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Everything posted by Notus

  1. *Creates a dimensional plan that gathers all the forms and definitions of 'Hill', locking out the usurpers K_H and Lugruf* The King has returned kids.
  2. Thanks again guys! @ Nick, I think it's not a matter of if, but when I'll get back here for real . School is not helping on that, but I do not plan to leave Reborn for good just yet! Hope you guys have an amazing week, you helped making my day much better!
  3. Thanks a ton everyone! It's in times like this that I miss this place the most... Gaming, RPing and battling are great, but the best of Reborn are the amazing people that gather here. You guys are priceless! I hope in the future I can come here more often. Hope you all have a wonderful day as well! *cuts the cake and starts distributing it* Ps: Lol Arkhi XD
  4. Thanks a ton Hiss, I managed to do that and all the following ones!
  5. Ok, I have an Calculus exam coming up so I guess I´ll be using this quite a bit . I´m trying to solve some exercises about the Maclaurin series, but I´ve got no clue how to start. Can someone help me as to how to solve them? ex) Use a binomial series to find the Maclaurin series for the given function and determine it´s radius of convergence. a)f(x) = (1+x)^1/2
  6. Maaan I´ve been out for too long =(

    1. Sparky


      Come back Notus

    2. Notus


      I´ll try but... damned exams are coming /cry

    3. Rosesong


      We miss you!

  7. Well, didn´t Haley to drop from B2. She´s been freezing me dead for quite some time XD. Even in the Reborn League nobody walled me like that. Anyway, congratulations to the staff, you´ve created a tough and extremely fun league! Hope I can get all of those badges until July.
  8. There you go. sorry if the list is too long: Fate/Zero (Action, magic. Epic as hell) Fate/Unlimited Blade Works (2015 version) (Action, magic. Epic as hell) Psycho Pass (Police, action, suspense) Tokyo Ghoul (action, supernatural) God Eater* (action, post-apocaliptic) (not finished yet, unfortunately. Up to now great candidate to top 10.) Darker than Black* (action, supernatural) Attack on Titan (action, post-apocaliptic) Danganronpa (mistery, survival game) Fullmetal Alchemist (action, adventure, magic alchemy) Steins; Gate (sci-fi, time travel, EXTREMELLY WELL WRITTEN PLOT) Angel Beats (Drama, action, comedy...thing. Also tear jerker XD) Baccano! (Mafia, supernatural, comedy, historic, action... really, a bit of everything.) Durarara (supernatural and a lot of other stuff) Subete ni garu F: The Perfect Insider* (mistery, really well-written plot) One Punch Man (action, comedy. Lots of comedy) Monogatari series* (supernatural, mistery) Arslan Senki (historic, epic, adventure) Overlord (game world, magic, comedy, adventure) Rokka no Yuusha (adventure) Hamatora (action) Mekaku City Actors* (soundtrack, supernatural, soundtrack. Did I mention the soundtrack?) Kill La Kill (Action, comedy. Over the top) RWBY* (anime or not, it´s really good) Nanatsu no Taizai (action, comedy) .Hack//Sign (game world, adventure) .Hack//Quantum (game world, adventure) Ao no Exorcist* (magic, demons, action) Parasyte (action) Kekkai Sensen* (action, comedy, supernatural) Plastic Memories* (Drama. Tear jerker. /cry ) Bold names mean Top 10 * means honorable mention
  9. Rose´s recital is airing! Hop on your YouTube accounts, enjoy and hit that like button!

    1. Notus


      Think about a late status XD

    2. Rosesong


      Thank you Notus!

  10. Nope, I´d classify that as a "pulse check" post Sorry guys, I´m in the middle of finals here...
  11. Serra took me almost twenty tries and a river of frozen tears before I beat her. That´s when I got good old Auriol and discovered the wonders of having a Lucario on a team.
  12. That´s a nice thread idea you had. I´ll agree with Arkh on this one, but if there´s no anime song thread in the Radio Tower yet you could have a simple one started, so you can have another source for your own thread. Also, listen to Noir´s OST. Kajiura Yuki extremely OP.
  13. Kenny & Mr. Taylor Mr. Taylor spent some seconds with his mouth open, interrupted before he could speak. Then he assumed a serious expression, indicating that he understood what Kenny was saying. "So that´s how it is. Interesting trap, I must say, but for us there is a number of ways to get past this." The old man took one hand to his whitebeard, scratching it while thinking aloud. "We could try to use your portals,or I could think of a manner to use my power to annulate the time loop effect. What do you think?" Ethic & Annie Annie quietly picked up to Ethic´s pace and walked beside him for some time. Then, quite unusually, she tried to start a conversation. "You seem troubled. Is there anything bothering you? I´m not so pretensious as to say I´ll be able to help, but if your fighting ability is compromised in any way because of your state of mind, that will be a problem for me too." She said in her usual monotone. Ellaria, Rose, Mormont The Bear "The only bear we traveled with was the property of a little girl..." "...A little girl with bright blue eyes and a weird behavior, in a cute way. Yep, that was me." The man gave them yet another exagerated bow and continued to talk. "So, let´s start again. I´m Ace Rorian, fugitive from Hell and cursed teddy bear in the free time. Nice to meet you again, Rose and Ellaria." Ellaria´s jaw dropped. After all they have been through not many things managed to surprise her anymore, but this was an exception. "Wha-what?" She remembered the weird way Enya used to talk to her bear, how it seemed to know things they were not supposed to about this place and what happened when Edward threw it on the Stix. It was not that forced to accept that the stuffed toy was, in a way, possessing Enya - what would explain a ton of stuff. "Then... How are you still alive? And what happened to Enya?"
  14. Ellaria, Rose and Mistery Guy "Your playing is fantastic; I'd love to know where you learned to play so sweetly and with such melancholy." "Melancholy is something one learns from Life... And from Death as well. As for the playing, it is a rather long and dull story... Anyway, thanks. You make this humble man honored with such honest words of aprecciation." The man bowed in a rather exagerated motion, and kept that position for a long time. The girls actually had started wandering if he had fallen asleep when he suddenly stood back up, a smile on his face showing perfect teeth, in great contrast with the rest of him. "But you kow, it hurts me that you don´t even recognize an old companion after we travelled together for so long. I know I was way cuter as a teddy bear, but hey - what´s inside is what really matters, right?" Ellaria didn´t understand what the unknown man meant by that. Teddy bear? The only teddy bear she knew in this place was Enya´s Ace, but that didn´t make sense... Confused, she stepped closer to Rose. Kenny & Mr. Taylor Kenny took one step towards the sun dial. Then another. And then another. And then... "...Actually, you´re more resilient than me for this kind of thing, Kenny my boy; would you be so kind to serve as lab rat for this once?" The next Kenny knew, he was back at Mr. Taylor´s side, once again hearing his request.
  15. Hehey, nice teams there. I´ll use my good old team from the Reborn League, which is on my sig. If anyone gets curious, check out the link. The thing I like most in this team is how flexible it can be. Adjusting the strategy well, it worked even against it´s biggest weaknesses, like Hardy´s rock types and Arclight´s electricity. It was also my very first competitive team, so it´s gonna be hella fun to use it again. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7173&page=1
  16. Annie & Ethic Annie looked at her hands - or rather, at the place they were supposed to be - realizing that Ethic used the same trick from when they met. She quickly understood the situation, nooded and proceeded in the statue´s direction again. This time there was no reaction at all. It seemed lke Ethic´s little scheme was working. She calmly walked past the statue, but then changed her mind and walked back towards it. She bit one of her fingers and turned her right arm into a hard, sharp form; using it as a sword, she struck the gargoyle´s neck, sending it´s head flying away. It´s glimmering eyes all blacked out. "Nice one, Ethic. Looks like it worked." Annie said. Mr. Taylor & Kenny "Ok then, let´s suppose this is some kind of trap. We should test it out right?" Mr. Taylor took one step towards the clock, but then seemed to reconsider. "...Actually, you´re more resilient than me for this kind of thing, Kenny my boy; would you be so kind to serve as lab rat for this once?" the old man asked.
  17. I know the feel, trust me. Sometimes it´s unfortunately a game of patience too. What makes me remember: people, if you know you´re going through a busy period or anything that might make you unable to post for a long time, you can always ask for the hosts help in bunnying your characters for a while until you get back.
  18. Eagle, you´re one of the most active players in the RP, so don´t worry about that discussion. I´ve been pretty absent myself to point fingers at anyone, and I do understand that real life happens from time to time XD. Buuuut anyway the way, let´s get to posting guys! The show must go on!
  19. Kenny & Mr. Taylor They simply walked together for some time, with Mr. Taylor quietly listening to Kenny´s stories of the previous circle. Although their navigation in the maze was going smoothly thanks to Mr. Taylor´s navigation skills ("The colder this place gets, the closer to the center we must be, my friend.") , they soon found the first thing other than the smooth black walls. In the middle of the corridor, there was a single pilar, about 1 meter high, serving as a support for a plain looking sundial. Although there was no sun light in the maze - what resulted in a lack of shadows for everyone - the watch did seem to be working properly, marking five minutes to mid-day. Mr. Taylor stopped and raised an eyebrow. "That´s new. What do you think that means, Kenny? A trap?"
  20. Kenny and Mr. Taylor Mr. Taylor answered Kenny with a grin. "Why, you didn´t expect me to lose for that kid Marcus, did you?". It happened two circles before. Kenny, Mr. Taylor, Rose and Ellaria were advancing together towards the Circle´s Guardian chamber. Marcus had been following them at a distance, and tried to set a trap by calling the attention of the Guardian´s minions towards the group. The last time they saw Mr. Taylor, he was fighting the psycopath and two Minotaurs alone to buy them time to escape. It didn´t seem likely at all, but here he was again, safe and sound. "So, want to walk along with an old man for a while?"
  21. Mate, slimes are getting OP here XD. Anyway, down to business. It looks like a very interesting project Huk, I watch Overlord too and that kind of plot does have a heavy appeal. The Tomb of Nazarick concept is what I find to be more suitable, but perhaps instead of making it randomly appear at an unfamiliar place, maybe we could flesh out reasons for it to end up there (maybe the group of monsters in question was defeated by "heroic" races somewhere and are fleeing from them, or they want to expand their domain, or something like that). I like the race system proposed by Pyon, after all monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and having relative freedom to create characters that reflect this would be great. Also, your class and skill system from Graterras is ready and tested, so I think it would be better to keep it. It would probably be best to make some research on types of monsters and think specifically about what kind of classes would be best for them.
  22. Time to take the dust off my trainer card, it seems. =)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guzam


      They hate us cuz they're Notus >~<

    3. Notus


      Puntastic... I´ll have to give you proper PUNishment for that XD

    4. Vinny


      Bro do you even have time for that? :T

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