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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Wuuut, how did I lose this. Happy (late) Birthday mate, you deserve the best!!!
  2. Searching for someone to assume th EV Training Guide when I'm gone... Anyone interrsted?

  3. Marcus had to mentally whistle as he rolled and got up again. This guy was ridiculously strong, he had to give him that. "Hey, this shield is a family heirloom, you know? Now I have one more reason to kick your ass off, doggy." The templar teased the monster, trying to make it not notice Helze and at the same time circling and backing away from it. With this much strenght, he'd do better attacking at a distance until Ashnard got tired, and if he could turn the wolf's back to Helze there was a possibility she could snipe it from behind and finish this... Though he felt it wouldn't be this simple.
  4. ((No problem, we can roll with it. I was expecting exactly something like that)) Gym Squad Candice nodded at Jon's request, and Skarmory left the field to his trainer. The Ice leader attention was all in Lockhart now. "Te-hee, that's a very well trained pokemon indeed. I'll not make the same mistake again. Aurie, Protect! Regie, clip the bird's wings with Thunderbolt!" A barrier of energy blocked Lockharts attack, but right before Regice could attack Jon pressed his pokeball's button. Kyte materialized right in front of the Thunderbolt, taking the attack as if it was nothing and giving Lockhart another chance to strike. "You man, watch you own back. Your pokemon is not suited for this gym, but I won't forgive if I go through all this trouble and you go down without doing shit."
  5. Marcus quickly reacted to Ashnard's move, raising his shield as if to block the strike. It was a feint though, for as soon as the werewolf hit it, he'd use the extra impulse to jump sideways and roll away. That tactic would hopefully give him a chance to measure the opponent's strenght, put him in a good shooting position for Helze and buy some time for the others to arrive.
  6. 'Oh boy. It keeps getting worse.' Ok, now things were getting serious but... He clearly heard the voice of the werewolf and the words Titan Skin mentioned. So, this was the guy responsible for what happened back in the town? Anger started to build up inside him, just as it was happening to Helzelbeth. He unsheated his sword and sent a jet of fire towards the sky, hoping that the rest of the group would see it as a distress signal. Then instead of stopping Helze, he charged forward past her and sent another jet of flames towards Ashnard, obviously high enough to avoid hitting the man on the ground. "Stay behind me." He told Helze as he passed by her. Close quarter fights were his specialty after all, and she would be more help offering arrow support.
  7. 'What the...' Marcus was a little taken aback when what he expected to be a calm sightseeing stroll in the woods turned in a crazy run. He didn't lose a moment in going after Helze, after all he had to look after her for Jupiter. It wasn't as easy as he thought though, because the half elf was really fast despite him being stronger. He managed to keep up, but that was the best he could do. ((Ninjad XD))
  8. Gym Squad As Lockhart dove towards Aurorus, Candice smiled. She was expecting a frontal hit anyway so she waited for the Honchkrow to get near and... "Aurie, switch into Ice Beam to his face!" At the same time, Pine and Skarmory kept taking hits and not moving for some reason. On the sidelines, Jon could not understand what was happening with the boy, but it was getting on his nerves. Suddenly, the trainer jumped over the handrail and into the arena, pokeball in hand. "I call a switch!" He yelled at Candice over the roar of wind. It was too late to help Lockhart, but at least he could keep a little pace in the battle this way.
  9. I was going to say this yesterday, but net kept trolling me XD. So, as Dobby correctly assumed, I'd like to pass Aftermath over to Dark Light. She's shown multiple times that this RP is as important to her as it is for me, and that she has the ability to make it happen. The one thing that is left to know now is if she wants to do it, so... What do you say DL?
  10. Marcus nodded to Jupiter. "Right, I'll keep an eye on her. Don't worry, we should be back any minute." He said with a confident tone. On the other hand though Helze probably didn't want to be followed, therefore he tried keeping some distance when following her to preserve a bit of her privacy. At the same time he was close enough to quickly help in case of an emergency.
  11. Marcus had just finished hiding the Emerald Rose when Helze turned to look to the white wolf. Jupiter was nearer to her, so she would be the one to pick the blossoms "You sure? This place might be still filled with enemy troops." The templar asked. Though she was the one who knew the surroundings better, he was still worried with his elven comrade.
  12. Sorry Chim, but maybe he can make it back until graduation... One never knows! It was hella fun writing with you, be it playing in Ymora or competing with Sigurd in Graterras! You're a great writer, so keep it up mate!
  13. Wow, thanks a lot everyone! This is getting way more replies than I imagined, I'm really happy to see you all here! Rose, I've seen you start in RPing and competitive battling, and saw you evolve quickly into Hosting and beating Kam. I always enjoyed our talks and "musical" battles, and the way you're always sweet and ready to help. Thanks a lot for bearing with me, my stay here wouldn't be the same without you. Same goes to Sheep. Mate, looking back there were so many coincidences that it is amazing. I never thought I'd find someone so similar to me in the net, and having you as my friend is an incredible lucky strike. I said coincidence, but maybe the best word is Fate.(pun totally intended XD) DL, thanks a ton! If not for you pressing on too I don't think I'd take the initiative to get Aftermath back up. It's a great story, and I'm confident I'm leaving it in good hands. Flux, you're an amazing roleplayer and I'll miss a lot writing and talking with you. Your characters are always great and you've quickly earned my respect in the RP forums. Thanks a ton! Zephy, I can't believe you remembered that wind sis/bro thing! XD It was reeally fun to spend time with you here in the forums, and your warm, strong and always happy personality matches the West Wind perfectly! Stay well, and thanks a lot!
  14. Acqui, you're the one who got me into RPing, I respect you immensily as a writer and it's was an honor to be able to help in your story in anyway. Thanks a lot, I'll miss you too! Huk, I started calling you Sensei for a reason. You are one of a kind, I find your imagination and your abilty to make and tell stories amazing. I enjoyed a lot playing in Graterras, and learned a ton by seeing you at work and listening to your advice. Actually, my two best grades in the exam itself were English and Writing, both among the countrie's top 3, and mate, I own you and the RP forums a lot of that. Thanks!
  15. Thanks a ton Strat, you are an impressive writer and it was great to have played with you in so many stories. I learned a lot from your detailled and rich posts and characters. As for UtH, Rose is taking over in my stead indeed. I'm confident she's more than capable of continuing to host the story as well as I would or even better. Hehehehe, you and you songs Arkhi... Thanks a lot, it's beautiful tune! As Taska and Dobby said, maybe I'm exagerating it and it's really just a "see ya later". But just in case, it was great to have met you in here. Jeri and Dobby, thanks a ton too, it was always hella fun whenever I talked to you guys or read your posts. Hopefully I can get back and keep that up! EDIT: Hoooly hell, posts are faster than I can answer here XD. Thanks Az and Jelly!
  16. Heyo everyone, Notus here. So as some of my friends already know, last year I was studying for an admittance exam to Brazil's Merchant Navy School and, well I passed (yey!). Although I am very happy that I finally managed to do this - it was my third try - it is a boarding school with a more or less military sistem and I have no idea how net access and study will work there so... Yeah, starting from next Friday I'm probably leaving Reborn for a while. Although it is possible that I manage to come back from time to time, I wanted to make this thread just in case and let you guys know how I feel about this place. I came into Reborn, like many, through the game. I was in a crazy study routine, not going out at all, and that was getting on my nerves - playing Reborn was my way to relax and get ready for another day. Amethyst's amazing work there made it my favorite game ever, and soon I started lurking in the Forums to find more about the place it was based off. After reading and tinking a ton, I finally decided to join the fun. Now, I'd never before been a member of an online community, nor did I ever meet anyone online that I could call a friend. Therefore, it was amazing to me to be so warmly welcomed in here and meet so many great people. I started at competitive battling with a lot of help from our resident pros Slant, Kam and Skitty, took on the League while still learning triples, and improved my game in a ridiculous ammount thanks to to them - and many other friends that battled with me, like Sheep who's always a tough and immensely fun battle. Thanks to reading Acquiescence's Aftermath I went back to writing and into Roleplaying with Hukuna, Stratos, Rose, Zephyr and all the others, learned lots from them all and enjoyed one hell of a time with this amazing group of story tellers. Soon Reborn was a special place for me to be, and I kept learning a lot and having tons of fun, but most important of all is all the people I met and can call good friends, even never having seen them face to face. Thanks you all, this last year was one hell of a ride for me, and I hope that I can come back often to this meeting place of special people that is Reborn. Stay safe guys, and see you around!
  17. Happy Reborn aniversary Arkhi!
  18. Gym Squad The heat wave did some work to melt the ice of the blizzard, but as for the flash of light, not much. It did hit something however, for Adam heard a low grow from Lockhart's right side. "Good move, but you'll need more than that! Aurie, Regi, cross Blizzards now!" At Candice's command the blinding light finally receded, reveg her pokemon to the group. Aurorus was to Lockhart's and Skarmory's right, being the one that took the Heat Wave. On the left side of the field, across from it, stood Regice Under the cover of the light, both pokemon had moved to flank the Dusk battlers and put them in a cross fire. As soon as the flash stopped, both shoot out Blizzards, putting the birds in an icy and windy hell. (( On mobile now, sorry for the text format))
  19. Notus


    1) Get good grades so I can get in the Navigation program in MN. 2) Come back home as much as possible to see my family. 3) Be wise and calm enough to accept change. 4) Get in the college's sailing team 5) Keep coming to Reborn as much as possible!
  20. Happy new year guys! Dunno if I'll be here later,so I just wanted to wish you all a great 2015!

  21. Hehehe, this is going faster than I expected. And Huk even was kind enough not to make that a poisonous flower or something! Zephy, totally agreed! XD
  22. Oh, he would. Marcus looked forward to the trio (Helze, Jupiter and Oarloff) and after being sure that none of them was looking, quickly got down on one knee and picked the Emerald Rose. Obviously it wasn't that uncommon in the Shattered Hills, but for some reason his mind skipped that piece of deduction and all he could think was how lucky he was for seeing that. After quickly hiding the blossom in his bag - taking a lot of care not to hurt it - he followed after his companions. He would wait for the right time to give this one for Jupiter.
  23. I sent a pm for Rielly this morning too. If there's no answer by tomorrow I'll count an auto hit for Candice on his Skarm.
  24. Marcus went full red after Oarloff's coment on the flower picking, but luckily (?) Jupiter intervened before him. It was a great thing that the half ogre was as skilled in provoking laughter as he was with putting Marcus in awkward situations though, and soon the young man was laughing along with everybody. Though... Actually, it could be a good idea. Jupiter seemed to have liked the little flowers, so maybe if he found a really pretty one it would please the silver haired ranger Purposely falling a little behind, the templar started looking for it. ((Huk, up to you if he finds something.))
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