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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Name: Jonas Age: 20 Birthday: April 10 Location: Ilhabela (that's in Brazil). Moving to Rio de Janeiro next year. Height: 1,8 m (more or less) Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green Live With: Dad and Sister Pets?: All the fish in the sea I had a dog once, but currently none. Relationships?: Not currently. Study year was a killer for any potential one. XP Crushes lately?: ^ Dream Job: Professional Sailor Currently Playing: Pokémon Reborn Favorite Food: Sashimi (preferencially made from fish we just caught - my dad rocks at this ) Favorite Drink: Cajá Juice (a fruit typical from Brazil's NE region.) Favorite Color: Blue Favorite kind of Music: Rock 'n Roll, also Progressive Rock and Bossa Nova. Favorite Band: Jeez, that's hard... I guess Jethro Tull? Also Pink Floyd and... AAAAHRGH, so hard to choose! Favorite Album: - Favorite Game: Pokémon Reborn Favorite Genre of Game: RPG Favorite Hobbies: Sailing, most of all, but also reading, playing guitar, paddling, diving, fishing, surfing... Favorite Movies: Too hard to choose too XP. Favorite Shows: I have no TV, but I watch plenty Anime in my PC. Fate, Bacanno!, Durarara!, Steins/Gate, Psycho-Pass...
  2. Hehey, so good old Strat is back then? Mate, congratulations. As I said in an status comment, sometimes I even forgot you were playing a role, so well it was that you pulled it off. That was a very interesting experience, I doubt I could keep something like this for so long as you did! I'll miss the old Leutenant, but it is great to have you back!
  3. Reil & Marcus "Eh? Oh well, isn't he a shy one?" Bonnie commented as the boy walked off. Clyde raised his shoulders and put a load of golden bars into a sack, throwing it over his back with some effort. Reil saw many things as he walked. There were people of all kinds in there, and most were carrying stuff like Clyde. The thing was, most weren't half as fit and strong as him, and the by the pain on their faces it was obvious that the weight was too much for most of them. While he was wandering in the corridor, however, vigilant eyes followed him... And soon a hand grabbed his shoulder. "Ey" Marcus said, looking down at the boy. "Why aren't you carrying anything, boy? Slacking the day off I guess?" The killer interiorly smiled at his good luck. It seemed his hands were tied by Gestas right now, but if he killed enough and made it seem like he was only following his instructions, maybe he could farm enough strenght to take the impenitent thief down. Rose & Enya The radio silence was broken by Gestas responding the girl's call. "All right, all right, but what are they doing? If they're slacking off or stealing, go and get them. If you need reinforcements you can call on me, but I'm no babysitter to solve every single thing around here." Annie The girl was now alone in the middle of the hall. The movement was huge in there, many people walking around... But something still grabbed her attention: a human sized rat tail turning around a corner and entering a corridor. Only she managed to see it, but she had a good enough idea of whose tail that was.
  4. "Hehey, that's the spirit mate!" Big laughed. "So, is it true you took down the big bird? You must be a good shot, that thing was hella tough."
  5. Oh, ok. So I'll assume you are with them and watching the scene from the shadows.
  6. Aand while we're here in the confort of our homes, somewhere these guys are having "just another day in the office".

    1. Notus


      Volvo Ocean Race. Yeah, real life can be quite interesting too! =D

    2. Maelstrom


      I want to do that shit. Where do I sign up?

    3. Notus


      Me too mate, but it is a looong way to go XD. That's the Everest of the Sea! Take a look here if you liked it though: http://www.volvooceanrace.com/en/home.html

  7. The three younger acolytes loosened up a bit, seeming relieved by Carissa's explanation. The girl with the Magmortar, though, didn't seem that much convinced. "Oh yeah? So you guys evaded the night curfew just to come out and 'play', even after the snow storm warning? You seem a bit too tranquil about it, missy."
  8. Jory & Carissa It didn't take long before the first patrol appeared: four acolytes came out from between the trees with their pokemon already out - a Rapidash, a Vaporeon , a Golduck and a tough looking Magmortar. Three of them were very young nd seemed rather aprehensive when they found out the duo, but the owner of Magmortar seemed to be more experienced and walked with authority towards them, her pokémon keeping a battle ready stance. "Hey, you two, what is your business here?" the girl asked with a suspicious tone, her eyes going from them to the asleep Abomasnow. The Cabin Group. Jon entered the cabin last of all, still holding Kyte inside his pokéball. He wasn't about to let his partner get endangered only beacause of a small beating from an Abomasnow, specially one that slow. "Ok, tunnels then." he spoke up, closing the door behind him. "But we gotta get there fast, or the acolytes will find us soon. This place is not exactly the best to hide, you know?" After all the support he had from the group, he might as well go ahead alone and leave them chit-chatting, but he needed to know the way into this secret passage. Flux & Fria They arrived in the clearing where the group had been camped a good time after they had left. The ground was all trampled over by footprints, and the holes in the snow made by the fire attacks where still visible. "Oh-oh dear professor. That's too much footprints. I think we might have acolytes on our trail now..." A moment later noises started coming from the trees, but what came out was a group of Abomasnow: three of them, not as big as the first one, but still looking tough. They surrounded the duo and started closing in...
  9. All ok Panda, just waiting on the cost. We'll assume your character already was in the 4th Circle and that presently he is exploring the bank like everyone else, so once you have invented your cost you can post right away. I'll let you choose which "team" you'll be joining.
  10. Uhmn, sorry mate, this one is already closed until someone dies ofc, but if you want to you can try on Under the Hill. I make it a rule to always take new players there, but I might only answer tomorrow since I'm hella tired. In any case, make a char and post there if you're interested.
  11. Hehe, I liked Ed's theory about other worlds, it remembers me of the role of Death in the Inkheart trilogy. No matter what world you're in, Death remains the same.
  12. "Yay, I'll take the offer." Big answered to Whit with his usual grin. " 'Name is Mauro by the way, but everyone calls me Big. Have you guys been here for much time waiting us?"
  13. Marcus jumped into the battle - quite literally - as he slashed with his sword at one of the gnolls attacking Akuma from the back. He intended to break their tactic and buy some space for the Kenku to wreak havoc with his impressive streght. ((soorry, didn't think of that.))
  14. ^ No trouble at all, with all my net problems it was actually a good thing you guys slowed down a bit XD.
  15. Sorry guys, my net has been epically bad these last few days... Hope now it stabilizes. I'll need some time to catch up and think of the next step, so you can expect updates tomorrow at the worse. As for attacking the city, that's a no go, you're still a good way far from it. The acolytes that saw you are only route patrols. The cabin can be used, but be aware the acolytes may know of it too, as it is in a fairly obvious location... Though maybe the storm might help you sneaking in it with no problem. Or maybe not. XD EDIT: Uhmn... Ok, you can use those tunells, but don't enter Snowpoint before I say so ok? It may be a different way, but don't think I'll be making it an easy one XD.
  16. Oh hey, 14 is out. Updating the EV Training Guide, here I go! Also in an unrelated note, this new banner is amazing.

  17. "Fria, the snow guide and Flux the professor. What do we have to fear?" "Not much indeed" Fria smiled back to the professor. "They on the other hand... Abomasnow love this weather, and due to their ability the blizzards get even worse when they start coming out. It might be a pain for them to even find the right path." They walked for a few time searching for the group, and it was not long before Fria's prediction started to prove true. The wind picked up even more, and even witihin the cover of the trees it was starting to get hard to see the way. The temperature dropped drastically too, though the woman did not seem too bothered by it... The look in her face was more of concern than disconfort. Suddenly they saw a flash of light to the south, followed by various fighting noises. "Look Flux! Could it be them?" She said, rushing in that direction. *** A barrier of light floated in front of the Abomasnow, Protecting it from the first barrage of attacks launched hastily at the same time... But not stopping the explosions of fire that followed. The woods trembled with the noise of all the combined attacks, and the Abomasnow, finding itself obviously outpowered, retreated with an angry look to the woods. The team's problems didn't end there however: soon they heard voices shouting to the south and the east... The huge fight must have warned the patrols of the Church. Not only that, the short break of the snow storm caused by Sunny Day ended quickly, only to show them the blizzard had gotten even worse than before. It seemed they were between a rock and a cold place... ((Net is being a pain, it might take a while for me to post. =/))
  18. There was no need for a pokedex though. Suddenly a blast of strong wind came out of the woods straight at the group, and hail started to fall hard. Snow powder flew everywhere, making it difficult to see and breath. Moments later, a second gust blew on them, and along with is came, basically flying, a very battered Jon Gale. The boy hit the snow with a soft tud - lucky it was so thick - and stood there for a second before making an attempt to get up. His Dive BBall was still in his belt, closed. "A... Abomasnow" He managed to tell the others. "A big one." Just as he finished saying that, a behemoth of a pokemon forced it's waty through the treeline. It was really an impressively big pokemon, towering abve trainers and partners alike as if they were little kids. It stared at the group for a moment, and then roared again as the icy wind picked up.
  19. Marcus got out of the forest's cover, sword aflame too, and ready to give Xavier cover if needed. Shield in one hand, sword in the other, the Cinder Knight yelled to try and break the foe's confidence when seeing this new force arriving by surprise.
  20. Still don't have a ship name... NotRose maybe? XD
  21. Congrats for everyone that played and worked to make this game, it was a thrilling experience. Hell, even we in Vermillion are all as surprised as anyone, tonight wasn't entirely planned, and that's to confirm the power this game has to make plot twists. That said, I'm all favorable to changes in the rules to make it more battle oriented, it will be better indeed.
  22. Ok, I know the talk of the night is PZA. I know there are people pissed off. But guys, that's a game. I won't even start discussing the polemic points here, there will probably be tons of threads about it come the morning, but I want to ask you all to think of one thing before you post any comments: Is a game important enough to throw salt over a good friendship? Please think about it before commenting anything, the last thing I want is to see Reborn turn into a war zone because of so...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas

      If those friendships are really crunchy french fries...

    3. Notus


      ... Yeah, you actually are right. I won't discuss the matter anymore, everything was already said.

    4. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas

      Mmm... french fries...

  23. Maaaan, I knew of Roxas, but Seccy... Impressive, even I was caught by surprise. XD For everyone: PZA is not only about strenght, it is also about cunning and trust. I knew I could trust every member of our Alliance, and that's the only reason this didn't happen to ourselves. I guess next one will be a much closer game, and I look forward to see what happens. As a parting gift, remember this song... And the color it represents. Vermillion, tonight we win!
  24. All ok Rose, I'm reasonably free this week so I got you covered. Good luck in your exams! Also, thanks for warning us Annie, I'll try to bunnie your char the least possible.
  25. Heyoo, finally back. We'll take good care of everyone's favourite psycho, Murdoc... It's a shame you won't be with us anymore, but if you ever want to come back, the door of Hell is always open for you okay that sounded weird. Update incoming later tonight for the characters that are interacting with NPCs. The others better hurry until Tuesday or they may be bunnied if needed for the story.
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