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Everything posted by Notus

  1. ^ Nice idea actually. What about the ressurection putting him on a timer? Like, after he uses it, he´s got a limited lifespan and therefore must win the Clash within that time. It would be quite interesting to play something like that.
  2. Uhmn, dunno if Marcus would be like that. Maybe he would get a little shaken by the recent death, but otherwise I think he would gladly grab the chance of fixing things. It's all he wishes for after all.
  3. I figured that much. XD Thing is, when I thought about that it was so fitting I couldn't pass up (+ it reminds me of Heracles' Noble Phantasm sooo...) Maybe we could tone it down with a drawback? Suggestions?
  4. Name: Marcus Arthai Archetype: Paladin (Cinder Knight) Race: Human Age: 20 -Appearance: 1,80 meter tall, lean and strong. He has dark green eyes, coal black hair and generally wears a good quality red and black light armor with his family arms embroidered on it. He carries a red shield in his back and a bastard sword on his waist, both family relics. Marcus is actually almost twenty one and has all the energy of youth. -Personality Overview: Marcus is a young man with a fiery soul. He never backs off from a fight, even when he should, and is as hot headed as it can get. He often gets angry over small stuff, but despite that he's a loyal and passionate man who will always defend those he deems his friends and has a hunger for challenging the unknown. Signature Moves/Spells/Skills: 1)Signature Fighting Style: Sword and Board Style- Paladin. 2)Toggle Skill: Sharp Fire This skill consists on Marcus heating up his sword's blade to the point it can cut through virtually anything. It embodies his will to never let any obstacle stop him from reaching his goals. 3)Active Skill: Lightining Charge A head on charge in which Marcus has his body and surroundings electrified. During it's use he can cast lightining bolts with his sword, touching and getting near him will result in a tremendous shock. It's short term skill and once over, however, will leave him with symptoms of being electrified himself. It represents his last fight and the skills he never got to learn in his order. 4)Passive Skill: Godess Gift of the Chosen Basically a one time ressurection. Represents the real ressurection granted to him in life during the events of "Graterras: A World in Peril". Background: How's it like?
  5. Is this still accepting sign-ins? I know of a certain Cinder Knight who fits too bloody well on this kind of story. (Also: Graterras with a Fate fell to it? 1000/10. Huk, you´re THE guy.) (Also also: I might have difficulties to post sometimes. Like, maybe once or twice a week in a worst case scenario. Is it ok to get in anyway?)
  6. "I´m getting in their website just now." Will answered. "There is competition, no doubt. All of them are real powerhouses, as it seems they have a really wide range of equipment to sell. Of course each one has a slight edge over the others in one or other line of products, but nothing too big. The other conglomerates are Schinder C.O and Taurus Armory." Will let out a whistle. "I´ve taken a look at market news. We´re talking about the biggest industries not only of Derraton, but the whole continent here."
  7. "Why yes, that´s quite the logical assumption Lieutenant. I think whoever was the rat probably vanished along with the other employees though." Will said again. "I just did a little more research on the weapon industries of the city. There seem to be three big conglomerates that compete among them. Obviously, they also maintain close relations with cyber industry as well and their primary market is the foreign market. Derraton´s own Defense Forces and Police Department buy from one of these, the Ironhand group." He paused. "Dunno, I don´t see a reason for a big company like that to have anything to do with it, but if you guys wanna know about the weaponry market, that would be a nice place to ask around."
  8. "I just took a look at the camera footage for the night. On outside all is fine,only one or two stray cars and a trash removal truck passed by. On the inside... It is a clear case of footage loop. Whoever did the job prepared was prepared for us too. Aand, regarding possible interested parties, your description fits a lot of the city´s tech companies. Why would any of them resort to kidnapping instead of hiring beats me though." Will answered them finally.
  9. Tons of apologies for the disapearance guys. Last week was crazy with training for a ceremony we had in here (hopefully I´ll post pics soon XD) and on top of that my internet modem vanished never to be found again. I´ll try to make an update tomorrow.
  10. Steady? Ymora was steadly super fast in my time. XD I´m also on a pretty turbulent season here, training for a ceremony, trying to keep up with calculus (/cry), having a ton of school work to do... I know the feel.
  11. The owner entered the room at Brythit´s call - luckily, because one minute earlier and the team would have quite a bit to explain. He walked over to the table and picked one of the stained sheets, observing it closely. "I don´t know what this is. We don´t use blue ink here, and it doesn´t look much like that anyway..." The man laid down the sheet again, and turned to ask Bryth. "You cops don´t have any machinery to identify that kind of stuff?"
  12. Sorry for disapearing for a bit guys, expect updates later today.
  13. Zeeeeephyyyy!!! Super happy B-day sis!
  14. As Lia kept looking through the papers she realized how unorganized the companie was - probably on purpose. As an illegal producer, there were no names for the third parties who worked with them let alone their client´s names. Probably the owner couldn´t have the luxury of having someone find who he was selling to... The information was all scattered and incomplete and some of the papers were stained with something blue. At first it seemed as if it was ink, but there were too many stained in the same way. At the same time, Will reported back to Brythit with the results of his research. "It was a bit tough to convince them, and some really didn´t respond but... All the stablishments I managed to talk to did hire at least one new worker on the week before the disappearances. None matched the description of the one from here though."
  15. ^I´ll leave that up to you guys. Bryth woud know it for sure though.
  16. Looking reeally good! Hurricane season for my Noivern hehehe.
  17. uhmn, ops, I guess I forgot to say that in the op. It´s their first case, and although all of them would have some contact with Bryth, the level of the relationships between them is up to you guys. EDIT: Kkkkkk cosplaying Bom? Nice one Hukuna, I can only imagine the scene XD. Also... Where are the others? Red and leocain, are you still in this?
  18. Sliightly late, but happy birthday DD!
  19. "Well..." The owner of the little factory started. "There were various workers here, and different positions, but they were all kinda qualified. We produce AI chips for drones here, so I had people for operating the machines involved in the process, and even three programmers - actually the new guy was one of them, hella good one it seemed. He was nothing out of the ordinary in looks actually, typical cyberworm: skinny, black hair on the face, black shirt of some game... " He ended the sentence raising his shoulders, and left the explanations at that. "Oh, ok miss Morris." Came the voice out of the intercomm. "I´ll take a look at that. It might take a while though, since there isn´t a proper registry of these workers: I´ll have to call the owners of the places and ask them one by one." Will said in an apologetic tone. As for Bom´s search... At first it didn´t reveal anything. There were the usual low-level demons on the darker alleys around the factories, but those were normal to see just about anywhere, feeding on animals´ souls. They had not the intelect nor the strenght to pull off something like this. One thing he did notice though: there was no scent of any dead human soul near the place. That could mean two things: either the workers were not killed - or whatever did them had emptied the dish, so to speak.
  20. I call the nickname Mika, if that´s alright. Nah, just gonna call him that anyway cus´ it´s a nice name and stuff.Hi Mika-san! *cough* I mean, welcome! As you already know, here you´ll find a bunch of crazy people and stuff, and have much fun (providing that you survive, of course)! I´d take a look at the competitive part of the community if I were you; I started at it after coming here as well, and people are always happy to help beginners. It really changes the way you play the game! Also, if you like a good story, take a look at the RP forums. It´s totally worth it! See you around mate! PS: I´m on the team that likes anime, though I watch mostly the short ones.
  21. Hehehe, as he´s a demon I think I know what you mean. That´s gonna be cool!
  22. "...Well, if you wanna know that badly then ok, missy: I didn´t ever have any problems with my workers - after all, problems means getting fired, and when you live in this part of town you wont want that, for worse the job is." The owner of the factory tried pretty well to not react to the gun o his head, after all one would be kinda used with this sort of stuff in the Steam District. Still, it was not a confortable situation by any means. "We did receive a new worker last week though, but I didn´t get the time to even talk to him, and the guy I had as personel supervisor is missing too." "Uhmn yes, there are similarities between the attacked sites: they all worked with either making parts for weapon or computer factories. That might be a coincidence though, since most of the establishments in that district seem to make that kind of stuff." Will´s voice rang again on the intercomm.
  23. The static once again sounded, and after what sounded like a sigh from the Chief a new, younger voice adressed them. "Oh hello. I´m Will and I´ll be assisting you with the case´s data... Not that there´s much to tell about it. This is the seventh case like this as far as we know, and they all present the same pattern: people simply go missing through the night. It happened on several small factories in the Steam District, mostly ones that employed unregistered workers. There are few cameras on the streets at this part of town, as you know, and the little footage we´ve got only shows the regular traffic, and at late hours the public trash and street repair service of course. We are... a little bit at a loss here. We don´t know how they disappeared like that, there are no signs of violence... So... yeah, that´s it."
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