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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Very valid points from both sides. Personally, I like it and I don't think I'll stop when I'm this far in. Anyways, Episode 2 for Tokyo Ghoul was good and Zankyou no Terror is very interesting imo, I honestly thought 12/Fuyuji would annoy the hell out of me, but he didn't actually.
  2. Zankyou no Terror - MyAnimeList.net has one for ya.
  3. Yea, I'm pretty hyped for this as well. The plot is amazing and the characters look interesting. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  4. It shouldn't have changed as far as I know. Are you checking the right area on the rooftop, aka behind the trees? If so, maybe the weather is a factor. Remember Pokemon Location Guide V2 will be your friend with finding pokemon that you want.
  5. It is possible, but a low chance. Can't remember the chance of the top of my head.
  6. Beef bred me this sexy mon. 10/10. Will be doing this again in the future
  7. Was it flinching you alot or something O_o ?
  8. Wow, looks really good. Can't wait to play it :]
  9. I'm not really a "addict" but I do play it, yea. I recently started playing again so I'm still trying to get my TH8 done with :l
  10. #5 In my opinion is the best. Solid IVs all around.. btw you're getting EVs and IVs mixed up xD. You can change the nature and ability at 7th Street like I said before. However, if you feel as if the shiny Azurill is the best choice, go for it.
  11. At the moment, I'm re-watching One Piece since I never finished it.. my god I'm no where close to be up to date.
  12. Oh, ouch. Something to know is that the price of the Ability Capsules goes upward, up to 5 shards (Not sure if the color is random or not). You can also change the nature there as well for a Heart Scale from a creepy man.
  13. rip it was fun, but glad to know there will be something to replace it.
  14. Hm, well you could always go back to 7th Street and get Ability Capsules for shards to change your Golem ability. Same thing with the Azumarill if it doesn't get Huge Power as its ability.
  15. Try going back to that area during a clear day.
  16. Akama Ga Kill! lived up to my expectations :]
  17. Yea, I had a feeling either Malamar/Honchkrow would cause you problems. Malamar gets destroyed by Bugs and Fairies. Azumarill should be able to take a hit from it and follow up with a Play Rough. For Honchkrow, your Golem should be able to take care of it if it has Sturdy and can hopefully get a kill with Rock Blast. Other than that, Infernape should be doing alot of work :]
  18. Not sure about the capture thing, but you can do the event later on. She acts like she has never met you before though ;-; I haven't tried the Tania thing tho :l
  19. Met my half-bro and half-sis for the first time.. so weird xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simon


      Oh, that sucks. Hope you meet them soon enough. It was nice, awkward of course xD Being the eldest makes them look up to me even though I'm only 1 year older than them.

    3. Simon


      And you're right Hukuna-sensei, my half sis looks way too damm similar to me.

    4. Maelstrom


      Mine would, for the most part, have to be older than me at this point. That's kind of awkward to consider, after having been the eldest for 27 years.

  20. Remember the trade service that Dban was doing? That's how I got it.
  21. Huh? Um, no. You can just make a folder for Pokemon Reborn and extract all the files into it so you won't have to keep doing that. Same thing with your save file as it should be located in User>Saved Games>Pokemon Reborn
  22. Dis. I tried :/ Well, actually I used Mienfoo but still, no Knock Off.. for now.
  23. Wait, what? And yea, the level cap stayed at 70 unfortunately. Most likely the next badge we get will raise it to 75.
  24. O_O That was Radomus? I was thinking this whole time it was some important character we haven't met yet.
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