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Everything posted by Notus

  1. 'K Everyone who is still in the middle of an interaction please close it out until tomorrow night at most. After that we'll be moving to day 1 in the bank.
  2. Kkkk I figured it wasn't a good idea, was just curious at how much screwed we'd be... And Huk's smiley answered that pretty well. XD
  3. Hehey, if it isn't Mumpelfink! Welcome aboard mate! Also check on our channel in Showdown, it's were we members will hang out.
  4. Marcus noticed Helze's sickly appearence, and then Jupiter's warning about the patrols. He got nearer the Half-Elf, taking the liberty to put a hand on her shoulder. He felt a little awkward at first, but still felt that was the right thing to do. "Don't worry Helzebeth, we're leaving here now." Then he walked past her, all senses awake to search for enemies. "You guys better lead the way though, I'm not sure what's the right path to Farreach." He said, refering to Dru, Helze and Flint.
  5. ^Hehe, If you explain it in a PM I can tell better if it's OK. Also soo sorry for being late, my net crashed last night and I only got it back today. =/ I made Jon get out because I think he would do just that, Even considering how welcoming Flux and Miki are. Trust issues are his main flaw, so I can't let it fade away very easily.
  6. Jon looked to Raito and the group and took a step in that direction... But then shook his head and turned back. This is just a waste of time, I should be preparing for the climb. The boy thought as he walked away, but feeling unconfortable with his own decision for some reason. He walked to the area where he had been camped with Kyte before and let the Swampert out of his pokéball. The huge blue pokémon yawned, stretched his arms, and greeted his young trainer with a smile. "Hey big boy." Jon greeted back, and then proceeded to get the snow clothes he found lying on top of his bed, as well as packing all his stuff, while he explained the new mission to his partner.
  7. Raito is so simphatetic XD I'm going out for a bit, hopefully i can answer that when I'm back. Also thanks for everyone's efforts to break through Jon's trust issues.
  8. I wonder... Would it be too bad if, now that we're out of town, we killed someone to activate the Grave Earth and let it destroy the army in the town?
  9. "Oh, hey." Jon said, quickly pulling his hand back from Raito's fur. He unconciosuly took a step back to put some distance between himself and Flux before answering. "Uhmn, yes, I guess you're right. But at least I know you and the others know what you are doing." He said, refering to the Covert Ops members. Then he looked towards the little group with the Snorlax. "I just hope these guys do too."
  10. Jon was pulled back from his thoughts, a bit startled, by the excited greeting by Raito. He stood quiet for a moment, a bit unsure of what to do, but in the end veery carefully extended his hand to caress the electric eevelution's fur... Though he wasn't sure exactly why he was doing that, it was more of an impulse.
  11. @ Alina: Aaah yeah, it's going faster than I expected! XD Updated trainer list. Sign Ups are closed until further notice.
  12. Jon stood in the back of the group quiet and observating. He sighed. Damn, even more people? For him, people were failures in potential, betrails in potential, and a danger for him and Kyte... Not to mention he wasn't much fond of making another introduction. It would be better if they had kept only the Covert Ops. He was way more confortable around that team now that their mission was over. Not that he trusted them completely, but at least everyone's made their jobs that time. The boy looked around and saw Miki, suddenly being assaulted by the will of talking to her. After a few moments looking to his own feet and thinking if it would be worth it, he decided to go and took some steps that way, but only to see she walking into a group with Sarcus and two other guys. That left him standing in the middle of the room, unsure of where to go or what to do. ((Note: When you want to move on just leave the gym to grab your clothes))
  13. I actually haven't planned any groups for this part, so either if you want to go alone or team up with somebody is fine by me.
  14. And speaking of getting it covered, I don't seem to be able to change the tags now. Huk and Murdoc, do your mod powers allow that?
  15. Ok, I'll see if I can update the tags (nooow i understand what they're for yey!). On another note, holy hell guys I'm out for a few hours and two pages already! Guess te hype was real eh? XD Jon is gonna have a post later too, but right now I'll have to be out for a while.
  16. ... Ok, now I am scared. Peace Hilda, I repect your place and know I'll never be able to replace you so... Truce? Jeez, I'm starting to get popular here eh? XD You too Huk? Rosie, you gotta slow down a bit don't you think? XD
  17. All of them look amazing! I voted for Vero because I use him and he is the one that looks more like me. When I play a pokémon game my idea is to transport myself to that reality and see how I would react to it, and that's why I picked him. Now, the others are great too. I like Lucia a lot too, her design was very fortunate and overflows with badassery. Kuro feels very alike to me too, and Alice is very pretty. I'm not used yet to Ari and Decibel, but they look very good too.
  18. Sorry, I didn't get exactly what you asked... You mean linking it somewhere?
  19. Oops, sorry, I've been using it in UtH and didn't realize it was this bad. Going to do it right away. EDIT: Done, is it better now?
  20. Marcus stood as silent as he could once he reached the woods, shield still ready and a hand over the hilt of his sheated sword.
  21. Dusk Advanced Base #1 - Eterna City It has been three days since the fall of Gardenia and the subsequent conquest of Eterna by Team Dusk. Although there was to be expected a comemoration for such a victory, it didn't happen: the dead count was just too high for that, in both sides. Thus the first week of liberation had always the shadow of grief and the sound of people crying in the background. Team Dusk's work hadn't stopped however... News of the team's victory were spreading throughout Sinnoh, and the operatives passed that time preparing the city's defenses for when challenges from the Church started appearing. The members of the squadrons involved in the battle - Unit Sylveon and the Covert Ops Squad - were given a well deserved time to rest and tend to their pokémon. And so, three days and nights later, a group of fifteen people found themselves assembled in the very same Gym were the battle against Gardenia took place. The place was still being repaired, but where once was a huge sign in the shape of the Forest Badge now stood the black moon of Team Dusk. In front of it stood Lucas in his usual outfit, looking with serious eyes to each and every trainer in the room as if studying them. "Welcome all of you. For those who are new, I am Lucas, and I will be the commanding officer in this team - Unit Sylveon, or Unit S for short. You were all called here to discuss your next mission, which will be started as soon as we end here. I hope you are ready. Now that Eterna is under our control we can't just sit idly here. No doubt the Church will send strong trainers to claim the city back, and we must act before they block us completely. Our next target then lies to the north: Snowpoint City." When he finished saying this, a loud screech of static was heard echoing in the Gym, followed by a female voice. "Test, test... Is this working? Oh, good. Hi everyone, White speaking here! Sorry for the noise, we're still fixing the sound systems. Anyway, let's go for the mission's details shall we?" They all heard the sound of pages flipping through the speakers. "O-K. Well, it seems that the main road to Snowpoint has already been blocked, so you'll have to take an alternate path through the woods... It is a tough climb, specially at this time of year, but lucky for us we have an agent from the city who knows the way. She's called Fria, and will meet you tonight right out of the town. Once you get to the city itself, the drill will be the same: Defeat the Conclaves and the Gym and the city will be yours. Most of their Acolytes are being employed on the blockade, so it should be easier than Eterna." Lucas took over from there, serious as ever. "During the walk to Snowpoint try to avoid combat as much as possible. You'll be in a very wild region with Church members ahead and behind you, so the last thing you'll want is to grab their attention. And also..." his eyes narrowed in anger. "Please, refrain from needless butchery. You have no idea how much trouble we are having with the citizens here, parents and relatives from the Acolytes, after the mess we've made in some of the Conclaves. We are the resistence, not a bunch of mindless killers." He then sighed, and changed his tone to a less harsh one. "We're going out at dusk. I take most of you don't know each other, so work on that, grab your warm clothes and meet me at east exit of town by then." As Lucas walked off, the group still heard White's voice one last time. "Have a good trip everyone! Good luck!"
  22. Yup, I´ll post the new thread very soon! Just to notice again, there will be no more Covert Ops squad (at first). Everyone will be assigned to the main team - Unit Sylveon. Other things to remember: -This RP is a Dystopia, and as such it may be pretty dark... And dangerous. Trust me, I won´t have many moral issues with killing characters in this one. [insert evil laugh here] -Try to check on the IC and OOC as much as you can. As there are many people in this dialogues between characters tend to be very frequent. Always check to see if you´re not unknowingly ignoring someone. -Most important of all: have FUN! Now, without further ado, welcome once again to Pokémon: Aftermath!
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