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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    1. Just tried it, didn't work. I changed the date to go from rainy to clear, to no avail. 2. Thanks, I don't know why I didn't try that largest key on the keyboard -.-
  2. Simon

    Mudkip ._.

    EDIT: Lock this plz
  3. Lol wut. I'll try it during a rainy day then, thanks. Maybe the weather for it got changed or something.
  4. Is the Emolga event still the same? I was checking during a windy day, but can't find it at its normal spot near the tree.
  5. Just wanted to ask for some opinions/advice on what moveset I should have for some pokemon I'm currently training for Reborn. (Will edit in more later) 1. Roselia - Timid Poison Point: Giga Drain, Growth, HP Ground, Shadow Ball. 2. Electrike - Timid Lightning Rod: Bad Moves atm. I appreciate all help
  6. Honestly, never could find any Pachirisus. They're like endangered to me ._.
  7. Wanted to say that you can always catch Dedenne with Pickup around the 30s-40s at the Hidden Cove. Also felt like this deserved a bump for others :]
  8. >_> I swear if Luna has Darkrai on her team..
  9. Cake

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Desire
    3. Simon


      sssh I have it hidden.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I just can't get over the fact that you have AND my name AND my derpiness.

  10. That happens to me as well, but its quite ironic that when my pokes get confused, they nearly out of all the times hit themselves -.-
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