Trainer's Name(s): Miguel, Granite, Ever "caught 'em all": Yes, in Platinum Games Played: Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Platinum. Spin-off games played: Pokemon Stadium,Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Rumble, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Battle Revolution. Any TCG decks: Nope Favorite Generation for Pokémon: 3rd. Favorite Generation for Games: 1st. Favorite Game: Emerald Favorite Spin-off game: Pokemon Battle Revolution Pokémon that needs to exist: Err... Pokémon that needs to not exist: I can't think of any that shouldn't exist. Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): Hm... I would say Pokemon Ranger. Currently Playing: None atm. Favourite Pokémon: Swampert :D Favourite Starter: Mudkip C: If you could have anything for a starter: A squirtle from the Squirtle Squad. Favourite Pokémon Song: R/S/E Steven and Wallace's Theme Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Lt. Surge Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Morty Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: Norman Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Volkner Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Flint Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: Meh. Favourite Pokémon Movie: Pokemon Mewtwo Strikes Back Favourite Animé Episode: Gotta catch ya later! Favourite Type: Ground Favourite Strategies: Predicting others and messing around :D Favourite Characters: - shrugs -