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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Tunnel Group Jon listened to Seth and had to agree in evrything. "Right! No Earthquakes or Rock Slides from us." He yelled, then turning back to Kyte, wo still stood his ground staring at the Steelix. "Buddy, retreat! But do it shooting an Hydro Pump to slow it down!" The Swampert nooded and began walking backwards, all the while shooting a torrent of high pressured water from his open mouth. The Steelix managed to avoid Kyte's first shot and tried to advance, but then Maple's Grass knot hit and caused the pokémon to fall to the ground - not that big of a fall since it was still half buried underground, but it did ensure that the Rock Tomb hit it. Large boulders fell from the cave's roof, but luckily it was sturdy enough to not collapse with only that. Dust and ice flew in the air with the impact, and for a second the metal head disappeared under the rocks. The fire thrown by Rusgon passed by, causing more of the Ice in the cave's roof to melt and stalactites to fall, but when the dust went down... There was no more sign of the Steelix. What? Were did it go? Jon tought, only to be answered by the ground shaking once more. "It's under us!" He yelled to everyone, and a moment later the metal snake emerged again, this time between the group and the tunnel leading into the temple, a wicked grin on it's face. Sarcus Weird enough, this part of the city's perimeter seemed to be completely unguarded and soon Sarcus found himself standing near the now closed pokémart. The city was quiet, and only a few acolytes passed on the street from time to time, luckily far enough not to notice him. Not long after he arrived though a bigger group passed by headed to the Pokémon Center, and Sarcus recognized Carissa, Adam and Jory there. Flux & Commander Soon Flux arrived in the clearing that Fria told him about. He could see the lights of Snowpoint already in the distance, but there was still no sign of the Dusk agent.
  2. Oh well, I thought he was be dead - because honestly, after all that it was the most likely thing.
  3. (Note to self: don't mess with Zephy) I practiced Judô up to yellow belt and then a year of Ju-Jitsu. Never got truly in competition level, but fighting with my friends there was really fun! Not to mention I got an edge over my Rugby playing sister XD
  4. No problem mate, you was actually faster than I expected. Don't worry, since your's is a small group speed is not so important when posting.
  5. It's looking great Huk Sensei, it left me wanting more... Also a super-strong painter eh? Seems suspect enough to make me curious.
  6. Kenny & Edward Before Edward could pick Kenny again though, a trap-door randomly opened on the floor beneath the dead man, causing the body to fall through. It imediatelly closed again, and further inspection from Edward's side would only reveal solid ground were it had appeared. *** Kenny's body was now lying on a metalic floor. The place seemed to be the interior of yet another vault, but this one didn't contain gold or jewels: there were archives - the type you used to see in offices before computers were a thing - covering the walls, dozens of them. The floor was covered by piles of paper, all neatly arranged with tags explaining the contents of each. In the middle of the place though stood something not so harmless as these things: an really pissed off looking Gestas tapping his foot impatiently in the ground while he waited for Kenny to wake up.
  7. No problem at all Krim, I just arrived here as well XD. It's nice to have a little time to breath from time to time anyway.
  8. Tunnel Group Jon was paying so much attention on the way ahead that he almost jumped when he heard the sound of flapping wings behind him. In the blink of an eye, a goup of Golbat passed straight through the group, presumably scaring the hell out of some people. The Golbats didn't actually attack them, but it seemed they were fleeing from something... Kyte turned to the back of the group, let out a low growl, and took a fighting stance. His fins had capted a vibration in the ground and soon it was not only him that could feel it. The ground started shaking, making some icy stalactites break free from the tunnel's roof and fall. All of a sudden, the frozen ground right behind the group broke, and through the hole came an enormous silver head. The Steelix didn't seem very happy to have visitors in it's territory... *** Carissa, Adam & Jory Since they were with the acolytes now there was no reason to avoid the main road to Snowpoint, so the rest of the trip was pretty quick and smooth - or as much as it could be with a group of hurt people in the middle of a storm. They had to make various stops through the way for the acolytes to recover some of their strenght, but aside of that and the cold everything ran quite well. Claire, although still breathing, had not moved through the whole way, and Karen often looked back at her and Adam with a concerned face. The blizzard was so intense that the group didn't notice the lights of Snowpoint until they arrived in the city's entrance - which had some barricades set for narrowing the path and a group of older acolytes controlling it. "Karen... Holy Arceus, you guys surely took a beating." One of the women said, noticing their approach. She then noticed Claire being carried by Adam. "Oh my, Claire! Right, you all come with me to the Pokémon Center immediately." She said, turning around and leading the way. *** Sarcus The Mamoswine waited for both trainer and pokémon to get on him, and then stood once again. It was a huge pokémon, and scarred enough to show it had seen many battles through it's life. The Froslass floated alongside it as they walked through the forest, and aside of one or other wild pokémon that appeared - only to be put to run by a mighty roar from the mamoth - the trip kept going without any further incidents. After some time, they arrived in a clearing in the forest. Froslass took the lead then, and pointed towards the northern treeline. Faintly through the storm, Sarcus and Absolution could see the dim lights of Snowpoint city. Mamoswine knelt once more, to let them down.
  9. Ok, now that everyone is in place... I'll start to wrap up the trip sequence, which means half of the third arc. After that we'll be moving for the Gym - that is, if you survive of course. We still have a bit of walking to do, and I'm planning for you all to arrive in style. Commander, your character will see Flux running by. I'll wait for you to respond before I update that story branch.
  10. Wow. What a birthday gift eh?! I want one of those too now Also very nice pic Hilda!
  11. Big raised an eyebrow, at this rather cold greeting, but got his helmet on and followed the instructions. "Oh hey. Is this to eat?" he joked as the machine decontaminated his Exo-Suit. "Now really, hope this thing get's it's job done fast."
  12. Cool idea Rielly, though I'm too loaded to be a part of the project.
  13. Hehe, anxiety is a killer right? But now it's up to you or Ethic to make your encounter. Also no problem at all Rose, enjoy your birthday!
  14. Thanks for the input Hilda! As for the name, you can keep it Ocean Corner, just change the rest for Sailing News & Discussion. I'll have to go out now but later I'll edit the description. Edit: Done, thanks Hilda!
  15. Humn, yeah guess you're right. My only fear is to be the only one posting stuff here*, since i don't know anyone else who sails in the forums, but if you feel it's for the best go ahead. I still can't cange the thread's name or tags, but I can change the description.
  16. Hehey, nice that you guys like it! The solo-sailing season didn't even begin yet though - THOSE guys are crazy! XD I'll update every now and then with news from the VOR and other competitions, the world of Ocean Sailing is simply impressive! Since it seems I got you hyped, take a look at one of my favourite videos from this season:
  17. Heyo everyone! This thread is meant as a place to showcase and discuss the sport of Sailing, be it Ocean Racing, Shore Racing or Record Breaking. I realize many people might not be familiarized with the sport as a whole, and as such I'll be also making some instructional posts so you guys can fully enjoy and understand the experience of crossing the Seas in a racing boat, riding the Wind. Welcome aboard! *** For a first post, let me introduce you to a competition that is happening right now. It is an adventure filled race through the five oceans, which spans for two years. Seven crews face each other in the attempt to be the fastest around the globe, facing Sea, Wind and even Ice in the way. That's the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015, the pinnacle of full-crew ocean sailing, for you! Teaser Teams Current Standings as of 15/12/2014 Route Follow Live!
  18. Woo, CW forum is now a thing! Thanks Ame!

  19. Nice Skitty! I'm gonna ask an OU Bulky Offense team revolving around Mega Swampert. I do have a team moore or less like this already, but I wanna see what a pro can do with my favourite mudfish.
  20. Kkkkk no problem Alina, I know how wicked spam boxes may be trust me. XD No problem in joining the cave crew, I asked for no one to list who was in there specifically for this.
  21. That's here for everybody to say congratulations to Reborn's resident musician and fleet admiral, not to mention best RP Co-Host ever! Keep being this kind, funny and great friend you are to everyone. I know for a fact it isn't easy to find people like you irl, let alone in the net, and I feel lucky that I had the opportunity to get to know you a bit better in this past year. Enjoy your day the best you can! As the title says, Happy Birthday Rose!
  22. Sarcus The Froslass kept looking back to check on the duo while they walked. They walked for quite some time before it finally stopped near a huge silouette that at first sight could be taken by a rock... Aside from the fact that it was breathing. The Mamoswine stared down at Sarcus and Absolution with an eyebrow raised. After a moment, it shooked it's head afirmatively and kneeled as if it wanted them to climb on. Flux & Fria "Ooh, nice to see that you're such a gentleman Flux. But you know, you are the one who needs to get to Snowpoint, not me. I don't like to let the acolytes do as they please... Don't worry, I'm more than used to mess with them around here." She stepped back a bit and grinned playfully. "You check on the cabin, and then keep north until you reach a big clearing in the woods. I'll see you there Prof." With that, the woman turned around and run westward, disappearing in the midst of shadow and the blizzard. A little while later he heard her voice yelling out loud. "Uuuuhuuu, dear Acolytes! Want to have some fun?" A few loud cracking noises and a couple of screams followed, and soon the whole group had changed direction towards Fria's voice, leaving the way open for Flux.
  23. Sorry Yash, this one is closed for now. Maybe when next chapter is out there will be open spots.
  24. And now, directly from the Fourth Circle of Hell, some words from everyone's favourite fire breathing lizard! Seriously, my sis showed me this today and I couldn't miss the chance t post it here XD.
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