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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Caleb "I don't know if you three could fit in one shirt." "Ooh, right, so you are a funny guy eh? Ok, I'll show what's funny" Said the bigger man out of the three. He walked up to Caleb and grabbed him by his shirt. "Take this off now and I'll consider not beating you to death. Oh, your shoes would be kinda nice now that you're at it, by the way." The man gave him a wicked smile, and the other two closed in from the sides.
  2. "Yay, I'm in for that offer too. Might as well give you a hand with the cooking if everything goes all right." Big then proved the pre-made meal. It wasn't all that bad actually, though having it day after day probably could become boring. He didn't bother with that, but wasn't about to tell that to the angry cook back there. "Anyway, when do you think we will get moving?" He asked Whit. "I know we can't rush in without being ready, but the guys in our squad seemed preety impacient."
  3. ^Right, I'm doing it. Are there some tensions between the military guys? From what I've heard from Quiet and Bane it seems so.
  4. No problem mate, everyone suffers from writers block from time to time. Take your time, enjoy the holidays, and see you in January!
  5. Marcus stopped a bit when Jupiter put the flower in her hair. It was... Very pretty indeed, the white of the blossom matching her silver hair. Quickly he turned away though - afraid of looking weird just standing there -, and resumed picking the little flowers with a little too much focus on the task.
  6. Sorry for the delay guys, with holidays, visits and stuff I'm really busy at the moment. I'll try to update as much as I can, but might be slow...
  7. Thanks a ton Acqui. I'm counting that this specific conclave is under guarded though, since many acolytes are patrolling the woods, but the longer you take, more likely it will be for the patrols to come back in your rear...
  8. Guys remember the acess card thing that you had to find in the first chapter? The security here is the same! I'm hella busy IRL now, but Jory knows what I'm talking about... Can you explain to them mate?
  9. Gym Squad "Aurorus, use Flash and start moving! Regie, get a Blizzard up!" Candice yelled over the Tailwind. Lockhart's move, plus the Blizzard from Regice and Aurorus' Snow Warning ability had the capacity to turn the interior of the gym in a raging storm of wind, ice and snow flying all over the place - to the point that the spectators would probably have to duck for cover from shards of ice every now and then - however, the interesting point in Candice's strategy was Flash. As it happened when she turned on the gym's lights, the sudden flash of light was enough to make it impossible to see a thing in the roaring icy storm that was in motion. Regice's Blizzard however, wasn't affected by this since the room was small, and the weather favorable.
  10. Gym Squad Jon didn't say a thing and walked to the bleachers in order to get a seat, lost in thought. For him this whole situation was... Weird, to say the least. He hadn't trusted their own "luck" this whole time, he hadn't trusted the Regice, and if the shock had been a little smaller he might as well have called Kyte to attack Candice back on the main street. Now it seemed he was wrong this whole time, and if that last situation had indeed happened it could have meant a death sentence to the whole group. He had to think a bit before going on this battle, and of course having the other guys scout Candice's pokémon would be good. In the arena, Candice greeted the two trainers that stepped up with a graceful bow. "Very well then, let's get this started! A word of advice though: I want your complete attention on this. A battle is all about focus, and if you look away for just one moment against Candice, you'll sure gonna lose! Get ready you both!" Candice pulled two pokéballs from her belt at once, and pressed the buttons on them. In the blink of an eye two pokémon were standing on the arena: an Aurorus, looking down to the trainers from the top of it's long neck, and the very pokémon they'd already met in the ruins: Regice, the legendary ice golem. Candice surely wasn't kidding there.
  11. Yup, things will probably go slow these days, but I'm sure DL will do it fine if needed.
  12. "Dunno, but I hope you are right. It seems those things can pack a punch." Marcus said, massaging his back a bit. It was still sore from the shot, but slowly getting better. "So, what are we looking for exactly? I... we don't have much forests in the sands you know, so I really have no idea about medicinal plants."
  13. "Weell, yeah, we don't know much really. We know there are some gunslingers roaming the Sands, but they never seemed like an organized bunch... It's more likely they are simply different people who managed to salvage some weapons from the ruins." Marcus scratched the back of his head while answering to Jupiter.
  14. Gym Squad The doors to Snowpoint Gym opened ahead of the group, led by Candice. The place was empty and dark but, when the leader hit the light switch, the whole place glistened with the shine of ice. The arena was entirely made of it, a smooth turquoise surface interrupted by big icy rocks scattered in an apparently random way. The room's temparature was also clearly - and surprisingly - lower than in the outside, making the Dusk members feel like they'd just entered some kind of giant fridge. Candice though, walked inside unfazed, grabbing a pair of ice skates in the way. "Welcome home everybody!" She told them, spinning around over one leg. "So, let's get on with this quickly right? I'm so hyped to see what you guys are capable of..." She stepped over the arena and took an impulse, gracefully sliding to the other side. "If you're ok I'd like to make it Double battles. I'll use 6 pokémon and take on two of you at a time. Once someone is out, the next one enters the battle, got it?" Then she pointed to the bleachers in the sides of the arena. "Non-battlers can take a sit to wait and watch. Soooo, who is first?" Conclave Squad The Snowpoint Conclave stood tall before the group. Like the ones in Eterna, this one was a three storie building, the main difference being it's external architecture, clearly thought for the snowy climate of the city. The door was still lose though, and so they needed to think of a way to get in... ((DL, it's up to you from here. Good luck!))
  15. No problem Rose, hope you're feeling OK now and that your tests went well. (Also lol Zephy XD)
  16. Hehe, yeah, it is vague XD. But I'm indeed bad with synopsis, never know how much to say without spoiling the whole thing...
  17. Thanks for the suggestions Dobby, I'll give them a try! I already watched Steins;Gate and it is one of my favorite animes ever... On top 5 along with Fate, Durarara!!, Baccanno!! and Psycho-Pass. It is a Sci-fi/drama show regarding time travel and what can happen if you mess with time too much. The first two episodes are a little slow, but once the plot picks up it is amazing. It is complex and extremely well crafted, with great characters to match all that... Fighting is practicaly none though, so I don't recomend it for action fans too much. It's best points are suspense and plot. The description of this trailer reads: "July 28, 2010. Akihabara. A press conference, a scream, a murder. These are the memories of Okabe Rintarou, the leader of the Future Gadget Lab, of that day. But no one else seems to remember any of these things. At the same time he makes an unbelievable discovery during one of his experiments. Back then nobody could have guessed what consequences his and his friends actions would have... Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller, Tragedy, Psychological, Seinen"
  18. EV training guide properly updated! Sorry for taking so long guys, and if anyone finds any flaw in it please shoot me a PM. Happy training!

  19. Aall right then. XD Just take care not to get too OP in there 'k? More specifically, beating Gestas in a direct fight inside the bank is almost impossible, and take care with the other PCs as well, your power levels are still supposed to be similar to theirs.
  20. Oh hey... Sorry about the huge delay guys, I indeed am way behind schedule with this. I worked on it a bit this last days though, so I'm making an update in a few minutes. As for the current discussion: I really don't get it because the original post was deleted, but I always welcome help. As Sheep said though, it is best to call me by PM beforehand, because it's easier for me to see it this way if nothing else.
  21. Kenny "Well, but that was exactly what I was asking for! Who'd want to be in this forsaken place forever right? If I could I would get out of here in no time too." Then Gestas grinned and pointed towards the vault's door, which suddenly started to open. "So, as a first job, wy don't you go take down that boy who stole the coins from Smaug? The old overgrown gecko ain't exactly happy about it, not to mention that you owe him one."
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