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Everything posted by Notus

  1. After a moment of static, a voice answered the call, presumably Agent Volcano. "Eh, you guys are finished already? Nice work. Just hang in there a sec, I'll send your coordinates to the HQ and they'll get you out of there." After that, static again... and the sound of Pokémon digging through the rubble in the corridor, closer and closer. A minute later, the acolytes managed to break through the rocks, see a flash of purple light and, dumbfounded, rush straight into the mess that was the destroyed and now empty generator room.
  2. Jon listened to Flux and Miki with half his attention, ther rest being concentrated on Kyte and the corridor. Judging by the roars starting on the other side of the rubble, it seemed like they would have to fight in little time. "Didn't we have an intercomm? That little black radio like thing? Sarcus, do you have it yet?"
  3. The Bank Gang "Hehe, nice trick girl. If you lot can pull stuff like that then you might be even more usefull than I thought." Gestas said, with an eyebrow lifted, after understanding what Rose had done. "Right then, let's make this short and sweet, I've got more important things to do." "The bank will open in about one hour and a half. Your first duties are to patrol the corridors and look for any abnormal attitude from the workers. If you see anything suspicious you can call me using these." He waved his hand and suddenly 6 handheld radios appeared floating in the air in front of the group, waiting for being picked. " Get familiarized to the place, you'll need it for future operations. Careful for not getting lost too, it is huge in here. If you need you can use lethal force. It's not like that's a big deal around here, if you get what I'm saying. Any doubts?"
  4. Big opened yet another smile at the sight of the transporter, and walked in relieved not having to walk all that way back. Of course he noticed the tense situation, but he was confident that the higher ups would understand them - and most of all, glad that everyone was all right.
  5. Well, he could be a double wielder using a... hammer and... a rapier? XD Whatever, I really want to see him fighting with one of these at least once!
  6. Marcus raised his shoulders when Jupiter told them about the fleeing patrol. Welp, at least that solves the problem. Afterwards, he waited with his shield in hand. It would be more useful in the rear of the group in case of an attack, so he gestured for everyone to go before him, and after the last of the group passed he would follow. ((In case I'm not here when this happens assume he is running along))
  7. Tonight is the deadline for covert ops. If it doesn't work out until then don't worry, I'll bunnie everybody and close it. Now, note I'm only doing that this time, next I'll do what Acquie specified - trigger a bad end.
  8. " Right, let's go." Marcus started, before an idea came to his mind. "Wait a bit..." He looked to the archers, and then to the easily flamable rooftops of the town. "Hey girls, why don't we try putting a distraction for them? I can light some arrows for you, and if we start a fire we may get some extra time for the run."
  9. That's why I made Marcus talk to Dru. XD Anyway, invisibility is out of the question so... Jeez, I'm tempted to say grab the chance and run. Though... Maybe we can start a fire a little away from us like this? That would distract the guards.
  10. Ok, tactics session: We have a window were we might be able to run off, buut it's not sure. We can't kill anyone else, so defending ourselves would be hard in this case... And if we wait too much the guards may realize one of them is missing. What you guys think we should do?
  11. Not dead, you can count on this. Well, can't stop you guys anyway, but don't underestimate the Vermillionaires!
  12. Jon nooded, completely focused on getting out of there alive. "Right, I'll have Kyte block the door then. He won't be affected by the Discharge and will avoid the Acolytes coming in. The Swampert growled in agreement and directed himself to the door. A moment later, the Mud-Fish Pokémon saw the enemy: four girls, two coming from each side of the corridor, pokéballs in hand. It stood up in it's legs, let out a mighty Roar (which made the young Acolytes stop for a moment, afraid), and smashed it's strong arms on the wall, causing part of the roof to crumble in a Rock Slide and block their path. That would buy them some time. ((Jon is not the strategist kind, he focus more in surviving the present situations... So it would be off character for him to think of the Teleport plan. Anyone can do it?))
  13. Well, as Huk said I think when this Covert Ops chapter ends everyone will be assigned to Unit S then. It will be a lot simpler... Butdangitwegottafinishthatfirst
  14. Marcus saw the Gnoll fall to the ground and turned back to Jupiter to thank her with a thumbs up. A moment later, however, he noticed Dru was not looking well. "Ey, are you allright Dru?" he asked the sorcerer, before also noticing the Gnoll being... Eaten by the Earth, it seemed. The templar made a disgusted face and whispered to everyone. "Holy hell. Let's get out of here quick." He then considered their options: Heading south in the clear was obviously impossible, so they either needed a distraction or to get closer sneaking between the houses first. Either way, they needed a better idea of the field, so he decided to sneak quietly to the corner and look in the direction the Gnoll had come from. (Carefully, veeery carefully) ((Edited. Jeez, I was so sure I've read Goblin XP)
  15. ... Maybe we should add a shipping thread for characters in there, since the harm is already done. XD
  16. "Ok everyone, let's move!" Said Marcus, opening the door and leaving first, looking forward to check for enemies and back to see if his companions were keeping up.
  17. Weeeeell, this one surely doesn't need to be warned 'bout sanity. XD Welcome Jelly! (Also, seeing PWB's giff with the song playing is hipnotizing... o_O)
  18. Yup, that was the number I had on my head as well. So, 1 spot left people! I would like to know everyone's preference on wether to be on Unit S or Covert Ops, in order to sort things out. Oldersign ups will have priority of choice (since C.Ops was originally made for people who were waiting to enter Unit S).
  19. Marcus raised an eyebrow when Jupiter got down. Everybody up to now was serious and angry with the situation, but he didn't expect anyone - specially her - to be this shaken after all they had passed. "Yeah, better for us right? Anyway, we have Blue distracting them and Nero and Dru to help us here, so it will be easy work." he said, trying to sound confident. At this moment, Oarloff and Abraham appeared. "Ok, we're all here now. So, if I get it right, Nero and Dru will make us sneak out unnoticed. Helze and Jupiter, you better keep your bows ready to pick off anyone who happens to spot us. Warriors would be better positioned guarding the van and rear, and the rest goes in the middle. Sounds good?" The young templar asked everyone, haste clear in his voice. "Then if you all agree, let's get going, we must escape this place quickly" This last part was mentally directed to Blue too.
  20. Ok M_Cowher, Thoron looks all right to me. Welcome aboard! And it's ok, I had this kind of formatting problem once too, it is really a pain. Generally it's best to write all without jumping lines in your text tool and format in the Forum's. Also, Covert Ops members our deadline is this Friday.
  21. Yay I got a ship! XD *caham* I mean, you'd think one would be safe in the RP forums... But even there Rose-chan's harem keeps growing XD
  22. Uhmn, I didn't watch the movie so I actually don't know how much of an impac that kind of ability would have. I'm not much inclined to let trainers have special power though. Opinions? EDIT: Ninja'd.
  23. Soorry for taking so long with this guys (and double post) XD. Anyway, back to business: Can't Type, it's all ok but I'd like to know more about how Michael met Snorlax. Same applies to Rielly's Pine and his Skarmory. Krim, your character being able to sense and control auras is a no go. Lucario can do that, but no normal human should be able to. Other than that, all ok!
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