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Everything posted by Notus

  1. So the show is still going on eh? Thanks a lot Rose! Just passing to say hello, since it's been quite some time that I don't post. Everything is great at school, but my free time is really limited... I'll be droping by every now and then though to read along what you guys write! Hugs to everyone!
  2. Heey guys, don't you die on me right? XD Just passing to say hi, it's gonna be some time before I can go back to RPing... But I will be droping by the server and forums every now and then. Things are going great at school and I have tons of stories to tell from these first weeks there but time is now a luxury for me. See you around everyone, I missed you a lot!
  3. ^ You wouldn´t believe how annoying it is to maintain that thing clean and in shape... But well, at least it looks good XD
  4. Heyooo guys! It´s been some time since I posted here, and as my English training in Reborn helped a LOT to get me into my School, here´s a pic of my new look in uniform. XD (btw, the girl is my sis Nephytis, for those who remember her)
  5. Heyoooo Reborn! I´m not got much time, but just passed by to say I´m alive and well! ;) School is going great but the routine is crazy, so yeah, no more RPing for me for some time... But expect me to drop by the server every now and then to say hi! I really miss you all! Big hugs; Notus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Good to know things are going well.

    3. Yash


      Hey! Drop by whenever you can. Also all the best for school!

    4. Simon


      Yo Notus, good to see you're doing good mate. I hope things continue to go well for ya.

  6. Last day of Reborn for some time... Hopefully I see ypu all again soon! Stay safe!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      you were the greatest friend online that I ever had.

      So make sure ya come back someday, aight?

    3. Notus


      Thanks everyone, I'll try my best to be back soon!

    4. Arkhi


      He made a typo in his farewell status ;_;

  7. Hehehe, Ix is in a tight spot eh? XD Rose, you're doing great and the same goes to everyone. Hope you guys enjoy this story, and good luck to you all! When I started I had no idea it would get this big or this good, and honestly most of it is because you are amazing writers. Thanks a ton!
  8. Hehe, good idea with that shockwave mate. I'm reading along and I like what I see up to now! Good luck in the RP everyone!
  9. Marcus raised his eyebrows when Jupiter fell over him, but soon the surprised look was replaced by a calmer, warm one. The young Templar passed his right arm over her back, returning the embrace, and put the Emerald Rose he was holding on the ranger's silver hair. There was now a crimson stain on the flower, a shame, though for some reason it seemed pretty all the same for him. "It isn't anyone's fault... I would have come anyway if I knew what was happening. Besides, I did protect your sister right? That's good enough for me." Marcus said to Jupiter. He then looked up to the sky. It's been one hell of a ride, this life. And in the end, wasn't this a good death too? The dream of every warrior... It would have happened to him sooner or later, so better now that he had this company with him. He looked back at Jupiter, striking her hair tenderly. "Stay safe, all of you. I'm happy I could meet you guys and it has been a honor to fight with you. Graterras is in good hands, I know it. I... am going ahead so... see you someday." He finally closed his eyes and let his head fall to the ground.
  10. The young man felt triumph when his blow hit it's mark... And then pain again, tenfold. It was weird, the feeling of being broken beyond repair in this way. He had no empty hopes as he fell to the floor - he had died once after all, and he knew what it was like. The rest passed in a blur for him. Ashnard leaving, the other's presences, more pain (though that was already starting to recede as he began to feel numb.)... One thing that got his attention was Jupiter screaming his name. 'Oh hey' he thought. 'Maybe this could have worked after all.' He let go of his sword and reached for his sack, for the flower. He just held it in his closed hand, but somehow it was comforting. Then came Dru, kneeling beside him and speaking of bards. Marcus grinned through the pain he was feeling. "You... Think so? Good, I... always wanted to be in a song." Would they sing it on the Shifting Sands? Would his father, mother and brother know that he'd done something worthwhile in the end? He hoped so. Not that it mattered now, the numbness was "So... sorry guys. I screwed up a little bit here. You'll have to finish the bastard up for me right?"
  11. 'Now!' Marcus turned blazing fast in the opposite way that one would expect judging by his sword hand, slashing with the hatchet towards Ashnard's head. He was aiming for the kill, or at least to severely injure the beast.
  12. Gym Squad Regice preferred to take the Focus Blast, using it's own movement along with the Blizzard's wind to avoid the rock. It tanked the hit pretty well and never stopped attacking though. Meanwhile, Abomasnow finished Mega evolving and was retreating to a rock behind the golem's line. It stopped there, it's lower half invisible behind the stone, and started launching it's own Blizzard... Which was devastating. It managed to be even more powerful the the legendary's one, sweeping the field with brute force. "Kyte!" Jon ordered yelling over the raging storm. " Circle to get near that Regice, but keep an eye open for Abomasnow! Don't stop tje Rock Slide either!"
  13. No prob mate, I know how it feels. Next time just try to give us a warning before traveling ok?
  14. 'Shit' Then the air going out of his lungs. Then pain. Marcus felt as if he was ran over by a chariot and hit by a lightning bolt right after. His muscles were slow and weird to respond to his commands, and it took a little time for them to get back to normal. He felt the light tapping on his foot. So the Ranger was actually trying to help?Well, that was good. One guy with no leg and another with probably a few broken ribs, sure they would do it... But despite the helplessness of the situation they were in, or maybe exactly because of it, even more anger and resolve raised within Marcus. Screw everything, he would take this monster down or die trying. That was what he was made for right? To do what no one else could, to go where no one else would. Right?! He grabbed the hatchet with his left hand. His sword was still on his right, so hopefully it would catch Ashnard's attention a little more than his new, smaller weapon. He made a motion as if he was trying to get up - with his right side towards the enemy - with difficulty. He had some strength left, but the werewolf didn't need to know that.
  15. If you want to battle a bit yet, Skarmory wasn't koed, buthe is on red health
  16. Gym Squad Jon didn't answer Seth, completely focused at the battle. The hail kept falling in the arena due to Abomasnow's ability, so they could very well prepare for a brand new Blizzard session. "Kite, make it hard for them to move and get away from the Abomasnow. Rock Slide!" "Regie, do the same then! Keep the Blizzard up, and Abbie, protect and get ready for the party!~" As the pokemon went to follow their orders, Candice pulled out her scarf revealing a small stone on it's tip. A blinding enveloped the Abomasnow, and it changed into an even bigger and more threatening beast: it evolved into it's Mega form.
  17. Ouch, I didn't know that. It's ok mate, school always comes first. Good luck with your classes, hope you can catch up well! So as for co-hosting I'll leave the decision to DL. Just remember guys, whoever does it will have the story spoiled!
  18. Marcus started to realize how bad his situation was when Ashnard's cage appeared. It seemed he wouldn't have the luxury of support against this beast... Not until they figured out how to get through the lightning barrier. Anyway, now he had to focus in the battle ahead. Ashnard came running towards him, and he knew a hug from that thing would be lethal. More than that, with it's apparent regeneration skills, he couldn't afford trying a non deadly hit so... Marcus waited until Ashnard got close and threw his shield - lit aflame - at the werewolf's face with full strength. Without a moment of hesitation, the Fire templar leapt to the ground using Xavier's jet trick to get even more speed. The idea was to duck beneath the beast's arms, roll behind it and turn to a sword strike to it's head as soon as it passed by. The shield was supposed to distract and maybe even temporarily blind the werewolf with it's light.
  19. Tons of apologies for my disapearance yesterday folks. My net connection crashed for good in the and of my battle with Pyrr... It was great fun for me anyway, thanks for the great battles everyone!
  20. In all the stopovers of the main event, the Volvo Ocean Race makes a In-Port race, designed to test the teams in short inshore races. In these the main point is to keep speed and maneuverability at top conditions, as opposed to offshore racing where the important thing is to place the boat in the spot with better wind and sea conditions. That's yesterday's race highlights for you! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RkhWrMd6QBw Full Race http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bSrlhInQMrE
  21. Gym Squad "Aurie, use Body Slam!" Candice ordered her Aurorus. It was clear it couldn't dodge the move, so it could very well focus on taking the foe down along with itself. Both Pokemon hit each other head on and were instantly knocked out. A flash of red light was seen and Aurorus was sent back to it's pokeball. "Weeell, that was surprising. I never thought a Honchkrow would give me this much trouble... Nice job there." With that Candice took a new pokeball from her belt and pressed the central button and called a new pokemon to the fray: an Abomasnow, this one dwarfing even the big one of the woods. It was clearly a really tough pokemon. "Sooo, who's next to the party?~"
  22. Gym Squad "Go for some cover guys, and put the Blizzard up again!" After Candice shouted her command, both her pokemon slided in the ice lookin to get behind the icy rocks in the field. The ice helped them moving faster than normal, so Regice managed to completely avoid the hit. Aurorus once again took it, and although it clearly hurt the dinosaur like beast the pokemon was able to bulk it up and hide most of it's body behind a rock. The dual Blizzards got up again. It was a simple, but effective strategy. Neither Dusk pokemon in the field were resistant to Ice, and there was always the chance of freezing. They had to stop this quickly and make it harder for Candice's mons to move so... "Kyte, break the floor with Earthquake! Don't let they slide!" The attack went off well, though as it was weakened by the layer of ice in the floor it lacked the power to KO anything. The base idea to block the enemy's skating worked though, and if Lockhart could make it through the storm he might be able to knock Aurorus out.
  23. If I could suggest someone, my bet is Jory. He's been on this longer than anyone and is a great writer. What do you think mate?
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