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Everything posted by Notus

  1. ^Huk covered it all so... Yeah, you´re free to develop your characters in any way you want - actually that´s what I´m looking forward to see the most.
  2. Welcome to Hellborn Reborn matey! I see that you enjoy roleplaying and clearly has a great hand for writing, so check out our RP subforums anytime you want. We don´t usually bite too much in there.
  3. Sound Again, the place was empty. The machinery was still running, the desks were on place and although the floor was a mess of printing paper all around, the owner of the place swore that was the normal state of things in the shop. Actually the only weird thing was the abscence of people. It didn´t even look like a crime scene. The rest of that street was just like that: small illegal factories who would usually be running through the night, only that at some moment everybody went missing. Now the workers´ houses would be checked - a tough job, considering that none of them was registered, and most lived in the slums and streets of the Steam district - but the result would probably be the same as the six other ocurrences of this kind that happened in this month: no sign of them. As the group went back to the streets, a static noise came out of the intercomm device in the wrist of the young woman ahead of them, followed by a male voice. The man sounded bored, but had a tone of authority nonetheless. "So, at first we weren´t even going to investigate this. After they are all just illegal aliens and we have more pressing stuff to do but... Hell, now the count is over one thousand missing people. If you guys want anything, call my assistant in the headquarters, though you should have everything you need for an investigation by now. I expect you can deliver what we expect from you, Bryth. Now get to work, UNbOUND." With that Chief Carlsey of Derraton´s Police Department ended his instructions, if one could call it that way. It was an weird case indeed, but that´s what the Unusual Ocurrences Unit of Derraton was made for, after all.
  4. Kkkk nice to see you guys enjoyed your characters. I left some info out to leave some space for you to develop them as you like (Huk´s suggestion). And yeah Huk, Bom is the real deal XD. I think he´ll get pretty awesome in your hands mate.
  5. Some nice pics I have taken this year, despite the freaking military haircut.
  6. Hahahaha, glad that you liked the name, Dobby! XD And hey Cyaloom, nice to meet you! It´s great to get back and find some new faces around. I hope I´ll have the chance to play with you soon! Hehey, so that closes the cast! I made a random character assignment (that consisted on a friend of mine choosing numbers from one to four without having any idea of what was going on) and it looks like this: ZephirEnyalos, as Brythit Rekimgrim (previously accorded) Hukuna Fulmine, as Bomoriel "Bom" Hibaam Yash, as Lia Morris leocain, as Lt. Rob Cohington Trainer Red, as Indy Haggard
  7. Hehe, that will be interesting. Now I have one more reason to add a Dragalge to my arsenal.
  8. Yeah! I weighed my time carefully and I think I can get back for good, so this will serve as a test. As for the characters... I already have the first one defined, but the others will be on a random basis. EDIT: And holy hell Faust, I almost didn´t recognize your profile XD. It´s great to see you again mate!
  9. Oooooh yeah, it´s good to be back! Take a look at the RP forums, more specifically here:http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13806

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DarkLight


      *pokes head in* Hi!!! :D

    3. Vinny


      Notus is back; everybody, grab your boats.

    4. Yash


      YES>>>>>>>>>> He is back!!!

  10. Welcome to Derraton, a city-state of Science, Industry and bright lights at the surface, but with an underworld darker than black. You are part of the UNbOUND, the Unusual Ocurrences Unit of Derraton, a special police squad made by the best of the best, though still cast out. You are part of a select group built to deal with problems that regular police can´t (or don´t want to) handle. It´s a tough task, but you and your companions are surely up to the job... Or are you? When a streak of mass disappearances starts at the lower parts of the city´s steam-clad ghettos, the UNbOUND start their first investigation. But many are the difficulties in their way, and their prey in the shadows might not be the only enemy lurking around the place... Hello again everyone! Oh hell, how I missed this place XD. For those who are new to the forums, my name is Notus and I used to be around here a lot, but then college, life etc happened and, well... What matters is that I´m glad to be back! I´ll be your host for this story, which I hope you´ll enjoy. As tagged above, this is a Reroll project, which means it´ll have a limited number of players, who will play with pre-made characters. For more info on the idea behind this kind of RP, look into this handy thread by our mod Hukuna: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11930&page=1 Of course there are some rules and warnings everyone should take a look before we start, so let´s look at them. 1) RESPECT YOUR FELLOW PLAYERS AND HOST Pretty simple: we´re all here to have fun, so no use being a "grasshole" right? If you´re bothered by something or someone please speak up, but do so in a civilized manner. 2) THERE WILL BE DARK CONTENT AHEAD Just to warn you guys, this is a pretty dark and violent world so... yeah, things may get ugly. 3)AVOID EXCESSIVE SWEARING & GRAPHIC SCENES To some extent it is acceptable, due to the nature of the RP scenary, but let´s try not to make the readers sick ok? That´s basically it. I hope to have a great time playing with you, and that you enjoy the ride as well! Now, stay with some usefull information regarding the world and characters you´ll be playing with. The City of Derraton The UNbOUND Tech About Demons The Cast ZephirEnyalos, as Brythit Rekimgrim Hukuna Fulmine, as Bomoriel "Bom" Hibaam Yash, as Lia Morris leocain, as Lt. Rob Cohington Trainer Red, as Indy Haggard
  11. New avi from this saturday´s regata. =)

    1. Simon


      Wow, quite a beauty. What place did you get it in the race?

  12. Hey, there´s a new Ghost in the Shell out right?=) Yesss, Fate is getting AMAZING! Way better then the original anime version of UBW in all ways. And looking on older stuff I´ve found Black Butler: Book of Circus. If the rest of this series is as good as that, then I gotta watch it fast!
  13. You guys are priceless! XD Thanks a ton to all of you! Reading this really made my day better and I realize I'm missing Reborn a lot... I'm halfway through my tests period here, but once I'm done with that I have some plans in mind. (And wut, Vinny is back? Bem vindo, sumido! XD)
  14. Well, just discovered Pokemon Glazed and it's very good! Still no match for Reborn, but I had the pleasant surprise to see some competitive looking teams there.

    1. roqi


      It was pretty difficult at times yeah!

  15. I´m slowly discovering that everyone and their mother in the academy plays pokémon... And aparently I´m one of the best here. Thanks Reborn =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparky
    3. Simon


      rofl Mael. And that's awesome to hear Notus.

  16. "Half despair, half jealousy. A dash of hope. In other words, that´s love." - Varona, Durarara!x2

    1. Notus


      When describing Ikebukuro. For some reason I really liked this quote.

    2. Arkhi


      Difficult to relate when an assassin says it, though.

    3. Notus


      Kkkk yeah, I guess so. XD

  17. New avy, and this one is a pic taken by me in 2011.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah... that nice reddish-orange sky.

    2. Notus


      It´s awesome right? Browsing old pictures can be rewarding sometimes.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I could sit our under a sky like that all damn day, a shame such a sight is so fleeting and only comes every now and again. But then, it wouldn't be so special and so beautiful if it happened all the time.

  18. ^I´m in the same situation. What´s the best time for you Umbreown?
  19. I´ll take Fire folks. I´m itching for a good old tour!
  20. Yay Nick, EVERY-SINGLE-MORNING. XD Looking stylish Rose, really nice pic!
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