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Everything posted by Notus

  1. ^ I did watch Psycho-Pass 2 and I feel just like you: it was a great ride and keeps the series in my top 5 for sure. Akane turned into a total boss and Shimotsuki... Welp, every story needs an annoying character sometimes, though I think she could have been better developed. So, I watched some animes these times and I'd like to share opinions on them. Beware of spoilers. Aldnoah.Zero It's been a long time since a Mecha managed to get my attention, and Aldnoah did it. Quite good anime, and with THAT ending that completely shocked me. Noragami Is that just me or this one is got some similarities with Mekaku City Actors? Not much really, but the opening did remember me of that anime right away for some reason, and Hiyori looks really like a pink version of Ayano. Now for the analysis, it was pretty fun and entertaining, though with not many surprises. Not a masterpiece, but a good one to pass time. Durarara! Now, the gods of RNG were kind to me when I hit the random anime button that day. I had heard of Durarara! somewhere before, but had no clue it was made by the same team from Baccanno!. A cast of excelent characters, cool story, great execution: this one made it to top 5 easily! I already talked about Psycho-Pass 2 and I guess Fate/UBW doesn't need any comments besides it being completely amazing. Any recommendations for me to watch now, based on those?
  2. Hukuna... I just read through chapters 2 and 3. I'll put it simply: this was one of the best pieces of text I heve read in a looong time. You created an unique character and wrote her with mastery. The songs you chose fitted so well that it sent shivers down my spine while reading the parts that had them. Your descriptions of emotions were perfect, and that scene with the Sea and Land... Mate, I don't have any more words that wouldn't feel overused or pale for describing that. Please keep this up.
  3. Heyo everyone! I'm Notus, and if you browse the RP Forums a bit you'll probably find couple of things I did there in this last year - characters in some stories, and an RP called Under the Hill. I am an avid reader since... Well, since I know myself actually, and I've always liked writing stuff. I did win some local contests of poetry and text, but nothing big, and it was always short stuff. Actually, that brings me to my greatest weakness: I lack the patience for writing long stories, so I never went past a few pages... Until I found the RP forums here. Writing alongside other people is great and solved this problem for good. Even though you lose the full control of the story, it really pays off and even leads you into scenes you never thought of - not to mention those often turn out to be amazing. My greatest strenght (I think, that's hard to tell) is to make scenes on the fly and adapt existing ones to a character's actions. As I said, I've always been a short text writer, so it's easier for me to think in present situations rather than in a long run. My favorite genre is fantasy, but sci-fi, mistery and terror also are some I really like. Here's an extract from Under the Hill's first post: Ah, also, as far as favourite Reborn writers go, mine are some of the RP Forum members: Acquiescence, Hukuna and Stratos for stories, and maaany more people that are great to write characters (Zephy, Rose, DarkLight, Supernovae... The list goes on and on XD)
  4. Marcus approached Helze and Jupiter quietly, but spoke up at the ranger's question. "Not sure, but I think that was a Steam Caster. It's a weapon from the Shifting Sands, hella rare and strange... Actually, I never expected to see one of those here, let alone being used by a Victonari." That was indeed very weird, but the Templar decided to push the thought aside for a moment. He then turned the silver haired archer. "Glad to see you're OK Jupiter... And Nemesis too, she really did a fine job there!"
  5. Thus far not, but there's a catch to it: if you remember Dante's Inferno, this circle is a battle between Squanderers and Hoarders. The whole working thing is not the real punishment, the war that is coming near is... And when it starts, there will be hell to everyone. Not to mention, the bank NPCs are not necessarily normal hoarders. They are Staff from the circle, much like the giants in Gluttonny and the succubus in Lust.
  6. Main Street Crew ((Fria, Jory, Adam, Carissa, Sarcus, Flux, Commander & Raito)) "Good to know you guys made it here in one piece! I hope nobody got hurt." Fria told Adam with a smile. Then she looked to Raito and recognized the Jolteon from earlier. "Heeey cutie, you are that girl's partner right? Is everyone else here too? That's great, could you please go get them? We should find everyone before dawn, else the citizens will start waking up, the patrols will get back and we will need to wait until next night to strike." Just as she said that, Jory appeared from a side alley. "Wow, lucky! Talk about good timing!" She exclaimed, waving her hand to him.
  7. *coughs* Fria called Adam guys... In a pretty outgoing manner actually. XD
  8. ((Note: That's it, everyone is already in Snowpoint!)) Northern Group Raito and the others would probably not believe in their good luck: They were now in the northern district of Snowpoint with a clear path to the center of the city. Not only that, the whole place looked deserted, with just a few buildings having their lights on. On the other hand, the sky already had started to clear up, hinting that they would soon lose the cover of darkness. Jon nodded to Miki's comment, but his face showed he was still not buying that completely. It was strange that Dawn let Regice slip away like this. It should be with Candice, that was the most logical assumption... But as Miki pointed out, it let them into the city when it could have taken at least some of them down in the ruins. Assuming it was with Candice indeed, what exactly would she gain from letting them in? The answer didn't come to him, but all his instincts were telling the boy it was a trap. "Ok, but we shouldn't let our guard down. We have no time to waste, so we should split up and take the Gym and the Conclave at the same time." He said out loud so everyone would hear him. He wasn't about to let him and Kyte get caught just to wait for the others to catch up. *** Flux, Fria & Drake "Ooh sweety, did you get too worried? I promise I won't pull any of those again." Fria teased the professor while happily spinning around like a ballet dancer. No one would tell the situation they were in by looking at the guide's behavior. Then she looked back towards Drake. "Oh hey, I don't think I ever got your name mister. Anyway, you're right, let's just get in already and wait for the others." The group started to walk away from the clearing and into the city... But it seemed this part of town simply wasn't patroled. They crossed the last piece of woods without anyone bothering them and entered the city with no problem at all. "Regarding the Conclaves, you don't need to worry too much: there's only one in this town actually. Candice was more than enough to prevent any inner fights in the city, and so we never needed too many church members in here. The Mother is a tough battler though, so don't lower your guard. First thing we gotta do is to find everybody and regroup anyway, else you guys will be wiped out against either her or Candice." She had just said that when a Adam appeared, hurriedly crossing the main street. "Oh hey, that's handy. HEY BOOOY! OVER HERE!" She shouted to grab his attention.
  9. Wow, some are missing that I couldn't ignore. Jack Frost: Sheep Snow Queen: Rosesong RP Polar Monarch: Hukuna (Sorry mate XD)
  10. Just explaining a bit for the temple crew: Regice led you through the temple and out of it, that last gate was the one leading into Snowpoint.
  11. Annie What Annie found when she arrived in the corridor was a miriad of people moving from one safe to another. Some of the vaults were closed, but many were open and bustling with activity. Despite that, one would think it would be easy to find Quincy's rat form, but the gunslinger wasn't anywhere to be seen. Perhaps he had entered in one of the vaults for cover... *** Quincy & Ellaria The rat-man grinned as he watched his prey... Now that's what he was made for! It had been piece of cake to get one of the guns from these lovey-dovey shooter wannabes without they even realizing it. (Note to self: go back to kill them and take the spoils. Those guys are an walking armory!) The gagged girl he carried on his back wasn't much of a trouble - luckily she was light as a plume for him - and the benefits far surpassed the slight movement issues. Ellaria watched in terror, but kept quiet over Quincy's back. Not that she had much of a choice, with the gag over her mouth and Quincy's cane at ready for her... The girl still felt the a cutting pain from earlier, when the rat decided that it would be harder for her to run away with her legs broken. She was filled with regret for what she was about to do but, just as Quincy wanted, fear held her at bay.
  12. Gabriel Medina veeery close to be the first brasilian Surfing World Champion! =D (Just ignore the comments bar, that's ridiculous.)

  13. Temple Crew And now this. Jon's eyes were as wide open as anyone else's, as he had heard the legend of Regice when he was little. Seeing it now was almost like getting dragged into some kind of fairy tale. Still, it was higly unlikely that Dawn and her followers had simply let it free. Suspicion was all over him, but as the group advanced there was nothing he could do but follow, battle ready. Their only path to Snowpoint was through the temple anyway. Soon he was beside Miki, who seemed a little too much excited about the legendary. "Hey, Miki. Take care ok? It might be an enemy." He said, not taking his eyes from the cristaline pokémon for a second and still holding Kyte's Dive Ball in his hand. Despite his warning though, Regice didn't seem interested in engaging them just yet. On the contrary, it proceeded ahead through the temple cleaning the path for them. Rocks and rubble that would be in their way froze before the legendary golem and broke to pieces right after. It led the group keeping a safe distance until they arrived on the ground floor, where the entrance to the temple was sealed by a stone gate. Extending it's right arm, the icy pokemon touched the gate and it started opening by itsef. Then it turned back to the group and stared at them for a moment before disappearing in a gust of wind and snow. *** Adam Karen looked nervously to Jory and Carissa while they slipped away, but as Adam was still carrying Claire she didn't say a thing. The older acolyte only realized what happened when they were about to enter the Center. "Oh, seems your partners got ahead already. I don't want to old you any longer, so you can just give me Claire and go after them. Thanks for your assistance special agent and don't worry, I already checked your ID with the higher ups." Karen's look was of utter confusion after that little talk. "Special Agents? What?" The older acolyte looked back at her and explained. "Oh, after your transmition we were told these travellers are actually reiforcements that managed to get past Eterna. You were lucky to have bumped into them back there." One of the younger acolytes opened her mouth to speak after that, but Karen interrupted her. "Oooh, so that's how it is! Thanks a lot mister! Now you'd better hurry to find your friends right?" She said that with a frightening look to her younger colleague, and it was obvious she was buying time for Adam to get away. *** Flux & Drake They didn't need even half an hour before a small sillouete in ski clothes appeared in the treeline. "Hey guuuuys, did you miss me?~" Fria asked, apparently unharmed and happy as always. "Nice to see we're starting to regroup eh? Those acolytes though... They'll be having a hard time figuring their directions after that chase." She chuckled a bit, and then pointed gracefully towards the lights. "Now, shall we go into the city? I'm sure you'll love it, Snowpoint is very beautiful at dawn...~"
  14. Eh hey, that's some character development all right. XD I'll have to leave for the night, but probably tomorrow or saturday we finish wrapping things up, so stay tunned!
  15. Temple Crew ... And into the fridge. The Flamethrower did surprisingly little to raise the temperature, but it had the side effect of lighting up the room better... And show something new. In the far end of it, right before the temple, stood a pokémon unlike any they had seen before: it looked like it was made of icicles, with an sturdy cristal-like body and short legs and arms. It had seven eyes, spread on it's face in a cross pattern, and just stood there looking at the group. A moment of silence passed, but just before the flames got out, the legendary pokémon Regice turned around and walked into the temple calmly.
  16. Tunnel Crew "Kyte, come back!" Jon yelled as he opened his Dive Ball to retrieve the Swampert. It would be easier and faster to move to the new tunnel that way. When they all had arrived on the other side, he looked back. Now the only thing they could see beyond the huge knocked out Steelix was a pile of rocks and broken ice. So much for the pretty ruins. Jon released Kyte again in the new room. It seemed they were quite close now... But something was amiss. A shiver went up his spine. "Is it just me, or this place is getting colder?" He asked everyone as the temperature dropped and a blue mist started to cover the ground.
  17. Jeesus Christ you guys turned the turbo on again eh? XD Also, good job avoiding the falling roof, I'm impressed. As for the 1 poké thing, it is plot wise I guess, but that's one thing I forgot to ask Acquie. I'll let you know when I have an answer.
  18. Hehehe, could it be time for evil host strike? Az, you could do that to buy some time, but it's the whole roof falling over you guys, and even then it won't be enough to everyone. I can't say if there will really be deaths though, it would spoil the fun.
  19. Kenny Gestas sighed, shook his head and looked into his watch. Then he stood up and started walking away, speaking to no one in particular. "Ok then, I'll add that you wasted my time by dying in your file. Unlucky for you, I've got time to wait today. "
  20. Tunnel Crew Taking both flamethrowers and Vis' Close Combat, the Steelix finally blacked out. It's huge body stood still for a second, and then fell... Backwards, blocking most of the tunnel ahead of them - there was space for one person at a time to pass, if they climbed it's head. They were too late, however. The cave floor kept falling down, growing weaker with each passing second, and it was clear that there was not enough time for all of them to get past that little opening...
  21. You know, if Kenny gets any more overpowered, it might be "goodbye for one PC." Really. This is a warning. EDIT: As for Panda, his last time online seems to have been on the 13th. For now let's bunnie his character a little so we can move the story and keep it ready for him. We'll try to use it as few as possible though ok?
  22. Tunnel Crew There was not much space for the Steelix to move and avoid the attacks - and not only that, Nemir's idea got it by surprise. The twin Aura Spheres hit it's eyes, followed by Raito's Shadow Ball in it's lower body. Unfortuntely for Rusgon, the pokémon couldn't see anymore and thus rendered Scary Face useless. Pine's Skarmory Icy Wind did not do much to it either, but everyone soon started to feel the cold. The enormous metal snake roared in pain and anger, red dripping from it's eyes and painting the floor beneath it. Impressively enough though, it was not yet done: going into a blind rage, the pokémon started attacking like mad. The floor started to shake and break from Earthquake, ice and rocks started to slide from the roof over the group. One almost got Jon, but Kyte was close enough to knock it aside with one arm. Shit. te boy thought, worried. If this keeps up the whole cave will collapse over us. They needed to take out the raging pokémon as fast as possible, but right now he had more pressing matters to attend. "Kyte! Get those stones!" He screamed, running for the group. It wouldn't be much help if someone was crushed before they could attack, and so Kyte nooded and started trying to protect everyone from the falling rocks like he did with Jon, resorting to both Hydro Pump and his tough arms.
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