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Everything posted by Notus

  1. "No thanks Helze, I've not been hit too much. Want a hand to pick them though?" Marcus answered the ranger. It wasn't easy for him to get rest after the adrenaline of a fight, so he wasn't pretending to be idle.
  2. Carissa, Jory and Adam The now leading younger acolyte - Karen, as they had heard while she talked in the radio - looked suspiciouly to Adam as the boy said he would be carrying Claire. The stare clearly got a less worried after she saw how delicate he was with the unconcious girl though. "All right, then we should get going. The sooner we get to Snowpoint, the better for Claire." The girl took the lead of the group and started walking through the woods, letting the others follow her. {Tunnel Crew} Jon and Kyte walked into the ruins right after Nemir, the Swampert's heavy steps echoing through the cave. It was surely an impressive view, and Kyte seemed to be enjoying it, looking around with wide eyes and an open mouth. Jon, however, was not interested in sightseeing and focused in trying to look for traps, enemies and any kind of difficulties that might lie ahead. Despite the light provided by Giga, the place was simply too big to be fully illuminated. "What kind of pokemon can we expect to find here Nemir? I like to know my opponents before I face them." Drake As Drake waited time over time for someone to leave, it became clear that the cabin was now deserted. The lights have been left on, but no movement could be seen or heard coming from the inside, and a closer inspection at the frost-covered windows would reveal no one was inside it. Not only that, the blizzard didn't seem to be receeding yet. ((Commander, I'm assuming you arrived after everyone left. Your scene is happening at the same time as Flux's, but you can't see them)) Sarcus The blizzard raged outside of the improvised shelter made by Sarcus, and time passed by slowly. As the night progressed the temperature started to drop even more. At some point, the duo heard a sound from outside the shelter, as if the wind was whistling against something. It seemed like it was coming nearer, and then... A Froslass appeared unexpectedly in front of the entrance. The pokemon did nothing more than stare at them curiously for some time, but after a while it waved it's hand as if calling them. As suddenly as it arrived, the pokemon started to float away from the shelter, looking back to see if Sarcus and Absolution were following. Flux & Fria "There was an old man living there I think, and I know for sure he wasn't friendly to the church. I don't know why these acolytes are doing this though, the Church never bothered about that guy before. This is the direction the Abomsnow's pointed to us though... Think the rest of the guys could have gone there for shelter?" Fria whispered to Flux. "Either was, we must get past them, and if we can avoid the attack it would be the best. If worse comes to worst I can try to distract them and you go on. What do you think?"
  3. EveryonexHats ...Also, my irl name happens to be the portuguese version of Jonah. =/
  4. Flux, I lol'd hard with that gif XD. Will be back for updating in a short while. @ Commander: Ok, we can do that for sure it is actually a pretty good idea.
  5. Hehehe, he doesn't know Reil can actually stand a chance fighting Ethic, but he does want to piss you off and try to make you commit a mistake like Kenny did fighting Smaug. I could say I want to make a surprise... But the truth is I hadn't thought of that yet. XD
  6. Voting yes for both. The IW subforum is something that I think will have much use: I for one will be posting and reading there for sure, and even my ever-absent sister has asked if there was a place were she could post some short stories of hers. I like most sports too and it would be nice to have a place to discuss them, maybe I even post some sailing stuff there - not to mention, I'll be on Rio for the 2016 Olympic Games so the hype will be even more real than usual by then. XD
  7. Reil ... The boy was not making the job any easier. Marcus was about to snap when an idea crossed his mind. Still holding the boy's shoulder, he considered it for a moment and then grinned. "Well well, actually you can. There's a robber on the run here you see. If you can find and defeat him, I might let that little issue slip. His name Ethic and, unlike me, he is a rather unreasonable person so I don't suggest you try to speak to him. Might very well be your last chat. What do you say, can you do that?"
  8. O...K, things did get a little confuse with all the portals stuff but i think i get it. Only thing that I think was a bit odd is that Ed recognized Taylor right away even though he was different enough from the original for Ethic not to. No need to edit now though (Unless Super asks for it), it's already done. Also Zephy, thanks a TON, the avy turned out amazing!
  9. Ok, ok, fixed the lacking hat issue. XD Thanks a lot Zephy!!!

  10. Carissa, Adam & Jory The acolyte seemed to relax a bit after Adam and Carissa spoke."Right, I... I think I can do that." Then she turned to the other two of her defeated squad, who sitting on the ground recovering from the beat up they took. "Please girls, we have to do as they say, for Claire's sake." Both nooded and then, letting out a relieved sigh, the girl proceeded to do as Carissa instructed.
  11. Behind, you have surprise on your side... But it's 2 vs 20. What will you come up with, I wonder?
  12. Hehey, great job Ame! It's great to have those back, gonna try the type quiz again soon. Also, question: Just to make sure, if we change the trainer card we still lose any badges we have there correct?
  13. Eeeh... No, really Panda, this is not exactly a nice way to introduce your character. Or if you do want to just have him sitting and slacking off like this, at least make a post with a little more substance... Tell something about how he ended up deciding to simply sit there, after all, he is in C.4 for some time and should know what happens to slackers. It's your first post, try to make it cool.
  14. "Oh I heard much about it from my parents when I was little, but right now anything goes well." Big said, following the sniper. "Besides, if it is that bad I can always ask the cook if I can make something. Cooking is a hobbie of mine, you see." He added with a smile.
  15. ^ Could you do that Zeph?! Thanks! I do agree the boat with a hat is funnier XD. Aaand, can't find the pic anymore. =( Will have to do with another one.
  16. Happy holydays everyone! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pocky



    3. Sheep


      Dude dude dude dude dude... if you don't get yourself a hat I'll force you to wear one.

    4. Notus


      I don't have that ability on paint XD. No problem though, Zephy is fixing that for me!

  17. ^ Best idea ever XD. Not now though, 3 sleepy 5 that... *Falls face first in the bed* Good night guys...
  18. No problem Krim. Also Rielly, by huge I mean strong and big for a Swampert. Kyte was owned by Jon's mother, so he is older than probably most of the team's members and had plenty time training. No steroids though, that is for them Megas. XD EDIT: Krim, if you could take out the team count I would appreciate it... That way the people who got behind can get back in the cabin team assuming they were only quietly following.
  19. "Hehehe, you bet we did." Big answered to Whit while scratching the back of his own head. "First invisible giant lizards, then a pack of not-so-friendly overgrown dogs, and thunder chicken to close the night. Anyway, everyone is ok and we did manage to arrive here, so it's all ok in the end." He then pointed towards the entrance of the tent. "So, if that tour is still happening I'd be pleased to learn where we can go eat something. That ride got me starving!" As if waiting for that cue, the big man's stomach rumbled like a rolling boulder.
  20. No problem at all by me, my concern was the same as your's (a.k.a, having your char in an unfair situation). I trust you and Eagle can sort it out and make some pretty interesting scenes with this thing, so go on! EDIT: Also in an unrelated note: DAT AVY CHANGE WAS PERFECT FLUX! XD
  21. {Jon & Miki} Jon was right behind her. He actually almost tripped on Raito when he suddenly stopped, and the remembered the time when they had to get through Kyte's tunnel to get into Eterna Gym's power plant. Oh oh, this might be a problem. He realized if the Jolteon couldn't fight underground it would be one more thing hindering him and Kyte.Actually, talking about him... As soon as Jon stepped into the tunnel he pressed te button in his Dive Ball, releasing the huge blue pokémon. Kyte stretched his arms with a yawn, and then looked around to the new place were they were. Seeing Miki and Raito, the Swampert waved a hand and smiled to greet them happilly. ((Remember the tags guys... XD. Also, waiting on Adam for moving your scene Tacos.))
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