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Everything posted by Simon

  1. This. The only other way I recall is to go to previous episodes where Pickup had the King's Rock available and try to get it then.
  2. Simon


    Reborn EV Training Guide <- Will Help. You can only find them in Obsidia Park during the PULSE Tangrowth or during the morning in the park after beating it.
  3. Celestine Mountain w/ a Good Rod mate. Reborn EV Training Guide <- Will help.
  4. Simon

    Tutor moves?

    Oh wow, adjacent foes? Didn't know that actually. I'll keep that in mind.
  5. Simon

    Tutor moves?

    Wait, what? Why Electroweb?
  6. Really? Ouch. I guess I made the right choice acquiring the one through trading.
  7. I was planning on editing my first post, but was busy. I realized I got the Mime Jr from the trade event for it.
  8. Its confirmned now that there is a new season.
  9. Actually, in 13.1, I found Gulpin even though I already caught Mime Jr. Maybe due to a event reset?
  10. Fantastic way to end this season of Tokyo Ghoul. Can't wait for the next one.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon


      Yes I am. I already read the latest chapter for it.

    3. KnightZhroud


      I like Tokyo Ghoul the anime counterpart. Plan to pick up the manga once the anime is over

    4. Simon


      The anime portrays the manga pretty damn well, which I'm glad to see. That's a good plan for those who are patient, unlike me xD

  11. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ xD Oh well, thanks for saying it Vinny and no problem.
  12. Hardest: Aya Easiest: Shade, for me.
  13. Aw man, I'll go in-game and try it out then :T I haven't mined in ages so yea. EDIT: Well, then. I tried pretty much every key and none worked for me.. I really hope that the new episode didn't mess it up/Ame changed the keys. 7th Street Move Tutor Moves: Spite, Worry Seed, Magic Coat, Trick, Ominous Wind, Fury Cutter, Electroweb, Gastro Acid, Iron Defense, Snore, Headbutt, Heal Bell, Rollout, Bug Bite. Agate Carnival Move Tutor Moves: Sky Attack, Uproar, Last Resort, Ancient Power, Vacuum Wave, Bounce, Drill Run.
  14. Hmm. I wouldn't really say this is necroposting since this thread is for help in general. Anyways, I believe the key to switch is the SHIFT key. EDIT: I wished the guy who gave you the Mining Kit explained the controls as I had no clue as well for awhile til I asked.
  15. Personally, what I do is just create a folder for each episode, extract all the contents from the download into the Episode 13 Folder and just use it. Your save file should be fine since its stored somewhere. Also, remember to take out the fonts you don' use. You shouldn't miss any of the story, but some of it could be changed from what others has experienced due to fixed/new bugs, new fields, etc.
  16. Leader Line-up this may give a idea I suppose, even though it was based off the Reborn League, not the game itself.
  17. Mega Sharpedo, Camperupt, and Gallade.. my god...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. zimvader42


      What if the hypotetical megablissey got completely nerfed in attack and defense, like in, just 1 base point on each one? Some sort of inverse shedinja That would make for some funny situations. But in excange... 100 extra points in HP! >:D

    3. Kaiser the great

      Kaiser the great

      Camerupt looks like a damn fakemon fusion of it and macargo

    4. zimvader42


      Furry magcargo is a thing know. I'm surprised how many people seem not to like ca-mega-merupt. Maybe I did not pay enough attention to the design but is far from the worse mega we've got so far.

  18. Simon


    The rate for Snorunt was around 4% as I recall so it may take awhile as well. Good luck either way.
  19. I don't know why.. but I was thinking of Tristan's voice from YGOTAS when reading that... e.e Eagle pretty much summed my thoughts. You can try thinking of how huge this game will be when its finished if you like :]
  20. This was a really good chapter for AoT in my opinion :]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacos



    3. zimvader42


      Excuse my ignorance but what is AoT?

    4. Tacos


      Attack on Titan my good sir

  21. It takes that long for you guys o_o ? Did you guys rebuild the stairway/do the upper puzzle for Route 2? If you do that, it takes around 10-15 mins (not quote me on that) .
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