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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Uhmn, if I'm not wrong she is going to the Gym... We can talk in PM to sort out what we can make up in there.
  2. All ok by me mate, let's give him a booming end then XD. Are you going to the Conclave or the Gym?
  3. Kenny "Well, you do have a choice though. You can obey me, get your knowledge and perhaps get the hell out of here... Or you can stay here forever while I use you to vent my anger, boy. The good thing about human punching toys here is that if you break then they'll come back you know. So, you have five seconds to give me a proper answer. If you don't, well, I can start playing right now." Gestas answered to Kenny with a not very pleasant kind of grin in his face.
  4. This looks really cool mate, congrats! I don't have the time to play one more RP, but I wish you te best of luck. Also, as sugestion to avoid too much scrolling up and down and keep things organized, you could use spoiler tags in the OP. Ex: Character Classes
  5. Closing things up now, but you can expect #3b soon! Some final considerations: -Flux, your non violent approach on the Abomasnow trouble was perfect to convince Candice to trust you guys, kudos! -Dobby, Tacos and Jory, nice job bringing the acolytes back to Snowpoint despite the risk. If you had left them there it would be harder for Candice to trust you all. -Everyone: Amazing job on playing you characters, I have no complaints at all! That was a great chapter and I personally loved hosting it, so thanks a ton! -Once again, thanks a lot for writing that awesome story Acqui, it's a honor for me to help out on it. Aand last but not least, just going to make an announcement: Since holidays are coming [insert Ned Stark meme here] and I will probably be a little busy with visits and that stuff, I'm taking in a temporary Co-Host who will help out with the Conclave Group while I play the Gym battle. Everyone welcome our friend DarkLight a.k.a Conclave Mother of this next chapter!
  6. "I just have one quick question. What happens to the mother and gym leaders who are defeated by us? Seeing how Dawn rules with an iron fist, I have a hard time believing they walk freely from this." For the first time since they started talking, Candice seemed to be at a loss for a second. She clearly didn't expect someone from the party caring about what would happen to her. "That... Is something I'll deal with later, and also the reason I can't go easy on you guys. I need to be sure you are worth it. " Then she went back to her previous happy-go-lucky atitude. "But hey, it's not like I'll be killed for losing, so don't worry about that. Your job here is to beat me, so bring on all you've got right?" "I guess I'll have to personally show you that I can hold my own in battle." "Ooh, and I can't wait to see that, Flux" Candice smiled at the professor. "Sorry that I had to pull all that, but I couldn't risk any of you guys getting caught, nor discovering me before everyone arrived. I can assure you though, I wasn't faking a thing while we talked. It's been a nice time." The Gym Leader then turned towards the group again. "Right, if everyone is already set, it's time to get going! The Conclave is to the Northwest of town, and for the Gym you just have to follow me. Good luck for you all!" ((End of chapter. The ones who didn't say where they were going can do so on the next one! Thanks everyone, it's been one hell of a ride!))
  7. Oh jeez =/ Good luck with that mate, don't worry and take your time to solve everything. EDIT: Also... does my order know? XD Really, how much would Marcus know about Steam Casters, and are they a trouble in the Sands for some reason?
  8. Hehey, thanks for the feedback Acquie! It's really good to know I managed to do it to your liking. Also thanks for the opinions Yash, your's were valid points - specially about the abrupt meeting - and I'll consider them for the future. Hopefully you will be playing along with us soon! So, from here we will go to chapter #3b. The group will be divided in two, but you will all post in the same thread with tags identifying which team you're on (something like Conclave or Gym just above your posts.). This way we will avoid having multiple threads to browse in the future.
  9. Bronswick just gained a fan XD. That tea sequence and the ending were really fun to read Huk! And also, as Got has already said, the reading is way better now with the formatting change you've done.
  10. First Candice smile grew bigger at Jory's remark, as if she was flattered by it. Then she turned to face Carissa. "You should apologize to the girl - Claire, was it? - after she recovers, not to me. I know sometimes we need to be harsh, but I always make a point of trying my best to avoid hurting anybody. When you reach a certain level, it is really hard not to. Don't worry though, you look like you learned your lesson." The leader then turned a little more serious to adress the other questions. "I won't hold back against you guys, but that doesn't mean I will try to kill everybody. It's been quite a little time since I had a proper, pure pokémon battle and I am looking forward to do it like it was on the old times. Also note that the Gym hierarchy was something designed for teaching back in the time, to make challenges progressively harder for new trainers. No leader is any weaker than the others if they decide to go all out." "And as for the Conclave... Well, that's the reason we don't have much time to waste. The Mother here is not that nice at all - actually, she always acted like she was suspicious of me for some reason. If word gets to her of what happened in the woods when you guys bumped in the acolytes, it will mean trouble to everyone. They're vulnerable now since most of the acolytes are still on patrol duty so... That said, I suggest that some of you head for the Conclave and the rest come with me to the Gym."
  11. Big raised an eyebrow at the man's outburst and then turned to Whit. "Ok then, guess the food is that bad then. We'll have to go hunting sometime, even though the animals around here doesn't strike me as very tasty." The Tank walked to the table and started to prepare his meal. "That's a mistake from our good officers, I think. Good food is extremely important to keep the morale of a troop high, don't you think?"
  12. "Well, I don't know that much about them either... Even in the Sands they are quite hard to find." Marcus made an effort to try and remember what he had heard on the subject while he walked along with te ladies. "I think it is something like a Magic shooter, it uses steam to propel magic in some way. No idea how it manages to do so though."
  13. Kenny "Oh, finally awake, sleeping beauty?" Gestas mocked Kenny. "And already wanting to leave the party? Sorry, but that won't do. Here, either you work for me or you work against me, boy, and I think you already accepted to be on my team. It was really dumb of you to try and fight Smaug only to protect a filthy thief but lucky for you I'm a nice and understanding person. I think you just need a little push." With that, he took a step back and gestured with his arms to the vault. "You see this place? It's your safe, Mr. Holmes. You are one who longs for knowledge right? So here it is: all that is to know about the world, heaven, Hell, people, time, anything. Generally I couldn't let you in here that easily, but if you do your work right... I might consider that, you know?" Caleb As Caleb approached the bank's exit, he realized that the heavy metalic doors were closed. Over it, there was a countdown clock, slowly ticking towards zero as the work day passed by. As the boy looked at it, realizing there was no going out just yet, three sillouetes aproached him from behind. "Heey you there. It's a nice shirt you have there matey, mind if we borrow it?" They were three kinda battered looking man, probably slackers. One would actually pitty the state of their clothes and body if it wasn't for the no-good look they were giving Caleb.
  14. 'K guys, sorry for the delay. Net is being a pain again for me, but I'll update on Kenny tomorrow. Rose, you can proceed with Enya and your PC after Annie, and I'll take care of Caleb.
  15. Candice tried to hold a laugh - with little success - as she saw everyone's surprised faces. "Hehehe,surpriiise guys!~ Anyway, I realize that I have a lot to explain, but I'll try to make it short and sweet. Despite how it may look, we actually don't have that much time to spend." The leader extended her arm and raised her index finger to ask everyone for attention - more of a theatrical move than anything, as it would be hard for anyone to have more focus than her in that situation. "First let's clear something that some of you might have gotten wrong: I've always been against Dawn's rule. The thing is, I first met her when she was just a kid and even then she managed beat me nicely. I actually know her, and I can tell you that girl is not just a psycho who managed to catch a legendary, she is really an amazing battler. I think you can imagine why when she appeared around here with freaking Arceus I realized any resistance would end up in a bloddy massacre for me and the whole city." She sticked her tongue out of her mouth making a disgusted face. "So, I chose to play along for some time until I could contact the other leaders to take her down. I managed to convince everybody in Snowpoint to not fight her, accepted her proposal for the new regimen and that seemed to be enough. However, it soon became clear to me that my first plan was out of question. Gardenia and many others were really on her side and it would be pointless to just go all alone against them and die for nothing. The only thing that can take care of Dawn is a group of really strong and determined trainers, something that we lacked... Until now that is." At that she smiled towards them and raised her middle finger, making the number two. "Now, as for the little facade that I pulled back there in the forest: I'm reeeeally sorry, but I had to get to know you guys. I had to see what kind of people I'd be backing up, or it could end up being Team Galactic all over again. Luckily, except for some slight slips, you are a nice team. Just try being more cautious about breaking people's bones and blinding wild pokémon ok? Oh, and yeah, after we got separated I sent Regi and some of my pokémon to look for you and try to help you out." Now, following the order, it was a three that she made with her fingers. "And last of all... Nope, that doesn't mean I'm just handing you the city for free." Candice grinned again, playfully. "If I did that, Dawn probably would simply say you played outside the rules and would intervene herself. The only reason you guys still have Eterna is because you beat her in her own game, and thus she respects your win. Well, that means you'll have to honestly best me too, but if you couldn't I woudn't be very confortable with you as allies anyway. Are you OK with that?"
  16. Soorry for the delay here guys, I meant to post some more explanation yesterday night or this morning, but my net simply stopped and just got back a while ago. XP Post incoming!
  17. Ok, thanks for the effort mate! EDIT> Oh, and speaking of foreshadowing, cultural note: Fria is the feminine for the adjective "cold" in portuguese. XD
  18. Huk, actually if you feel you want to participate in the gym or Conclave fighting it's still ok (actually would save me the trouble of finding an explanation for Lupus to have disappeared). You can also fish for a nice death if you really think in dropping it. Hehehehe, host things XD. Much thought went into not making that too obvious and at the same time hinting that there was something off. Yep, it's an interesting view indeed. I did try looking for images of adult versions of these characters but surprisingly found none. Also, I don't recommend you Google it with these exact words. =/
  19. ^ New water pokémon confirmed. Known moves: Water Sport, Hydro Pump, Swallow...
  20. And suddenly... #Plot Twist. I adivise all players to take a look at Aftermath XD

    1. Notus
    2. krim


      I knew you would pull something, I just wasn't sure what.

  21. Panda, I suggest you do some reading on this chapter specifically so you don't get lost. Also, try avoiding super short posts like this last one, this kind of thing affects the quality of your writing. Take a look at how everyone makes it: you gotta develop your character's perception of the world around him and how he reacts to the environment.
  22. "Jeez that almost made me lose my apetite." Big said while walking to the tent's entrance. "Almost." He stressed, playfully.
  23. Everyone Fria opened a big smile as the whole group started to gather around her, Flux and Drake."Oh hey guys! Great to see you all arrived well, even though you did loose sight of me and sweety Flux here. Ah, no matter, it was my fault too and everyting ended just fine! How was your trip, did you enjoy the view? I know it was dark, but with all that snow falling the forest just gets more beautiful don't you think?" Jon was rendered speechless for a second. What the... Ok, it was good to see everyone was here and they were at full strenght, but should they really be having this kind of chit-chat in the middle of the main street were anyone could see them? What was that guide thinking? That was when he snapped. "I think that we should be heading for the Gym and the Conclave instead of stand here talking like everything was all right. What will we do if someone spots us here? It wil be a rain of acolytes, gym trainers... Even Candice herself could appear and get us unawares!" At that, the snow guide turned her head towards him, unphazed by the boy's outburst. "Oh, you don't need to worry about that dear! You see, if Candice was up to anything against you..." She moved her hands to her head, taking out the thick ski glasses and hat that covered it. For the first time the squad could see their guide's very distinctive black twintails and those light brown eyes that smiled playfully along with her lips. "...she would already have done that. Welcome to my city everyone!" ((suuuurpriiiiise! XD))
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