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Everything posted by Simon

  1. It is possible yes. Try leading with a fainted mon with the ability Compound Eyes and a mon with the ability Frisk and move Thief/Covet so that you'll have a easier time.
  2. If you looked at the quote that literally talks about Lin and how there was battle logs regarding her, you wouldn't have been spoiled. Never click on a link that you have no knowledge on. Anyways, it's funny seeing Ikaru converse with leaders like that. Looking forward to seeing what is behind the G.U.M. room doors. I expect chaos Ame.
  3. EDIT: Actually since the general discussion thread for hasn't seen activity in awhile, I'll let this be a general discussion place for it as well.
  4. Happy birthday Sheep! Glad to have gotten to know ya ever since 2014. Definitely one of the most helpful individuals on the forums. Enjoy your birthday man.
  5. Yes. After you encounter it for the first time, the rest of the times you'll need to encounter it will be on a clear morning or day (it just needs to be not windy). Also, locking since the OP's question was answered.
  6. Happy birthday Kaito. I haven't really talked to you that much, even when you were an auth and when I joined as one. Hopefully we can talk more in the future. Enjoy the rest of your bday man.
  7. Woah, if Frank Ocean actually drops this album now..

    1. Simon


      OK, so that whole livestream was the the album. A visual album.

  8. Quoting what mde said in the past: Also, I think for the last encounter or something, it has to be during a clear morning or day?
  9. It's been here, just not a lot of posting going on in it But yea, your help would be great once Episode 16 comes around. I'll shoot a PM to you and others who might be able to help.
  10. Not even a question. My pasta easily. Catch these questions that you gave me :]] Favorite reborn character besides Cain and why? Favorite moment in Pokemon Reborn? What's your favorite digimon and why? Who is your main in smash bros/whatever fighting game you play and why? What's your favorite mon that's not Sableye and why? You getting this paper boi :]] ??? Favorite anime character besides Touka? Favorite video game character? Best girl :]] ? Least favorite character? Favorite scene in any media you've seen? How do you feel about kane/eto? What are you gonna do if touka dies? Favorite streamer? Most and least favorite type? Best thing about this community? What has made you stay in the Reborn community? If there was anything that you could in Reborn, what would you change?
  11. Happy birthday man. Definitely one of the chillest people I know and glad to have you as a friend. Enjoy the rest of your day fren.
  12. While we have access to the area, we do not have the item needed for it *cough* Super Rod *cough* If you're ever unsure whether a mon is in the game or not for the most recent Episode, check the Obtainable Pokemon chart which is below the Game Download link on the left side of your screen.
  13. Oh wait, this is the other area below. Lemme look in-game real quick. EDIT: After uh struggling with the notorious Route 2 lag, it's pretty simple to get there actually. Um, from the previous area above, you just need to jump from the that area onto the rock on the lower level. I'll take a screenshot to help make it clear. Also, the item is just a Blue Shard so it's up to you if you really want it or not.
  14. As Nick mentioned, check the thread in the Fan-game Exposé section to discuss it. Here's a link to it: About Pokémon Uranium situation
  15. rofl love this op man. Thank you man, I'm so glad I've gotten to know you better. *accidentally clicks to upvote before looking at the pastebin* ghbtenefwjh5iw4qgoamfs thanks skitty :]]] thanks kam :]] :]]]]]]]]]] Thank you Tacos :] ! LOL, the casual battles I have with Spade are always funny asf due to how random the hax is. But forreal tho, that M-Scizor Defog set for OU is a pain in the ass to get. Just give me CB Scizor :[ Thank you Jman :] !! sigh, I wish I didn't eat my birthday pie earlier. Thank you though ICSW :]] ! Thank you Yagami :] ! Lol, thank you Shia :]]]
  16. I thought it was made clear that the reason why auth are said to smell was cause of Jeri :c Thank you for the birthday wishes frens, Glad to be part of this community for 2+ years now. Also, happy birthday to you Dobby. Being 18 is supposed to be a big moment so I hope your bday goes well for ya man. Even though it wasn't a big moment for me lol.
  17. Damn, that is some really bad luck. I mean, you could try another rock or leave/re-enter the room if you want to see if that helps. Just gotta keep going if you really want that Anorith man.
  18. Happy birthday ICSW. Glad to always see your positivity and occasionally your puns.
  19. There isn't a specific rock for it. You just gotta get lucky. To ensure that you don't run out of rocks to mine, make sure to save before mining one so you can soft reset (press F12) until you get one.
  20. Once we get the item, at least you'll know where to go. Unless Ame moves it of course. And Shellder can still be pretty viable if used in the proper situation and moveset. Shell Smash is so good. Anyways, no problem and locking since the question was answered.
  21. Most likely will be found with a Super Rod, which isn't in the game atm.
  22. Nah, it doesn't don't worry :]] I'll add this and the rest of Halloween's spots that I somehow forgot to add later on. Thanks again to both of you.
  23. As said by others above, there is a thread already for it: Pokemon Full Moon Version Locking.
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