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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Hehehe, I´ll give it a try for sure! Not having completed my Reborn League Challenge last season was a pity... Time to redeem myself. Congrats Dashie, Baz and everybody, I´m sure it will all work out great!
  2. Welcome to Reborn, mate! If you like writing then I suggest you drop by the Roleplaing and Creative Writing sub-forums sometime. See ya!
  3. Ellaria, Rose and the Mistery Man Ellaria couldn´t know the man was looking at them, but the very fact that he spoke to them was enough to put her on the edge. She decided that it would be best to drop the invisibility by now, so she could save energy if they needed something more powerful. "Hello." she said, seemingly appearing out of nowhere and pretending not to be afraid. Something about the way he spoke those words got her interest though. " Have we ever met before?" Kenny As Edward suddenly dashed away from the young man, a grave voice came from behind him, where a very familiar old man was leaning on the wall. "Ha, and I thought he wasn´t leaving soon. Anyway, how are you doing lad?" Mr. Taylor asked Kenny.
  4. Soooorry about the slight disappearance guys. My net provider decided to give a whole other meaning to the word crappy... And although it is working a bit now, I´m still strugling to load pages etc. Anyway, back to business
  5. Niiice intro. Welcome to the madhouse; hell; the dark side of the force Reborn, enjoy your stay and have fun!
  6. Ellaria, Rose, ??? Ellaria heard Rose´s information on the scene and thought a bit about the matter. "Uhmn... I think it would be better to just go past him, He can´t see us, and the music should muffle our steps. The most we advance without anyone seeing us, the better." Even so, she recognized the music was beautiful and it got her wanting to listen more. It had been much time since she last heard a proper song, specially one this well played; but if there was one thing she learned in this place is that beautiful things often turned out to be traps, and that was something she couldn´t ignore.
  7. A llama, seriously?! That´s an "A" grade in epicness in my book XD. Well, since it´s been a long time since I last posted here, and then Merchant Navy happened and stuff, here goes a pic with some friends of mine from the school´s Sailing Club. I´m the one on the left, with the weird messy hair (even though it´s cut short =/).
  8. Whoaaa, great day for me to take a better look in the forums! Happy Birthday Skitts! Have a big cake, a ton of battles and, of course, kick everybody´s ass as usual.
  9. Heyo. I entered Reborn shortly before the start of the League´s last season and tried my hand at it. It was the best pokémon experience I ever had, the thrill of those battles and the ammount of stuff I learned from them was immense. If you guys are set for doing something based on that, then I can only say go for it, and good luck! I´ll be surely playing when it starts running, though I´m afraid my life has been little too busy for me to effectively help on it. You´ll have a lot of work in your hands, as stressed above many times, but I believe it can work if planned carefully.
  10. Ellaria, Mathew, Donna & Rose Ellaria was happy to hear Rose again, but she was having trouble catching her bearings; it seemed like they were four there now, and although Mathew didn´t seem a bad guy, there was yet the new woman voice to account for. Judging by Rose´s tone and the sound of drawing blades, things were starting to get slightly out of control. Finally, when Rose collapsed to the floor she was sure it would be better to do something. What she did would take a lot of concentration and effort on the earlier cirles; but now she was not anymore the completely defenseless and frightened girl from before, and her ability flowed naturally through her to comply with her wish. Before anyone noticed, he girl´s eyes went alive with a silver glow; and in a heartbeat, Rose and Ellaria disappeared. Ellaria quietly helped Rose to her feet, pulling her to a distance from the other two adventurers before asking her sister in a whisper "what should we do now? Do you want to talk to them more, or leave them here?" it was an pretty weak invisibility she was using now, hiding only two people, so she probably could keep it long enough for them to escape confortably; but still, it wouldn´t last forever and was very tiring. Annie & Ethic "Annie, explain what exactly happens when you try to walk down the corridor. The walls close in and force you to retreat- but did you notice anything else? Like something changing with the movement or light of the statues' eyes, or a click from the floor?" The girl had been watching with an unamused expression while Ethic suddenly started glaring at nowhere in particular - at least in her perception - but she lifted an eyebrow at his question. "Yes, the statues definitely move their eyes, and wave their staffs. Want me to show you?" Without waiting for an answer Annie walked towards the gargoyles, biting her lips while doing this. She didn´t need more than two steps for it to happen. Suddenly the statues came alive, all the hundreds of glowing eyeballs focusing on Annie instantly. Then, faster than the eye could see, the walls from both sides of the corridor deformed as if they were alive and blocked the path; not only that, the barrier now formed moved at insane speed to hit Annie with full strenght. Luckily she had prepared for the impact hardening her skin. All she had to do was curl into a ball before being lauched backwards until she hit another wall with a loud crashing noise. Moments later, the blonde girl was back by Ethic´s side looking unfazed by the events. "So, was it useful?"
  11. A bit busy studying here, but tonight I'll update the characters I'm playing with. On a side note, falling, crashing and tumbling seem to be becoming issues for some adventurers there XD.
  12. Ellaria, Mathew & Donna "I was one of the best gamblers around, but it came back to bite me. This coin was a gift from my daughter, who is dead..." "I... I´m sorry." Ellaria managed to say, surprised by the sudden burst of emotion from Mathew. He didn´t sound like he was faking it, but it was weird to talk about such personal matters to someone you just met... Unless... 'That´s it,' the girl thought 'maybe that´s the person I remind him of. His daughter.' she realized with surprise. Distracted, Ellaria didn´t notice the young woman clad in black standing a little farther ahead, blending in the shadows and dead quiet. Annie & Ethic Annie raised her elbowls in a motion that meant whatever, but she still added one more thing. "Ok, just remember we are competing with them, And I don´t feel like getting behind by any reason." They walked a bit in silence, Annie taking the lead after reasoning that she knew the place better, until she came to a sudden stop. "There. That´s the first point I can´t get past." she pointed ahead in the dim lighted corridor. There were two gargoiles guarding the way, staffs in hand. The statues (or creatures?) were the same draining black color of the walls, short and terribly deformed: they had eyes covering their entire body, dark irises with a fluorescent green irradiating from their pupils. "If I try to get close to them, the walls imediatelly close and punch me back a long and painful way. Any ideas?" she asked with crossed arms, looking at Ethic.
  13. Heyo Sparky! You´re doing well, just could use expanding a bit more on your character´s actions and feelings when you write. I´m gonna answer you guys later, don´t worry.
  14. Ellaria and Mathew "I don't think a coin flip would be of any use for getting around the wall, Ellaria..." "A coin flip?" Ellaria looked puzzled. "What do you mea-". That was when she heard the maze scream like an agonizing animal. For a few moments she was disorientated, but soon it had passed and she could resume walking. If Mathew wanted to kill me, he just missed a golden opportunity she thoughtto herself. Maybe the man really wasn´t a danger after all. "Uhmn, sorry. But what do you mean by 'a coin flip'?' she asked curiously while they walked. Annie and Ethic "I suppose we should get moving then. Big Brother is watching, after all." Annie rolled her eyes at Ethic´s theatrality; it seemed like he hadn´t changed that much after all. She walked behind him for a bit before catching up to his pace. "What do you plan to do if we find one of the others?" she asked when she got near him. It wouldn´t do any good to have more people on their little team once their abilities complemented each other quite well, in her analisis. Donna She walked for quite some time with no problem at all (though also with no indication that she had been advancing). The maze was quiet and cold, despite the eventual shrieks it emitted, like a living creature. After rounding a corner though, Donna heard voices coming near. "Uhmn, sorry. But what do you mean by 'a coin flip'?' It was a girl and a man talking, apparently, and they didn´t seem to have noticed her just yet.
  15. ^ Whoa, GoT overpowered around here. And yeah, let´s bring the power of memes back. I still have one I haven´t used...
  16. Ellaria and Mathew Ellaria bit her lip once again. "Yes, but then we´d be going away from Rose... Maybe we should turn back and try going on the other way..." She was unsure, and didn´t want to leave her friend now that they had - almost - met again. Yet, she didn´t really believe that they would be have any luck heading back. "Can´t you do anything to get past the wall?" the girl asked, not having seen the weird behavior of that black surface. With this question, she could also start to try and figure out what Mathew´s ability was, which would be an advantage in case she had to defend herself. Annie and Ethic Annie sighed "Yeah, you´re exactly right. The freaking thing is alive." she answered in a seemingly bored tone, though a little frustration could be felt underneath it as well. "The bad part is that it is actually smart. It will observe you for a while, and then start to throw at you things that basically counter your powers. At first you will be able to get past those, but the more time you take to get out the more adapted to you it will become. That´s why I need someone with abilities completely different than mine in order to advance."
  17. Crazy weekend, helping to organize and racing in my school´s Sailing Club anual regata. Lots of work, but well worth it!

    1. KingRyan


      you should paint your boat like the king of the red lions.

    2. Rosesong


      Have fun and be safe!

    3. Notus


      uhmn, not a bad idea XD. I do prefer some sort of seabird though, maybe an albatros (or a Wingull)

  18. Ellaria & Mathew Ellaria, hearing Rose´s sudden halt and her question, tested the wall ahead of her... And there it was. They were also blocked to the left, but a path was open to the right; the opposite of were they wanted to go. "No good Rose, we´re being forced to the right." she said, sadly. "What should we do?" That entire time, she didn´t try to talk with Mathew. She had grown suspicious of everything since she entered the Hill... And as Mathew also seemed lost in thought, their walk had been a quiet on up until now. Annie & Ethic Annie cotinued to stare right in the middle of the corridor. As it was kinda narrow, it didn´t matter if Ethic tried to confuse her with his voice, it would be easy to hit him if the voice stopped or went near. "Hey. Sorry about the rock." She said in a tone that showed none of her emotions - and also didn´t indicate her being sorry in the least. "It was the best way to drive you away from the others, Ethic." Annie didn´t move as she kept talking. "I´ve been going separate of you since when we saparated, and I managed to arrive here before you. Going right to the point: despite the ´warm´ welcoming words, it is not possible to cross this maze on your own. And I don´t want to have to fight a ton of people when we get out of it, so... what I´m trying to say is, team up with me by now, get off this place and after that we settle who will get to the end first." She didn´t even try to desguise her intentions after exiting the maze, because there was no reason for doing so. At this point, it should be clear that everyone would turn into enemies soon.
  19. "We could try following the wall. There might be a point were the corridors are linked or something." She answered Mathew, turning on her heels and pressing forward. It was better that she went ahead, because if the man was scouting he could easily enter some passage that she couldn´t see and take her by surprise. As opposed, with him behind her it she would know the terrain he was on - and not seeing him wasn´t a problem anyway. She didn´t want to give the man much freedom on talking to her until they reached Rose, but she wandered if the thing he said about her resemblance to someone he knew was true. "Rose" she shouted " If you´re facing this way, turn right! Let´s try finding a passage." Ethic Ethic ran for some time before stoping at a dead end. Right in front of him, a familiar blond girl was seemingly waiting for him, arms relaxed and blood dripping from her index finger. She was looking right past the point he was with her palid blue eyes, maybe a sign that she didn´t see him, but nevertheless... Annie Tsokyu was standing there, right in front of him.
  20. "My name is Ellaria." The girl answered the man plainly while getting up slowly. That much information was not important around the Hill anyway, so it was safe. The man seemed not to mean her any harm, but she couldn´t ever be sure of that in there. "What are you doing he-". Just as the girl was saying that, she heard a very familiar voice shouting her name from the other side of the wall. Her heart pounded with relief at hearing it. "Rose! I´m here!" She shouted back, instintively turning her eyes away from Mathew and towards her friend´s voice - though for her that wasn´t too important as long as she could hear the man. "There´s a person with me, but I´m alright." The girl just hoped Rose would arrive quickly to help her if this guy was an enemy. * * * Ethic A rock flew past his head with the speed of a bullet. It hit the wall to his right and ricocheted out of sight, leaving a crack in the black surface from the impact. The crack instantly fixed itself, and in the corridor to his left, Ethic caught a glimpse of blond hair running away from him.
  21. Hey, are you all alright? Ellaria flinched a bit when she heard the unknown voice, and did not move from the spot where she was. Knowing the way the Hill worked, this person would most likely prove to be an enemy... But she couldn´t feel an iminent threat from his tone, so she decided to stall a bit and see who this guy was. From the sound of his voice he should be some two meters away from her. It was enough. If anything sounded wrong, she could disappear in no time. "Who are you?" she asked in a defensive tone, ignoring the man´s question.
  22. Ellaria had been slowly making her way through the labirint when she suddenly felt the wall she was clinging to grow cold and pulse. Alarmed, she distanced herself from it but couldn´t see the change in it´s color. That´s whe she heard, from the direction opposite to where she was going to, a very familiar voice shouting her name. "Rose! I´m here!" She shouted back, starting to retreat in the older girl´s direction. She was aware that she was giving off her position to any and all enemies in the area, sho she hurried towards Rose´s voice at a fast pace... Until she crashed into someone and fell straight over her back. One thing she knew for sure, and that sent a chill through her spine: this person wasn´t Rose. If she was able to see were she was going, she would be looking at the blond man with a coin hanging from his neck she´d hit.
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