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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I wish I could type more but I'm exhausted atm. I'll edit this later prob but happy birthday man :]]
  2. I ended up getting every Winter skin and Zarya's emote thankfully. Missed Widow's highlight reel but I didn't really care for it that much since I don't play her.
  3. As @ShadowStar already mentioned, we don't have access to Blazikenite yet nor do we have access to the Key Stone to answer your comment @blastcore1 Amethyst decided awhile back to push it to a later point.
  4. That is indeed some bad luck. If you need one with good IVs, lemme know. I should have some spare Smoochum or could quickly breed one.
  5. I would go with the second one. (I may be interpreting the IVs for each one incorrectly however. If you can get a screenshot of them, it would make things more clear.)
  6. As Strider mentioned, breeding a Shiny doesn't increase the chance of getting another one. The Shiny Charm is the only item that increases the chance of getting a new one.
  7. Togepi, alongside a few other pokemon, are considered to be "baby" pokemon (They are in the Undiscovered Egg Group). Therefore, it cannot breed unless you evolve it into a Togetic.
  8. Correct, they've been ever since.
  9. I haven't got jack besides some voices lines and emotes.
  10. As of lately, I've been getting about 3-5 hours of sleep but what I generally need not to feel awful would be the normal average of 6.
  11. Happy birthday Rose! One of the nicest person I've met and I was glad to work alongside you when you were part of the Auth team. Hope everything is going well for you.
  12. Happy burfday Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo.
  13. Happy birthday Zumi! Always enjoy talking to you regarding anime and manga :]
  14. Simon

    [Spoiler] Deino

    She was, yes. Most people won't be able to get it though since it was a glitch. As far as I know, no one has gotten it. EDIT: I'm sorry for getting your gender wrong :L
  15. Simon

    [Spoiler] Deino

    Not available. If you need to see if a Pokemon is in the game, check out the Obtainable Pokemon List.
  16. Happy birthday man. Too bad we don't talk a lot, but you're definitely one of the chillest people on here. At least you'll get some new albums to listen to tomorrow since Cole, Ab-Soul, Mos Def, Tech N9ne, and Post Malone are releasing theirs.
  17. With the creation of the Online Play subforum, this thread doesn't really have any use left. If you're still looking for or trading any Pokemon, feel free to make a personal thread for it. Locking and moving to Online Play.
  18. oh shit almost missed this. Happy birthday my boi Azery. Definitely have matured a bit since you joined the site. Proud of ya.
  19. Happy birthday my boi Ikaru. Glad I gotten to know ya lil better since last year.
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