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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Simon

  1. There isn't one asfaik, but Jan will probably implement one eventually.
  2. TM84 Poison Jab is located in the Abandoned Sewers near the entrance to the Distorted Path.
  3. What was your favorite or most memorable battle during the Reborn League when you battled in it? What anime are you watching this season? Is there any people on here that you would like to talk more to more or get to know better? Favorite type of muffin?
  4. you mean im doing a great job right :] pls dont make Dan take away my meme card I have a feeling there are more people who thought it was from that as well :L Regarding the Reborn League, was there any features or additional rules you would have liked to add? Out of the new mons that were shown today, which one do you like the most and the least?
  5. Favorite type of muffin? Favorite moment and/or funniest moment here on Reborn? also can i get another muffin pls
  6. Just a friendly reminder that there is a Spoiler lock going on with the new Rejuvenation version. Please refrain having any spoiling content in the Status Update Bar. Thank you.

  7. Simon


    As Captain Breakfast mentioned, the player themselves does not have access to the Mega Bracelet yet. However, there are Mega Stones that Ame has implemented if you choose to look for it. You can also look in the In-game Item Guide V2 (E15-proofed) for where the locations for those Mega Stones and other items might be. The Mega Evolution you mentioned for Muk and Tangrowth is something that is exclusive to Pokemon Reborn called PULSE. You'll learn more about while playing the game or by reading topics about it in the Reborn City section.
  8. I'm assuming you went offline or something as I made the post and didn't see it. Anyways, here's what I said in the thread before I quarantined it. "Look at this thread guys: PSA: Cheat Engines and the Use of Editor/RPGMaker Public discussion on how to use Cheat Engine or RPGMaker is not allowed. Feel free to PM each other about it if you really wish to know more about it." EDIT: Also, the original thread didn't belong in the Wasteland.
  9. Why is my pasta like x10 better than yours? Also, what is your Top 10 favorite anime?
  10. no not again pls

    1. Noemo


      Hello Simon.

      I am trying to send you a message but still don't know how to use this site very well...

      You seem to be very knowledgable, could you please help me..?

      Basically I trying to get the closest dream team that I can and for that I need an earlier version.

      Could you help me with this and with answering a few questions?


  11. Re:Zero got me messed up even more than the manga and light novel did..

  12. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-63363 gg Mikzal, came down to a roll for Bullet Punch. I'm dropping out of Nations as well. Thanks for the good matches, good luck to the rest of ya'll.
  13. Blank Face LP :]]

  14. It's there. You must be using Rock Smash in the wrong area. You have to be smashing rocks in the Training Grounds area.
  15. Happy birthday Ark :]]] Very glad to work alongside you as an Auth.
  16. ♫ Can I kick it? (Yes, you can!) ♫

    1. Neo


      Then I'm gone!

  17. Take care Viri. Hope you enjoy the break from Reborn. Cya when you get back.
  18. There's a thread already existing for this stuff so I'm gonna have to lock this thread guys. Remember to check the Fan Club Directory (READ THIS BEFORE POSTING A NEW TOPIC) before making a thread as it might already exist.
  19. Unfortunately, only one size is available. I wanna say it's just the Large version, but I never used the mon for Reborn. EDIT: Thank you for the correction FairFamily o/
  20. I would lose pretty badly if that was a thing :[[[ Thank you for the congrats and kind words everyone. Glad to be part of this community and will continue to help out as much as I can here. i still gotta do an intro thread zzz
  21. Like Solarance just mentioned, it's RNG-based so you can just exit/re-enter the shop til you get it. And no, there aren't any vendors in any of those cities. EDIT: If you wanna see the locations where you can buy Ice Cream, check the In-game Item Guide V2 (E15-proofed) by Odybld.
  22. Only paying attention to the Berserk anime despite the CGI, Shokugeki No Souma 2nd Season, and Mob Psycho 1000. Everything else seems uninteresting, but I'll give most of them a watch for like 1-2 episodes.
  23. If we'e talking about the S3 lineup for the Reborn League, then yes those are the Leaders most likely to be faced in the actual game. For example, the Season 1 Leaders lineup has their notable differences from the main game.
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