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Everything posted by Notus

  1. "My name is Flux, and I used to be a professor and researcher in my region before Dawn invaded. It's been a while since I last traveled far enough to see snow, but it's just as beautiful as I remember..." "Oh hey, a professor? It's been some good twenty years since I last saw one... Guess you can imagine why." Fria answered to the man. " I used to know Professor Rowan, don't know if you ever heard of him. He sometimes would come to Snowpoint to make his researches, and I always tried to have a good talk to him when he did. Such knowledge about pokémon... And most important, he had the will to share that, to help everyone become stronger and be happy with their pokémon. A shame there's almost no more of that anymore... You know, once he asked me to show him to lake Acuity - it's beautiful there, the water is amazingly clear because it comes from the snow melting - and then we saw this cuuuuute Snorunt and..." If Flux had imagined how much of a talker Fria was, he probably would have thought twice before starting a conversation. After going a long way talking about how beautiful the landscapes and pokémon of Snowpoint were, and unfortunate it was that so few people got to see it under the new regimen, she finnally realized that they'd lost the group. When that happened, she put both her hands to her head and stood there looking astonished in the middle of the snowy path, seeing their trail slowly getting erased by the falling snow. "Uuuh... oh. I.. Think I got a little too carried on. Guess we should try and go back to find them, eh?" she told Flux with a worried tone. She had barely finished saying that when gust of strong wind hit the duo, spraying snow and hail with enough speed to hurt. ...The snow storm. Fria thought, with a shiver going up her spine. "...Aand we better do that fast." *** Back in the camp, it seemed no one had noticed Flux's and Fria's abscence, so entertained they were getting to know each other and eating. Jon had been quiet in the rear of the group, trying to save energy... And honestly, he didn't notice anything either. It was the first time he had ever seen snow, and though at first it had left him amazed as a little kid, soon the cold was starting to get into his nerves. Dang, he never thought the air could be this cold. Even when he went to the Shoal Cave with his father to capture pokémon - clandestinely - the temperature was higher, as the sea acted as a termical regulator and there was barely any wind inside. When the group stopped, the boy took cover under a three and just watched everyone, too cold to have any will to socialize with them. That was when he realized Fria and Flux weren't there. They must have gone ahead and didn't see us stop. He thought. He was almost calling out for everyone to warn them of this, but changed his mind. The missing duo shouldn't be too far away, so he could just go look for them himself and come back before anyone noticed. In his mind, doing it himself was the only way to be 100% sure a job was well done, so whatever. Quietly, Jon got up and walked again into the forest. As he predicted, it wasn't long until he heard the noise of someone walking on the snow. "Flux? Are you ther.." In the camp, all heard a mighty roar coming from the woods.
  2. Sorry Flux, as I mentioned I was out this weekend. I expected Fria to be bunnied, but maybe I didn't make that too clear, so sorry. Gonna post something asap! ...Also wow, you guys post fast! XD EDIT: OK, play time is over, time to make things get interesting...
  3. " 'k folks, let's get moving quick... And keep our eyes and ears wide open so we aren't surprised by less nice things out there." Marcus said, ready for resuming the walk.
  4. "Uhmn, let me see... Yep, I fired around twenty from my MG in the fight against the Mosses, and 3 from the AR in the bird incident." Big said.
  5. Ski glasses should help a bit in this case, but you are right. Also, going to sleep now... Huk, please take over till I'm back ok? Have a nice trek everyone!
  6. Marcus scratched the back of his head through the entire conversation. So Grave Earth, Ashnard and Ishmael the Death Angels, some Gnolls who actually sounded more civilized than a lot of people he knew... He wondered if that was what Bartimus meant when he asked them about if the Gentleman could be right. At least one of his subordinates seemed to have a good mind. "Sorry Cookie, but we didn't get anything more than the direction your friend ran to, at least I don't remember. Should we find him, do you want us to tell him to go to a meeting place or something?" They really didn't have anything else to tell the Gnoll, and the quicker they got moving again the better.
  7. Eterna City - East Exit One by one, all the Unit Sylveon members arrived on the meeting place to find Lucas, along with Silver, waiting for them. Both trainers had Pokémon of their own out: an Gallade and an Alakazam, respectively, both seeming extremely strong. "Good to see everyone here in time." Lucas said. "We've just received word from Fria saying there's a snow storm on the way, so we don't have the time to walk through Mt. Coronet to meet her. Instead, Gallade and Silver's Alakazam will Teleport you to the north exit of the mountain, and from there you follow Fria. Don't worry, she is already there so you won't have trouble finding her." Silver then stepped forth, looking straight at everyone's eyes. "Generally I'd ask if you have questions, but this time I'll let Fria handle this. Now group up, you got to help the pokémon's work a little too." Once everybody was near each other, he signaled to Alakazam and Gallade affirmatively. "Good luck" was the last thing the trainers heard as a purple flash blinded them. *** Route 217 The group landed in the middle of a thick forest. Although the trees blocked all the sky over them, the floor was completely covered with snow and they found themselves up to their shins in it. All was already getting dark in there, with only a faint red glow coming from the setting sun somewhere beyond the trees which borrowed a menacing atmosphere to the place. Laying lazily against a tree, a short woman wrapped in heavy ski clothes waited for them, glasses, trecking sticks and all. "Hey you guys! You must be Unit S right? My name is Fria and I will be your guide to the beautiful route 217 to Snowpoint City! Who is hyped for a good walk?" With that rather cheerfull greeting, she turned and started walking north, gesturing for everyone to follow her. "I know, it is a shame we need to do this at night, the landscape is much more beautiful with the sun shining... But if we want to sneak past those pesky acolytes there are not many options available, sooo keep your eyes and ears open and never lose sight of me right?"
  8. Waaait, I just realized one for you mate! AbsolxK_H . Those who played King of the Hill will understand.
  9. Ixidor Villon looked back over is shoulder and noticed Ixidor coming. "Oui monsieur, can I help you with something?" He asked the boy. Then he noticed the paper in the boy's hand. "You've got one too? Interesting indeed... That would mean you have been condemned as a greedy person, but you don't strike me as one." The frenchman said while they walked. Reil Reil heard the sound of laughter while he approached Bonnie and Clyde. The couple was walking in the same direction, very close to each other and whispering to one another. It was Bonnie who noticed the boy first, and looked over her shoulder to speak to him. "Ooh, so you decided to join us Reil? I can't say your's was the right choice, we have gold bars to carry today." She made a face to show the boy what she thought of that. Clyde pretty much ignored Reil and left the talking to Bonnie.
  10. HukuLight and HukuDesire then, so you don't get confused. XD
  11. Room: Vermillion Alliance Privacy Level: Private, only members of Vermillion Alliance. Purpose: To serve as meeting place to Vermillion members, be it as a chat or battling spot. Request: Please keep your discussions civilized and don't fight. Take care when testing PZA teams there, I still didn't discover a way of blocking spectators. Other than that, have a lot of fun!
  12. I'll put you in touch with everyone else and we can discuss there, but most of all your "job" is having fun.
  13. Name suggestion for the ship: Zephydon.
  14. Ok, suicide bomber then. Refrigerate Explosion OP. XD
  15. Agreed with Jory XD. Also, I plan to start the trek tonight but... I will be out tomorrow and Saturday during the day. Can you take care of things in that time Hukuna?
  16. Marcus raised his shield and prepared to unsheate his sword at any moment. "Yes, we are well aware of that, thanks for the advice. Now, we would probably be able to do so with much more tranquility if we knew you won't be attacking us from the back, whoever you are. Would you be so kind as to show up?"
  17. Basically everyone was just introducing themselves/interacting. Best course of action would be doing an intro post and move on to the meeting point. Speaking of which, I think we should wrap up the conversations soonish so we can get moving.
  18. Blue Team (Ixidor, Annie, Reil, Phantom, Edward) As soon as the day started everyone heard the sound of a factory horn, echoing loud and clear through the town. The next moment the alleway were they had been standing was gone, and the little group was in a huge plaza just in front of the Bank, with several turnstiles controling everyone's entrance. A sea of people - most looking like beggars - was gathered there, more or less organized in lines to enter. Clyde called everyone, got out of the end of the line and went straight to the start of it. He did nothing but to stare at the first person standing there and make a sign for him to move aside, but the battered man obeyed right away, with a glint of fear in his eyes. The robber passed through the turnstile, picked a paper that came out from it, and signaled for the others to do the same. "It's not like it matters to them who get's in first, y'know." Inside, the place was a positively enormous room with multiple corridors open for the workers, signaled with letters Following him were Bonnie, Villon and Robin. All of them got a paper like Clyde's, but when the adventurers started coming in things changed. Annie passed, but no paper was given to her. Phantom had the same issue, followed by Reil, and as soon as Bonnie noticed that she came to talk to them, surprise written all over her face. "Hey, you didn't get an assignement?! How weird, I've never heard of that before..." Then, in order to explain things better, she showed them her own paper. It had her name written on it, and a sequence of letters and numbers under it: WD40321 -> KJ73028. It was obvious the first letter refered to the corridors. "These are safe IDs. We are supposed to change carry all the things that are in a safe to another, and trust me, it's a ton of stuff... Now if you don't have one, it means you are free to go anywhere! Jeez, that comes in handy." After that Clyde took her by the arm and waved to everyone. "Well, guess you guys got lucky, but we need to go quick or the Staff will say we're slacking off... And it's not fun when that happens. See you later, have a good tour!" As the couple went away, Villon checked his own paper. "Oh, mon dieu, not the Jewels safe again... They might be beautiful, but way too heavy and sharp to my taste." He bowed and then waved to everyone too, taking his leave, but not before whispering to them in a playful tone. "I might bring something pretty and shiny for you though, mademoiselle Annie... Wish me luck!" It seemed everyone was already in their way when Ixidor finally passed through the turnstiles. For his surprise though, a paper with his name popped from it, exactly like it did for the robbers. The painter boy read it (BH5687 -> AA4562) and found out the corridor with the indication A to C, realizing it was the same Villon went by. ((You guys are free to explore alone or tag along with PCs and NPCs alike. Ix though will have to work...)) ((Green Team: You're patrolling the corridors as the crowd comes in.))
  19. I honestly don't have the slightest idea... though the backstorys make me think it is unlikely.
  20. Not only the new ones, even my Jon is waay too distant for his own good right now, but that is part of his character. He may act friendly sometimes towards a few people he knows better, but it will take really remarkable circumstances to make him trust someone completely. Once that happens though, there's no holding him back.
  21. 'k guys, I think this was just a case of unfortunate wording, so let's leave it at that. It is only natural that we have few "loud" and sociable characters so far, but that is due to the setting of this world and we will surely see development in everyone's characters soon... It wouldn't make sense to have everyone happy and trusting in a world like that.
  22. That's because it is a Dystopia, so it's natural for characters to be more quiet and reclusive at first, since it is a harsh world. It's only the first pages anyway, given time the characters will show their true potential.
  23. Notus - Vermillion Notus (possibly getting a "+" soon) Notice that there is alread someone with the username Notus, and it isn't me.
  24. #Ark for best pun awards 2014 Also don't worry Huk, you're a Sensei, not Senpai.
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