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Everything posted by Notus

  1. "Woah, woah, aren´t we a bit edgy today? Just as a reminder, Rifle, now should be the time to shoot the breeze, not each other´s heads." Vermillio smirked again "And besides, there ain´t no need for a co- *caham*, a barrel measuring contest at all; you´ll have plenty of time for that on the field." Vermillio started to walk around the room, his piercing eyes staring straight at the other´s as he passed in front of them, equal to everyone. "Yay, Bargus and Grandpa got the spirit. Welcome all, welcome all. So, guys and gals, you were all highly recommended to me by your superior officers or whatever equivalent you had, and I recognize all of you got some crazy skills.Though you just miiight be a bit rusty with the lack of combat in this past year, I´m not worried in that department, not at all, so what I´ll ask is..." Now Vermillio faced Bom, placing his eyes at the same level as hers and his face a bit closer than the confortable distance. "How are you liking your peace time? Have you been missing the feeling of gutting your enemies? The thrill of the battlefield?"
  2. Vermillio stepped back with a hearty laugh and folded his wings again. Now he looked genuinelly amused and, perhaps, a bit surprised. "Oh-ho. I didn´t actually expect you guys to roll with it this quickly. That´s great, that´s great, maybe we can really become good friends." He patted Jorgen on the shoulder and went back to his central position in the room. "And don´t worry, I´ll be sure to fetch some milk so you can keep us company, lil' Gabriel." the demon said as he turned to face all of them again, apparently not noticing the half-vampire´s remarks about nicknames. "Sorry for the interruption everyone; you can finish introducing yourselves now." ((Waiting for: Jory and Inno. The rest of the cast is free to interact with each other as well.))
  3. Well... what if I told you that the original intention was to provoke a fight with all three of them? XD That went better than I thought though, and believable. Great job passing your first on-the-fly-random-test!
  4. Maybe? Who knows? Seriously though, you can´t expect a general not to make any research on the troops being sent to work under him. Though he´d only know the more "public" info about you guys beforehand. Also I second Dobby, that was a better post
  5. Vermillio listened to the presententations while always keeping that smirk on his face. In contrast with the devil-may-care smile though, his red eyes pierced each and every one of them as they spoke with such intensity that it looked like he was trying to capture their very essences with those few words they offered. It could be very unsettling to be gazed at like this, or very annoying at least. There were still some people who hadn´t introduced themselves, but Vermillio couldn´t hold himself in his eagerness to interact with the ones who had already spoken. First, the demon ellegantly walked through the room towards Jorgen, and unexpectedly passed an arm over the Cyborg´s shoulder - or the closest he could manage to that, since the man was considerably bigger than himself - in a perhaps too friendly gesture. "Well Jorgen my man, but what´s the fun in this if we just keep it strictly professional? What good is having so many wonderful team mates as those if you can´t sit and have a can of oil with them after a hard day´s work?" Before any reaction, the Commander in Chief of the Demons spun around behind the Cyborg like a dancer, stopping on the other side of him, close to Misara. He stood behind the girl and put both gloved hands on her shoulders, massaging them. "And what, my sweet Misara, is your conception of allies? Maybe co-workers, like good ol´ Jorgen here seems to suggest? Nah, that´s too shallow. Perhaps people you fight with at a time and never again get to see after that? But why wouldn´t those stab you in the back later if that suited them? Doesn´t anyone here have a better guess? I know all of you must be reeeally smart, and of course someone has lots of experience with team work to brag about." He stepped back to Jorgen, putting now his left hand on the giant´s shoulder. "C´mon guys. Allies should be the people we care about and protect in the battlefield, and that we are sure that will do the same for us." He looked past Jorgen to the other side, eyes meeting Gabriel´s with a clear glint of innocent amusement - or maybe there was a bit of malice in there? "It´s just like we´re a big family! Isn´t that great, little Gabriel? " And with that, almost as if to illustrate this 'so pure' feeling of his towards subordinates, he spread two huge, dragon-like wings from his back to embrace all of the three he had chosen to talk too first - Misara on the right, Jorgen on the center and Gabriel on the left. The wings couldn´t be seen at all before and seemingly sprouted from inside his body in that very instant - hypotesis backed up by a wet and not much pleasant noise that accompanied the show.
  6. You know, one of the best points of having experienced players around is that they can make this kind of correction if I kick the bucket and disappear forever am busy in the afternoon XD. Thanks guys! Cool Girl, what they said is totally correct. Don´t worry too much about it though, everyone makes those little mistakes in the begining. That´s the handy thing about the edit button here.
  7. City of the Thousand Races, near the Gate Square - 11:00 AM 1st day of the 5th month; Year 2 of the Alliance of Races From the outside, the place looked like a regular house of 'The Thousand', as the city was called. Snow white walls with doors, windows and their frames coloured a bright yellow, and the light grey roof tiles that were so characteristic. Most houses and stores on the center of the City followed that pattern, each with it´s details painted a diferent colour, giving the place a simple, light and confortable atmosphere. Despite that, behind the locked door and down the hidden stairs on the back of that particular house, the tension could be felt in the air. It was probably the ideal place for a secret meeting - hidden in plain sight, no one would guess that matters concerning the entire world of Myriad would be discussed there in a few moments. All the invited people had already arrived. Some were sitting in the simple wood benches placed by the walls, some were standing and probably all were watching one another. None of the ones gathered there were your average person and most likely all of them were already aware of this. Laying against the back wall of the room was a tall and lean man in dark coat and crimson cape. His hands were covered by black gloves and he wore thick track boots. His face was remarkably handsome, his hair a dark mess that didn´t actually look bad, his eyes of an inhuman, glowing red that studied all the others in the room. Not that the single black horn on his forehead didn´t tell anyone who looked at him that he wasn´t human to begin with. The demon had already been there when the first of the guests arrived and, except for a cordial welcome when each of them entered, he had said no word to the moment. After making sure everyone who was supposed to be there had arrived, he stood up properly and clapped hands to call everyone´s attention. The sound was muffled by his gloves, but in the small space it worked nonetheless. "Hey now everyone, it´s about time we get started." he said with a lively voice. " My name is Vermillio Astaroth - yes, as in the current Demon Army Commander and Demonic Races representative in the Alliance - and I´ll be personally briefing you about the mission you were nominated to carry out. Consider it an honor." Vermillio spoke deliberately, with a smirk on his face, as if savouring the dominant position over the audience. Vermillio was a living legend of the battlefield and one of the four original founders of the Allied Races; being briefed by someone that high up surelly spoke something about the importance of this 'mission', whatever it was. "I don´t know how much you were told about all of this beforehand, but I´ll explain it all in detail in a few moments. Buut, before that, I´d like to know the people I´m working with, just in case I have to kick anyone out. So ladies and gentleman and creatures in general, could you please introduce yourselves?"
  8. Lucille Blood accepted! Welcome aboard Strat! IC almost done folks, just bear with me a few more minutes
  9. Okk, I´m working on the IC already. Kenny, you can still finish your character, no problem. All ok with Raziel too Krim.
  10. That... was beautiful. Both the battle and the dialogues. Congrats Ikaru. Aand, now I'm more curious then ever about Lin.
  11. Alderamin in the Sky was my latest pleasant surprise. Amazing military tactics anime.
  12. Happy Birthday for the best Aussie Sheep around! XD Now serious mate, you're one in a million. Between our talks about life and Fate, our great battles online (I still consider you my most balanced rival in those), the work we put together on the EV training guide and all the rest, I learned that you're one of those really cool people who are always great to simply be around and talk to. Enjoy your day mate, you deserve the best!
  13. Niiiice, really nice! Huk Sensei, Bom is in and she was a neat surprise for me! I'm eager to see her in action in that new form XD. Inno, Karol is looking great as well! Accepted for sure. Aand just to remember, my goal for postin the IC is this Tuesday! So anyone still needing to edit/submit characters please do so until tomorrow night. The game is almost on!
  14. Ah ok, got it. Then I´ll go with Rusty´s suggestion and have Akio replace Tokiomi. Akio is a bit disturbed when it comes to the Grail, so it would be easy to picture him not letting Tokiomi fight.
  15. Quoting (apparently not so easy on mobile XD) Hua Mulan: You can't have Ionioi Hetairoi; replace the Emperor's Army. Also seems generally a bit too strong; consider changing China's Great Walls to an alternate form or replacing it with Territory Creation. (Use Lord Camelot and Bathory Erzebet as models if you keep it as a NP.) *Not using that servant anymore, so if someone wants to use her I'll leave the edits to them.* Akio: Looks fine, but why is he here instead of Tokiomi? Does Tokiomi still exist in this 'verse? *Not sure on how is the timeline of this 'verse. The original idea was that Akio would be Tokiomi's father on a previous Grail War but, if I got it wrong, I'd have no problem with playing Tokiomi himself.*
  16. Ooooh, this is back!!! Thanks for not letting it die Simon, Vinny and Sheep!I hope I'll have the time to help a bit when ep.16 comes out.
  17. Ragnar, your character has a few issues, but nothing too serious. First, in your rifle description, scratch "any distance" and "regardless of race". That´s a bit too OP for a sniper, everyone has limits. Another one is the secret society thing. Just as I pointed out to Cool Girl, if it is something from outside Myriad and your char changed worlds later than that´s ok, but I´d prefer those things not to have an impact in the story as a whole. As for the IC, I am waiting for a few people who already contacted me to post their characters, although I do think it is best to set a date for starting this. Sooo, does next Tuesday look good?
  18. Ok, Master done. Meet Tohsaka Akio, Tokiomi´s old man.
  19. Eeeeh, Dobby´s birthday? Congrats mate! Have a blast of a day! Have a great one as well, Simon! Welcome to the 2.0´s
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