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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Double Battles

    You can try to fight them in an older Episode if you want a easier battle, but as of now it's pretty hard to get your Smeargles to Sketch anything.
  2. Ideally, if it isn't Pokemon Reborn or a fangame that was created on here by one of our members, there is a very small chance of someone being able to help you for that. That being said, you should try to find the community for that hosts that game. Moving this to Fan-Game Expose.
  3. All are available so ye. Just shoot me a PM when you're good to go + when I'm online.
  4. Correct. Episode 16 has Gen VI Breeding Mechanics, which don't allow the father to pass down TM moves as it used to do for Gen V and prior.
  5. Chespin was traded already, forgot to mark it off sorry. Mamoswine is fine though.
  6. SR means Soft Reset so generally unless it's stated, the user is generally resetting their game til they receive in that one encounter/event.
  7. Sure thing for both of ya'll. Shoot me a PM when you guys are ready and online.
  8. It's the West Side I believe.
  9. Resetting reservations that have not been completed.
  10. Simon


    Use this thread for any other trade you have to do from now on. Any other thread you make will be merged into this.
  11. Gonna merge your other thread. Use this thread for any other trading you have to do @Petrol.
  12. Correct you are about what Ame said, I forgot to add my second part to my message when I posted that. My bad on that.
  13. Correct to both. With this thread, we won't have people spamming topics daily just for a single battle when they can just post in here.
  14. Correct. Only possible by going back to an Episode with Gen V Breeding Mechanics. Not even sure if it's still possible to do so, but I do know that if you try to trade any mon with an illegal move like that, it won't let you go online.
  15. I personally am not fine with this. Can't give you a stance from the Auth yet.
  16. You can catch them with a Good Rod in: Azurine Lake, Coral Ward and the Coral Lighthouse.
  17. I'm online now. I'm also considering opening up a Breeding Shop if you guys are interested. I'll probably make a list of mons I can breed and requests can be made that are within reason.
  18. For tomorrow, after 4-5 PM EST is my best time. I'll make a post if I'm available earlier.
  19. Ok I'm open to do any of the trades. Send me a message (if you already, you can send another message to show me that you're ready) whenever. Also, going to make some updates regarding how often you can request Shinies so I can get rid of them faster while giving people a chance. Growlithe and Vileplume are fine. Eevee was already asked for before. I'll reserve you for those two and if you change your mind, lemme know.
  20. Already gave this away, sorry. Choose another if you would like to. I'll try to be online for a bit sometime this evening in EST. Shoot me a message everyone so I can reply faster to you.
  21. Ok shoot me a message. Just remembered I forgot half of a box so I added a bit more now.
  22. Ok sure. PM me when you guys are ready or message me on Discord. You don't have to do that unless you want to.
  23. Have no use for them so might as well give them out to people that want. The only restriction is that you can only ask for two at the most per user. I'll put what Pokemon are available in the spoiler below. Also, I can't guarantee the nature or IVs will be good for all of them but I'll put a note beside each mon if there is anything noteworthy. Make sure to leave your in-game username and what you're wanting. EDIT: My timezone is Eastern Standard Time so I'll try to be on at the same time you are. EDIT 2: Decided to allow people to request additional shinies after two days. Also, if a user does not trade for a Pokemon within 48 hours of requesting, it can become open to other users.
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