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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Marcus was surprised that the enemy decided to run off so soon in the middle of such a wicked fight. He looked down to Hunter with a rather sad face. "Seems like the fun is over too soon eh?" He decide to not pursue the fleeing Gnolls though, and instead went over to check their own group. "Ok, that was weird... Everyone ok?"
  2. Actually that might be good if Ethic and Super agree. Sorry, it's just that I can't reach Phantom in the Mirror Dimension either (your last post ended wit him entering it), and I didn't know where he was going to describe what he found. XD
  3. Carissa, Adam & Jory "Let her... Have your clothes?" The girl asked, staring at Carissa. Then she snapped. "Your CLOTHES?! She needs a HOSPITAL! You guys did this to her, and I don't care what you do with the city, but you are responsible if she dies! You can have my uniform if you want it, but you must at least take her with you. to the Snowpoint!" The girl's face was flushed red by that time, her legs still shaking - but wether it was fear or anger, no one could tell.
  4. @Cowher: Yeah, but the Icy Rock where the tunel starts is near the cabin in the open, the acolytes are further away, under the trees, just preparing their strike. Flux and fria can't see you guys at night with a blizzard at that distance, and the opposite is also true.
  5. Actually just what I have already said: Assume your char was already in C.4 when the main group arrived and then throw him in. Right now you can be anywhere in the bank, so just choose a PC/NPC you want to interact with and make him talk/bump/fight with them.
  6. Reil & Marcus Marcus sighed internally. Dang, if the kid didn't react it would be tough justifying his death to Gestas. "I'm afraid that won't do boy. How do I know you won't simply go back to slacking off when I'm not looking? I think you need to learn a little lesson, don't you agree?" The killer's grip on the boy's shoulder started getting stronger... Actually it might be hurting him, but that was the intetion after all. ((Waiting on: Phantom, Annie and Rose. Eagle, that might count as metagaming on another person's character, but if Zephy is OK with it no problem. Just make sure to talk to her often about how you use the "Enya Sense".))
  7. Jory, Adam & Carissa The acolyte looked with fear from Shredder to Lockhart, and immediattely started to talk. Apparently, Snowpoint's Conclave was fully focused on blocking the route from anyone coming from or going to Eterna, and most of their forces were employed in this. The city itself had only a small garrison of Acolytes, plus the Gym trainers and - obviously - the leader Candice, the Ice Queen of Snowpoint. There were guards in all the entrances of the city, and the order was to let no one not belonging to the Church in and out unless properly authorized. Not only that, people couldn't leave their houses from dusk till dawn. While she - shakilly - proceeded to tell the group details of the guards passwords and such, the other free acolyte ran over to where Claire was laying in the snow. Shaking, she turned the older girl so she was once again facing the sky. The girl then proceeded to check her pulse... "W-what? She's alive!" She couldn't keep the exclamation. Then her skin turned pale, and she stood up between the Dusk members and her coleague. "Y-you don't lay a hand on her though, I'm warning you." Despite her efforts to act tough, it was visible that her legs were shaking. ((What happened to the Vaporeon, it's trainer, and the Icy Wind that Lockhart took Dobby? Feel free to make up the whole fight, but it is a little weird that it was ignored. Just a heads up.)) *** Cabin {Jon, Miki, Nemir} "All... right then." Jon was still not sure about what he had just done, but it seemed he would go with the flow by now. Then he turned serious again. "I agree with Nemir too, they did say they had a plan right? if we delay too much here, the Acolytes may catch up with us. We must hurry." *** Flux & Fria "Oh, that's nothing special really... I grew up in these woods and pokémon were always friendly towards me for some reason. Maybe it was because I was not afraid of them. But yeah, I hope everybody is safe and sound too." Fria raised her shoulders, and they kept going for some more time until they spotted a light in the distance. It was a small cabin with the inside lit up. The blizzard made it hard to see exactly what exactly was going on there and as they walked closer to it... Fria suddenly moved to get behind a large tree, pulling Flux in tow. She put her index finger in front of her lips, motioning for the professor to keep quiet, and then pointed towards the direction they were going in,whispering into his ear with an urgent tone. "There, on the end of the treeline. Acolytes." And indeed, looking with attention there were various shadows - around twenty - moving in a sneaky way towards the cabin. They were still under the cover of the trees, so it was unlikely someone would see them from over there, but in that number and counting with surprise on their side... "Jeez, so many... And moving like that, they're going to assault that cabin. Any plan Flux?" ((note: Cabin Crew cannot see the acolytes coming at all))
  8. Well, it will be up to them to catch up, the easier way being the same I used with Jon more than once: assume he was following quietly. By the way, Flux, Commander, Hukuna, Alina and Murdoc; I'd like some feedback from you if the tags are helping in anything. It's oficial from now on, so please everyone use it. Just remembering how they are supposed to work:
  9. Adam, Carissa & Jory The Abomasnow realized he couldn't hit the opposing pokémon, and finally felt it was time to go away... But not before it was hit by Shredder. The Fire Punch scorched the side of the beast's belly, making it roar out loud and flee to the woods in pain. Meanwhile, the acolyte answered to Carissa, breathing heavily and with a frightened look. " C-Cla-... Claire!" the girl practically shouted, looking at the other girl's unmoving body in terror. *** {Jon & Miki} Jon gave Miki a surprised look. He didn't expect the offer, actually he had feared she would laugh at him. "Ye-Yes, I would like it very much!" He answered. ((Other updates coming later))
  10. Ok, we may test tags for some time and only use a limit in last case, if it doesn't work well enough. If any of you has an idea that may work better please feel free to say it! I'm thinking of using something like {Jon & Miki} for example, and it would only be used for private, unimportant chat between characters. If the post does not have one of these, it is to be understood as an action/story relevant post. Everyone ok with that?
  11. Daang, what the hell was that?! Marcus cursed mentally as the painfull shot hit him. Luckily Hunter came to his aid, or he would have had a big trouble with those Gnolls. "Hey, thanks buddy." He said while getting up beside the wolf. A quick glance around revealed the origin of the shot: a Victonari with a gun, a rather rare view outside of the Sands. "Ok, let's deal with these guys here and then head for the sniper bastard." At that he took back his battle stance with shield and sword at ready, and threw a wave of flame around him and Hunter to blind the enemies and create the opportunity for them to strike.
  12. I'm trying to figure out a way to make it easier to keep up. Honestly, even I am having difficulty to do it XP. Maybe we could use tags to mark when the post is just a private conversation, so people catching up can skip them. Or, if everyone agrees, we could use a post limit of some sort... Still working on that, so any ideas are welcome. Also no worries Tacos, but I'll look at that tomorrow... It's 2 am here and I'm almost sleeping over the keyboard. XD
  13. Cabin "Oh no, it's not that I don't like books." Jon tried to explain himself. "It's just that I... can't read." He scratched the back of his head, ashamed of his own ignorance. The last time he held a book was many years ago, while he was still a child. After that, constant the running and hiding from the church and avoiding towns (and humans in general) made it hard for him to learn how to read properly. *** ((Waiting for Lila's reaction, otherwise it will be an auto hit))
  14. Cabin Crew Jon was taken aback by Raito's jump - really, he almost fell to the ground - but, he didn't get quite how, he ended up having the Jolteon held in his arms like one would do to a pet dog. The yellow pokémon was surprisingly light and it's fur was a bit too spiky to be confortable... But still it was a good feeling. "Want them? I don't think I'll be able to fit all of them in my bag. Plus, I would rather take these and not risk having them fall in Dawn's hands." The boy looked at the books with a surprised expression, his face turning red right after. "Eh, no I guess not, thanks... I mean, if you want me to carry them for you it's ok, only I... Am not much into reading." He clearly seemed a bit unconfortable with Miki's offer though. *** Flux & Fria The Abomasnows finally let Fria get back to the floor. "Haha, thanks guys, you really are soo cute! Now, could you please lend us a hand? Do you know were the bad guys went to?" At that, all three pointed the same direction with their thick arms. Fria smiled, thanked them, and turned towards Flux. "Well, you heard them! Let's go!" The woman turned again as if she was going to start walking, but then stopped and faced Flux again. "By the way... It was pretty impressive what you did here. Most people would simply outright attack and hurt them without a second thought. I know this is mostly because of this world we are in now but... It is great to know there are still people like you on it." She smiled at the professor and then started walking again, faster than before. "C'mon, let's find the others! Don't be a Slowpoke, Prof. Flux!~" *** Jory and Carissa The battle was not yet over: the Abomasnow perceived Shredder's movement and swung it's free arm to try and intercept the Zangoose, all the while not stopping the strike at Lila. It basically turned into a giant spinning toy, trying to hit both pokémon at once. Meanwhile, all the acolytes that Carissa and Jory faced had surrendered. From the radio came a feminine voice answering Carissa's call, but only after a while. "Ok then. Who's talking, by the way?"
  15. Eh weeeell... You can always use the quick recap Rielly made for Commander. XD
  16. Crack. That was the sound that came from the acolyte's back as Lila's attack made contact. Without a single scream, the girl fell face first in the snow and stood there. As for the Abomsnow, it shrugged off the hypnosis and stopped near a tree. Without much effort it broke it's trunk and, wielding it like a hammer again, rushed savagely towards the Milotic. Meanwhile, the acolyte fighting Carissa also fell to the ground, surprised, and tried to roll away from the girl and get up again.
  17. Basically that, now there is a group in the cabin trying to sneak in Snowpoint by tunnels, one in the forest fighting, and one being happy with amiable Abomasnows. XD You can either assume you have been left behind and find one of the forest's groups, or assume you followed the bigger group to the cabin and was there quietly .
  18. Marcus grinned at the vision of enemy gnolls flinching back from Akuma... And didn't waste the oportunity, going for a full charge swinging his sword - now aflame - at the nearest of them. The idea was to make as much damage as he could before they recovered.
  19. There's no need to read everything before going in. You should try to read the current (4th) circle before starting, but you can read the rest in the long run. Basically each chapter (circle) is about a sin following the order from Dante's Inferno. On C.1 the characters were condemned to a circle and sent to a journey to the bottom of Hell in order to break free from there, and the first to get there gains a wish. C.2 was about lust, C.3 Gluttony and now C.4 is Greed.
  20. Cabin Crew "Hello...I don't believe we've officially met...I am Nemir and this is Vis." "I'm Jon, and my partner Kyte is inside his pokéball. I'll let him out once we are inside the tunnels, he wouldn't fit through the door." The boy presented himself to the newbie, keeping his safe distance. Besides, Kyte doesn't like cold. Then he noticed Miki calling him from the cushion. He was a bit exitant at first, but just on cue a shiver came up his spine. Indeed, cold was not for him. As Nemir walked away, he slowly made his way to where the girl and her Jolteon were and stood near them, still not sitting though. "Hey Miki... So, eh, how is Raito doing after that Earthquake?" *** Flux & Fria The three Abomasnow stopped, apparently confused, as Flux stood there sitting and smiling at them. At first they felt menaced after all the sudden movement in their forest but now they weren't quite sure that these two were indeed enemies. Fria let out a small chuckle, covering her mouth with a gloved hand. It was obvious her eyes would be smiling behind the heavy ski glasses she wore. "Thanks for the compliment pro... Flux." She said, walking over and kneeling near the man, looking straight at the Ice pokémon with a warm smile on her face. "That's right cuties, we don't mean any harm... To much bad people around your place these days, right? But don't worry, we'll take care of them." Suddenly, the pokémon's eyes widened and they started towards Fria... Apparently to hug her. "Eh-hey, no need for this much gratefullness! It's only our job, really!" She said, laughing out loud. *** Adam, Carissa & Jory The Golduck couldn't avoid the punch: Shredder's speed was too much, specially having no back up from it's own trainer... But as it went down, it still managed to shoot out a surge of Psychic energy at the foe. The acolyte Jory was fighting tried to resist, but her young and small body didn't pose much of a threat. A cracking noise was heard, and the blood poored from the girl's nose. The next thing, she was curled in fethal position on the snowy floor, hands covering her nose while she cried. As for Carissa, the Rapidash's trainer was putting up a much better fight. Though still shaky, it seemed she had some base of personal defense and grabbed Carissa's fist, using her own momentum to pull her closer and atempting to throw the attacker over her own back.* While that, Lila's attack caught the Magmortar off guard, and the energy from the Mirror Coat hit the fire pokémon squarely, knocking it down on the snow. However, soon a shadow raised behind the Milotic: the huge Abomasnow had woke up with all the fighting, and was looking down angrily at her. It raised it's right arm high, and then threw it down like a hammer, aiming her head. All the while, the injured lead acolyte, tried to crawl away in the snow. Seeing that she wouldn't make it too far, she pulled a radio from her belt and started calling for backup. *((that's actually a Judô move called Ippon-Seoi-Nage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YAgRSs7Af8 ))
  21. ^Wow Rielly, mind reading me? XD Updates incoming! Also Murdoc, guess now you can choose where you are. You can make it so that Sarcus is with the main group in the cabin, or arriving for backup the forest crew.
  22. Adam, Carissa & Jory The older acolyte screamed as she collided with the tree, barely managing to keep concious, but clearly hurt. The Rapidash was caught by surprise and the Hydro Pump landed squarely, throwing the fiery horse back into a pile of snow. Magmortar was more prepared though, and soon the cannons in it's left arm started glowing yellow, as it launched a Thunderbolt attack towards Lila. With the other arm, it shot a Fire Blast to meet the Hydro Pump, the impact sending a cloud of smoke in the air. Golduck reacted quicker then Rapidash, and sent a Water Pulse to meet Shredder at the same time as it tried to back away from the Zangoose. It's trainer wasn't so well trained though, as all she managed to do was scream before Jory slammed into her and sent her rolling against the tree. The Vaporeon trainer, though looking scared, managed to shout a command to her pokémon as Lockhart picked it up. "Vaporeon, use Icy Wind!" The now flying Eevelution nooded, and in a second a gust of cold wind blew onto both itself and the Honchkrow carrying it. Factoring in the hail and the natural wind blowing from the storm, it was a pretty nasty attack. ((Ops, people calling me to dinner brb. Jon's and Flux's updates will be made soon))
  23. ^ Hehey, nice cost mate. All set then, you're free to go. Also, just commenting on the Smaug scene (since I think Rose's judgement of it is correct): Maan, Gestas is gonna be pissed at Kenny now. Attacking Smaug back was not a smart move.
  24. Not yet, I prefer to have a bit of control in this situation. There will be points where I will allow it though, and I'll warn you beforehand. I'll update later tonight.
  25. Ninja Elf, Carissa & Jory The acolyte leader shook her head. "No wonder her old man doesn't like you... What kind of idiot would go out of home in a snow storm, because of a ridiculous reason like that? You're putting the girl in danger, and if you live here for so long you should know that. And you girl, you should be wiser when choosing your boyfriends." Despite the scolding, it seemed the girl had bought the story, so she motioned for them to get up. However, their probation wasn't over yet. "Now, the worse of all is that you don't seem to get how much trouble you're in. Aside of all that, you disobeyed a direct order from the Church to stay home at night, not to mention the prohibition to leave the city without authorization. We will scort you guys, yes... Straight to the Conclave. You're in dire need of Reeducation, that's clear to me." With a motion of her hand, the other girls started towards the couple, two of them taking out hadcuffs from their pockets, while their pokémon watched at ready. None of them seemed to notice Lockhart though, as the black bird looked almost invisible in the dark of the night.
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