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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Simon

  1. He does, yep, which caused problems for alot of people.
  2. Yea, I'm trying the Destiny Knot out to see if its working.
  3. That's odd, I thought the Everstone was working to be honest.
  4. Good luck with the Yanma, they're kinda of rare.
  5. My first shiny encounter was in Platinum with a Shiny Roselia, evolved it into a beautfiul Shiny Roserade <3
  6. You can always get Litleo by trading a Bibarel for it in the North Peridot Ward, just keep going north and it should be a tiny house to the right, next to a guy on the bench.
  7. xD Not sure if this will help, but you can add to check the PC->Mailbox for a free potion.
  8. Wow xD That's some major bad luck.
  9. The guide looks really nice, good luck with all that work if you're doing the WHOLE game o_o.
  10. Finally have an internet upgrade ._.

  11. As far as I remember, Munna (if that's the pokemon you were talking about) is in the Byxbysion Wasteland.
  12. When you have Azumarill, everything becomes easier . However, that Honchkrow was a problem.
  13. That'll be pretty cool, might catch one if you do that
  14. I remember Poliwag being at Tanzan Cove, aka the Laura's place. Its pretty rare, so you'll have to run through the grass alot. I can see if my file had Poliwag on it, but I don't see why you need it. As far as I know and I checked the two salons implemented, there isn't a Furfrou hairdresser, yet. I could be wrong though.
  15. It does, I remember when I asked you Vinny about this. I completed it after I defeated the Abra a long time ago.
  16. Yea, I can confirm it happened to me, when I was trying to revive my Dome Fossil, it died. And before that, it occurred with my Armor Fossil, but I saved before I gave the guy the fossil so I still have it.
  17. Gonna try my hand at Smeargle. I'll edit it in shortly. Edit: Trying it again, without MS Paint.
  18. Simon


    EDIT: Never mind, realized what actually happened. Lock this lol xD
  19. Cannot fathom the amount of lag I have when I post something. <- Like Right Now..

  20. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    Oh wow xD Thanks.
  21. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    I'm fine with that, sure thing. Thanks.
  22. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    Yea, I already beat Aya, the next gym leader is Luna for me, I just haven't started the story line for her yet. So, I honestly don't know. Thanks for the help though, I'll see if there is anything else I can do.
  23. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    Haven't even started Episode 11 on this save file, I'm making a new team at the moment.
  24. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    I can try and take a picture to show you what my game screen is atm, if necessary. I thought it was clear weather as well, since I watched Nickaboo do it, but I was kinda of confused when I wasn't able to get it.
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