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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Pokémon: Aftermath - Revival [Control Post] Previous Chapters Current Player List Hukuna - Lupus & Lobo (Houndoom) Jory - Jory & Shredder (Zangoose) King Murdoc - Sarcus & Absolution (Absol) Dark Light - Miki & Raito (Jolteon) Flux - Flux & Ogre (Aggron) Notus - Jon & Kyte (Swampert) Silver Jakler - Seth & Gigawatt (Electivire) A Happy Elf - Adam & Lockhart (Honchkrow) commander218 - Drake & Typhoon (Crobat) Flynn - Mercy & Sentinel (Gallade) TacosAndFlowers - Clarissa & Milotic DragonMasterKrim - Nemir & Vis (Lucario) Rielly987 - Pine & Skarmory Can't Type - Michael & Snorlax M_Cowher - Thoron & Rusgon (Zoroark) *** Green = Main Team (Unit Sylveon) Blue = Covert Ops
  2. Eh, was there one? *looks in the OP* *facepalms* Holy hell, how did I miss that? Ok, that settles the matter, I agree with this rule entirely, I only didn't apply it before because I thought Acquie didn't use it. Really sorry about this confusion Krim, I derped hard here. Could you please change your partner then?
  3. The Alleyway Gang While Ixidor tried to talk to Reil, Clyde noticed Edward when he appeared over the building. "Oh hey, it's Flying Boy. Would you get down here for a sec?" ((Note: Annie is with them too)) ((Bank Gang, please wrap up things there, Gestas is waiting))
  4. #Azumarill OP ban to Ubers Now serious: Flynn and Krim, I just realized an issue with your characters. Though they are quite a bit different from one another, both are Gallade trainers who fight with dual weapons... My concern is that they might end up taking the same role and be difficult to diferentiate later on... I'd like to hear your thought on this, and although I already stated there's no rule about repeating pokémon, I also want to hear what all you players think of this.
  5. The problem was not exactly the pokémon, but the character that was too similar. Anyway, now it is looking great! Also there's a little lack of defensive pokémon around the team, so Skarmory fits very well... So, welcome aboard mate!
  6. Ok, we're missing Björn, Chauff, Abraham and Oarloff, and then we're all set. I'll wait for Oarloff's wake up scene before answering to Helze ok? COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT EDIT: Actually, speaking of Oarloff... I was at the super market other day and I found this: Plot twist Oarloff learns from Odin to make beer and after years of experiments creates Vodka
  7. Ok, I don't mean to be a prick here but... Can anyone else see some resemblance? XD
  8. The Alleyway Gang Bonnie smirked at Robin's suggestion. "Precisely my thoughts. Then, if it is all settled, let's just wait Theo arrive and fill him in. After that go get some rest dearies, you'll gonna need it for tomorrow's work" ((Free time while Prometheus finishes up with Ed and the Bank Gang finishes their briefing. Feel free to interact with one another or the NPCs while you wait))
  9. ^^I feel the same Jory, it is great to see so many people joining in! Krim, it is completely all right for you to get in! However, there are is something you should notice about your character. It's actually the same problem Tacos initially had with the time line. Dawn has been in the power for 20 years, and Orre too would be under her rule. Cipher would have been extinct in that time, and your char would have grown under her regimen. Either you'll have to change your backstory, or you character's age (I think 38 would suffice). Additionally to that, there's already a Gallade in. It's actually no problem at all if you want to keep it, there's no rule against repeated mons, but I thought you would like to know. Aand finally, since you're a new face around here, I suggest you take a look at this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10966 Welcome to Reborn's Roleplay Forums mate!
  10. "Yeah, that's for sure Dru." Marcus answered the sorcerer. "But we can't leave anyone behind right?" The young Templar counted everyone already awake and once again knocked on the other's doors vigorously and called them. He wouldn't leave without Helzelbeth, Xavier, Oarloff, Abraham, Björn and Chauff, not to mention Dru's Dwarf friend. He then turned to everyone that was already there. " 'k guys, let's get ready. Nero, you think you can hide us all while we run?"
  11. Now that is looking better! Clarissa is aboard then Tacos, thanks for understanding te situation. Also, I more or less know the feel about playing girl characters (though all of mine were NPCs for Under the Hill). It's weird to try and put yourself in the skin of an opposite gender person at first, but in the end it is not that different, and also a very cool challenge!
  12. It would be great to have you co-host it too Huk, thanks a lot. =D Also Tacos, as Hukuna said relating yourself to canon characters is a no-go. You can always say you knew them from view, or even that you talked to them a little bit (let's admit, Lavaridge is small enough for that), but no close relationships. Also, as Dobby stated, Dawn has been reigning for 20 years and Hoenn was also under her control, so you might want to change somethings in your backstory. Also yes, all players are with the resistance for this story. Other than that all OK, Milotic is a great pokemon and I'm actually surprised no one picked it before.
  13. If I remember well, there are acolytes heading our way. according to the teleport plan someone gets to hold them off for some time, and whoever has the intercomm (I'm assuming you or Flux) has to call the headquarters and ask for them to get us out of there. Then they send Alakazam in and rescue everybody. What you think, sounds good? (Explanation as to why Alakazam can Teleport there: the intercomm has a tracker, so it can pinpoint the exact location you're in and do it even without being there beforehand).
  14. All Ok Commander, Drake looks like a great character! (Not to mention Crobat is waay less OP than the Kung Fu Chiken XD) Flynn, Mercy seems pretty good too! Sign-up accepted! Now, Covert Ops members, please let's wrap everything up there until this Friday. That's a dealine I'm putting on, so if things are not finished till then I'll step in and do it myself OK? My goal is to have new threads up Saturday or Sunday, depending on how irl stuff goes for me. Also, we currently have Jory & Shredder, Lupus & Lobo from the original main group confirmed to continue. I'm waiting a response from some other players, but as a good ammount of them decided not to continue immediately I can say that we will have spots open for Unit Sylveon in this 3rd arc. Who is interested?
  15. Ok, Adam looks all right to me! Also, you choose how you received your partner, and you must have him before entering Dusk. Also, note that all characters are supposed to be strong trainers/have something that could aid in Team Dusk's operation, so you'll probably want to make Lockhart be a long time companion. About swearing, quoted from the OP: "7) This RP is rated 16+. Swearing is fine so long as you keep a certain 4-letter word out of it. Sexual implications or allusions are fine so long as you make them subtle and not overt. Gore and Violence is expected and encouraged. Homosexual overtones will be present later on, so if you're homophobic, don't come anywhere near this one."
  16. Reading through Aftermath's OOC to review stuff is pretty interesting. So many things have changed in the RP forums after that, so many newbies turned into awesome writers... Jeez, that was a first to much people eh?

    1. DarkLight


      Yes it was. I was laughing when I found out all of the Covert Ops RPers have gotten Ace Member status. How time flies~

    2. Notus


      Haha, it sure does! I found my first post in the subforum a minute ago, and Flux asking fr feedback since he was a beginner... XD

  17. Ok, welcome to Aftermath too Commander! It's good to see this is getting attention enough! So, Sign-Up layout (pretty basic one btw): Pokémon: Aftermath Sign-Up Sheet Name: Age: (between 15-50) Partner: Appearance: Personality: Backstory: Things to Notice: (this is basically for stuff that doesn't fit in the others, like if your character has some kind of weapon/object of importance, a different fighting style, etc.)
  18. Of course Dobby! It's a pleasure to have you aboard as well. Ah, another thing to everyone: I'd like the new characters to have a proper profile, with backstory, personality, appearance etc. for organization reasons. You can either post it here, send me a PM with the info, or post in the Character Thread (pinned) and provide me a link.
  19. OK, welcome aboard Jakler! The new ICs will probably be out more to the end of the week, or next week at most. Until then I suggest you read all you can of the first chapters, I thik you'll enjoy it.
  20. Attention all RPers! Sign-Ups for Pokémon Aftermath are open again! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5539&page=1

  21. Yes Flynn, we do have open spots! Just post your character and we'll figure out if he goes for the main group or covert ops later.
  22. Yes, of course! I plan on PMing everyone from the old main thread about it, so go ahead.
  23. *Flushed face intensifies* *Cough* Uhmn, ok, so, aaaahmn, nice thing Ix is pulling there isn't it? XD
  24. Yep, though first I'll shoot PMs around to check if the older players still want to keep going. Huk already confirmed he is still in. But we better spread word of this as much as we can.
  25. "The Death Angels, you mean the Gentleman's dogs?" Marcus said surprised, not realizing at first that Blue was talking within his head. And they killed all the freaking town?! A surge of fury went over to his head, and te very air around him heated up considerably. Dang... Thanks Blue, we owe you one. Can you fill the other guys in while I wake everybody up? Escapism was not exactly up Marcus's alley, except it involved burning the way out, so they would need everyone working together in this.
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