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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Simon

  1. ye I am. Also, Target is doing a sale for 3DS games so I might just pick that up as well.
  2. Well. At least the new ATCQ album comes out this Friday and I guess Childish Gambino soon. Now all I need is Run the Jewels.

  3. Other than using an ability like Illuminate, moves like Sweet Scent, and other items/stuff that increase encounter chances, nope. Try resetting your game if nothing appears at all.
  4. It can be found during the day and night, but it does have a low chance of appearing at 10%. Just gotta keep trying mate.
  5. It should be the northwestern entrance.
  6. Fixed, thank you for letting me know. EDIT: I also wanted to ask if there was anyone interested on working on the EV Training Guide with me once Episode 16 comes out. PM me if anyone is interested.
  7. I bet it was Route 1 during the night. I believe the location for it was changed unfortunately. Anyways, locking since the issue was resolved.
  8. Try looking in Tanzan Cove during the Morning or Day. If not there, try Route 1 during the Night.
  9. Added you to it. EDIT: If anyone else already is and not listed/would like to help, either post here or PM me so I can add you to the list on the main post. Or if you are listed and would like to be taken off.
  10. I'm not really watching anything this season besides Jojo. Mainly looking forward to the next season.
  11. Any way is fine. Check out this page to help you see what possible mons you can use. Also, check Etesian's Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets for assistance.
  12. For starters, it's a pseudo-legendary. It also had great defensive (nerfed as of Gen VI) with Steel/Psychic alongside great base 80 / 130 / 90 Defenses and a solid 130 base Attack with a decent 95 SpA. With these stats, it can check popular Dragon, Flying, Rock, and Fairies types. It also has a strong Mega evolution. But since this is concerning in-game for Pokemon Reborn, it just has great stats aside speed. Anyways, this has kinda diverted from the original questions so I'll lock this.
  13. It's still in the game, just keep at it like TheShadowEmpoleon mentioned. Sometimes, resetting the game or trying a rock might help but you'll have to preserve no matter what.
  14. I'm not too sure if you're asking for someone to just put those mons into your new save file or just trade for them. But yea, there are options available: Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only) if you're doing a custom playthrough with a theme of some sort or Reborn Trading Thread if you're looking to trade for it. Do let me know which thing you were trying to go for so I can just move your post into one of those threads.
  15. Originally it was, but Ame decided as of recently that it's best to be given in a later episode.
  16. Swampert and Arcanine are the only two I would truly recommend bringing. Everything else looks good that you can rotate during the Episode. Nice to see you here again Notus, I should make a thread as well, but ask for nicknames since I haven't had time to make any for my new members.
  17. It is indeed possible to evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir. To do so, you'll need a Link Stone and the Reaper Cloth, both of which can be found in the In-game Item Guide V2 (E15-proofed).
  18. Simon

    91 Days

    You're right about that for sure. Hollywood unfortunately has overused it so much in movies that it lost most of its effect on me. It was okay imo. It was straight to the point while also having some foreshadowing throughout it. The ending I enjoyed alot more.
  19. Simon

    91 Days

    Low key my favorite anime of last season. It gave me a Bacanno/Gangsta vibe as well as interesting characters in a setting that really isn't showcased all too much in anime. I definitely recommend this to anyone who watched any of the two anime I mentioned earlier (For Gangsta, the manga was more impressive as the anime adaptation wasn't all the good for the most part).
  20. Mael, you were right. Shin Godzilla was amazing.

  21. The true question out of all this is did Ikaru get bodied by Arclight :]]] But I'm glad to hear the Ring is being moved later on. It felt too soon for sure. At least for me.
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