getting Phanpy/Bunnelby, both which evolve into some pretty useful pokemon for this gym (Donphan/Diggersby). Besides that, I would try sending in Gyarados in on the Crobat and spam Dragon Rage. Sorry if it isn't helpful, hopefully others can pick up where I missed out on. Edit: Timber addressed Phanpy already.
  14. Its fine, glad to know you found what you were looking for.
  15. Back in North Obsidia Ward, I believe. There should be a bunch of cops there, I think.
  16. Well first, I don't think this belongs in Troubleshooting so hopefully a mod can move this to the correct spot. Second, you want to go to the Grand Stairway, hopefully you know where that is. Also, you won't get Strength yet, but you'll be able to get the Rock Smash TM if you explore a bit when you go into the Stairway.
  17. Simon


    I don't think weather had anything to do it with it either, I found it in normal weather on my other playthrough.
  18. This seems like a very interesting idea, but would it be better to do this when the game is completed?
  19. Oh okay, thanks. Yea, I had mainly Torchic eggs in my party so I only had to deposit Noivern. Edit: If you used the new sprite, like me, you'll be invisible.
  20. Thanks for the link, I'm also sure before going backwards, you need to deposit new items/pokemon implemented?
  21. Trainer's Name(s): Miguel, Granite,  Ever "caught 'em all": Yes, in Platinum  Games Played: Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Platinum.  Spin-off games played: Pokemon Stadium,Pokemon Snap,  Pokemon Rumble, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Battle Revolution. Any TCG decks: Nope Favorite Generation for Pokémon: 3rd. Favorite Generation for Games: 1st. Favorite Game: Emerald Favorite Spin-off game:  Pokemon Battle Revolution Pokémon that needs to exist: Err...  Pokémon that needs to not exist: I can't think of any that shouldn't exist. Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): Hm... I would say Pokemon Ranger. Currently Playing: None atm. Favourite Pokémon: Swampert :D Favourite Starter: Mudkip C: If you could have anything for a starter: A squirtle from the Squirtle Squad.  Favourite Pokémon Song: R/S/E Steven and Wallace's Theme Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Lt. Surge Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Morty Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: Norman Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Volkner Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Flint Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: Meh. Favourite Pokémon Movie: Pokemon Mewtwo Strikes Back Favourite Animé Episode: Gotta catch ya later! Favourite Type: Ground Favourite Strategies: Predicting others and messing around :D Favourite Characters: - shrugs -
  22. The question is, does anyone remember the Ep. 11 one since the current one is for Ep. 12?
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