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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Operation Aftermath: Start! Everyone who is still interested in the Pokémon Aftermath RP, by Acquiescence, please report at the OOC in the RP Forums. New players who want to come in are also invited.

  2. OK everyone, I have an announcement to make: after talking to Hukuna and Acquiescence, I'm assuming as Co-Host for Pokémon Aftermath. This story is simply too good to let it die, and I really want to get things going again. So, first thing we need to do is finishing the Covert Ops Thread. We are going to use the teleport plan for this, since it is the fastest route. Murdoc, Flux and Alina, if you could post something in order to keep it going it would be great. After that is wrapped up, I'll take one or two more days to review everything and then we will start preparing the next chapter for both the main and covert teams, so everyone who was playing and wants to keep on it, please post below. New players who want to sign up also better do it soonish.
  3. Marcus heard the voices outside first in awe, and then in silent fury. So the machinations of evil worked even here, right under their noses, and they had simply slept through it? In rage, his first impulse was to run to the door and confront this Ashnard guy, whoever he was, but Sigurd and then Nero answering his call brought him back to reason. "Ssssshhh." He whispered to them, signaling for lowering their voices. "Let's wake everybody up, I'm not sure what exactly is happening but it seems something invaded the town... And things are not pretty outside for what I heard." Taking the lead there he went from door to door, knocking and calling until he got an answer.
  4. Marcus stretched his arms and yawned, still sleepy, as he woke up. The little night walk they had made while arriving at Hawk's Roost was beautiful to the point of leaving him awake for some time at bed, remembering the glow of the stars. He had never seen anything like that, not even in the middle of the sea trip (specially because he was locked in his cabin most of time, but whatever), and it left a durable impression on him. As the young man walked down stairs, however, he started to realize something was weird... By the time he noticed no one was in the inn, he was already fully awake and worried. Next thing he did was to race back to the rooms and knocked on the first door he found, calling for whatever of his companions that was sleeping there. "Hey! You guys are still there? Wake up, something is going on here!"
  5. ... It's nothing Surge, really, not that interesting. *cough* Aand also, as you can see, I'm back early.
  6. The Alleyway Gang Soon after Reils's answer another pair of people appeared in the alleyway: Villon and Annie. The frenchman stepped near the group and bowed theatrically to all of them. "Bonsoir, my friends! It's good to see everyone already here, not to mention some interesting new faces! I myself am a little late, I know, and for that I apologize, BUT! I also have brought to you the fairest - no offense, Bonnie dear - fighting maiden in Hell, who is willing to help us with ou-" "Ok, ok Francis we got it. You also found someone cool who does fancy things tonight eh?" Clyde interrupted him with an annoyed look. He then looked to Annie. "Nice to meet you miss. I'm Clyde Barrow, those are my girl Bonnie Parker and our friend Robin Hood, plus the boy over there who is Reil and Phantom, the weird mask guy. Although I'd love to spend some time with chit-chat to know you guys better, It is almost dawn and we better start discussing our next movements." "Oh, mon dieu, I already told a various times it is François, not Francis! Really, you british never learn how to properly speak the french language..." Villon protested, only to be interrupted again by Clyde. "Aaand I already told it's all the same damn thing! AND that we are AMERICANS for God's sake !" Villon shook his head at this. "Whatever: ce est la même chose! Now, the pronnounc-" Before the squabble could keep going, a shot was heard, making both of the men duck for cover instintevely and look towards the sound. There, facing them, was a pretty pissed off looking Bonnie, smoke coming out of her machine gun after the upwards round she had just shot. "Oh, really? Ok boys, you stop this now and focus on something productive OK?" She then sighed and smiled at the newcomers. "Weell, it's nice to meet you all. I'm assuming all of you already know our goal, so let's jump straight to the planning ok?" "Our objective is to disable the bank security and allow everyone to get in and take the things that are in there, so what we need to do is pretty straight forward. We only have to kill the guy who controls all of it: a baldy named Gestas. During day it is virtually impossible, since he is always in guard, but at night... Well, normally it would be impossible for us to get in the Bank too, but with you guys it is an entirely different matter. So, the plan is: tomorrow you'll work like everyone to check out the bank and get your bearings, and then at night we break in, kill Gestas and unlock the doors for everyone. Sounds good?"
  7. On the matter of Prometeus and Robin Hood, there's an old saying around here that states that "Hell is filled with good intentions." - you may have a good reason, but if you act wrong than it is null. Although I don't entirely agree with it and there surely is room for an interesting discussion around this theme, I'm going to use this standard for the RP specially because it allows me to use a ton of cool characters XD . The one alternative that may work for people that commited mistakes/bad actions is to repent them while in life, for example: If Prometheus felt regret about stealing Fire and did something to compensate his "sin" while alive, but we can assume this didn't happen. EDIT: Aaand now to the real reason of this post, which I had forgotten XD. I'm gonna be out this weekend and probably without net access till monday. But don't worry, Rose-chan will take care of you guys.
  8. Maaan, these memes are awesome! XD Permission granted to make more whenever you feel it's fit! Also, good question... The toy itself really woudn't regenerate, buut the spirit would probably keep following Enya, be it as a voice on her head or possessing something or someone else.
  9. Reil, Phantom & Ixidor While Reil explained himself, Bonnie and Phantom appeared from a hole in the right side building's wall. The woman waved an animated "hi" towards the shivering boy while Clyde quickly gave him a briefing about where he was, explaining what the Fourth Circle looked like much as Bonnie did to Phantom. When the man finished his speech though, they heard a voice calling out as Robin Hood and Ixidor appeared around the corner. " 'Sup Robin. Yeah, these weird guys have been appearing like flies around a piece of... meat." Clyde said. "Jeez, it's just like you, forgetting to ask the poor boy's name..." Bonnie started teasing the archer, when she realized she had done the same with the masked man. "... by the way, what's your name again?" she whispered to him praying that Robin wouldn't hear it. In that, she was helped by Clyde, who soon kept talking with a grin on his face after Ixidor's little show. "Riight, that's indeed fancy. Welp, so adding eraser-boy with invisible-guy and snow flakes here, I'd say we got hella lucky this time around. I'm still not much sure how the heck they do these things, but whatever..." He then turned to Reil again. "By the way Reil, as you can see we have quite the team starting here. What do you say, will you help us overthrow the Bank?"
  10. Doubling the lol here XD Anyway, I don't think Enya herself is the one in need of redemption, but rather Ace. What Enya needs is to learn to think and feel for herself and not depend on te bear for everything, and the best tools for it are the bonds she is buiding with Ellaria and Rose... Well, at least that's what it looks like for me.
  11. Thanks both of you! And also, thanks Eagle: I finally realized what those straps on some backpacks I have are for...
  12. Annie Villon's eyes filled with surprise and delight at the sound of Annie speaking his mother tongue. "Oh, c'est magnifique! How lucky I am to find a beautiful, strong, and well educated lady in this literal hell hole! Oui mademoiselle, I feel that our partnership will be a most sweet and rewarding one." After saying that, the frenchman walked towards the ruined door of the building and pulled the handle, holding it open and cerimoniously gesturing for Annie to go through. "Now you come with me so I can present you to our partners in crime, who will sure be delighted to make your acquaintance. And speaking of that, before we go, what should I have the pleasure of calling you?"
  13. No problem Eagle, and thanks for understanding. You will get a new friend anyway, don't worry, I'm just waiting for Rose.
  14. Uhmn, no, that's a nope Eagle. I have Quincy hidden for now for plot reasons, so if you could edit your posts I would apreciate it. XD Don't worry, you have interesting stuff going your way soon! EDIT: In addition, a little guide for this kind of situation: When you enter a room or something, letting the host say what you find there is a good idea, or at most finding stuff irrelevant for the main story (like the random guy Annie found). Now, with main NPCs and other PCs you must be a bit more careful, as having them in the wrong place may compromise the plot.
  15. Reil Clyde's eyes widened when he saw the scaredy boy in front of him seemingly summon a wall of ice out of nowhere. Dang isn't anyone normal going to appear tonight? "Eh, well, guess it's alright." He said, sighing and lowering the rifle. "This is the Fourth Circle of Hell, boy, and I am Clyde Barrow. This little trick you pulled there is pretty impressive... Mind if I ask who you are and how you do it?" *** Annie The cloaked man lifted an eyebrow as Annie disposed of the corpse in the floor. The girl's strenght was really impressive and could be very useful... "Well, first things first let me present myself: the humble soul you are speaking to now is none other than François Villon, Master in Arts by the renowed Paris University, poet, and part-time burglar." Villon ended the phrase with an exagerated bow, but a moment later was up again smiling at Annie. "Enchanté, mademoiselle. Anyway, this place we are now is known only as The Slums, and is part of the Fourth Circle of Hell. We, poor souls that have the misfortune of ending up here, are forced to work jour aprés jour in that white building you can see there - which is a bank by the way - and at night time come to rest our broken bones and soul in this town here. Bién, happens that, as pleasant as it is, some of us are a tad bit tired of working like dogs for gaining nothing, which is something I am sure the lady will undestand... So what I want to propose to you is: why don't you help our little bande with your amazing abilities? It would be a win-win situation in my view, don't you agree?"
  16. Humn, sorry but not Arsene Lupin. Honestly, I like that character so much and his plans are so complex that I doubt I could play him well enough with my current ability... However the frenchman is probably going to be an interesting character as well, and bear in mind that he is a real historic figure!
  17. "Marcus, it is cute when you are all flustered." Luckily the young man was already red as an apple from laughing out loud at Odin's little modeling act, or Jupiter would have achieved that in no time. "Uhmn, well, thanks I guess." He answered after he recovered himself a bit, but still a little thrown off by the woman's teasing. Then he decided to try and change off the focus of the conversation. "But I guess I'm still no match for Odin, right?" He added with a smile, pointing at the dwarf with his thumb.
  18. Well, I hope that seeing everyone playing friendly with a Half-Ogre makes Blue a little more confortable. XD (And yep, I did totally forget he was with us.)
  19. Reil Clyde was stepping through the door of the ruined building he was hiding on when he heard a noise coming from the end of the alley - the same place where the masked guy and the flying boy appeared. Immediately he leveled his rifle and pointed is towards the sound, after all it seemed only weird and dangerous stuff spawned there that night. What he sees there is a boy lying against the wall, holding what looks to be a cereal bar or something like that. It seems like he didn't even notice Clyde. "Ey, boy! Who are you, and what do you want here? State your business!" He shouts, hoping that Bonnie and mask guy hear and come for backup just in case. *** The Bank Gang "Yup, it's as the girl says young fellow." Gestas tells Mr. Taylor. "Anyway, I'm not about to repeat all that speech again only because one of you overslept - by the way, you better don't slack off like this in work! Now, it is great that you agreed to cooperate, I didn't want to have to clean the room later." As he said this, he clapped his hands and the machine guns all went back to their positions inside the roof. "You can explain things to sleeping beauty over there and rest a bit, and when you're ready for a briefing on your first activities you come after me." The bald man turned and went towards the door he had came from, but before stepping through he turned and added. "Oh, try not killing one another while I'm out, or I'll have to assume you want me to lock you lot in a safe and leave you there for eternity. Anyway, welcome to the team!" And with that, the Chief of Security of Hell's Bank stepped out of the room.
  20. Humn, I really hadn't thought about this when I made the teams but... They seem pretty balanced player wise. In terms of raw power the Bank crew has Enya, while the thieves have Ixidor. Edward is a perfect counterpart for Kenny, since they have somewhat similar abilities. Mr. Taylor has Time control, but Phantom can mess with Space. Marcus is a deadly physical attacker, but Annie is just as much dangerous in that department. Rose's magic tricks will have to be balanced by Reil and his Ice, and Ethic still doesn't have any opponent with similar powers or abilities, mostly because his are quite unique.The thieves have Bonnie and Clyde, Robin Hood, a certain French fellow and some more stuff up their sleeve, but the Bank Staff gets Gestas, the impenitent thief, and his traps and... perhaps some more stuff too? Who knows? All I know is that I'm eager to see how things are going to work out when the Hell Dwellers are pitted against each other, how they are going to work along with people they hate, and how they will fight against people they like... The game is on guys, and I for one am very excited to learn how you play it!
  21. Phantom Bonnie was a bit surprised by Phantom's last greeting, and it showed in her face. She shook his hand anyway, staring straight at the eye slits of his mask. "Now now, it's good to see that you trust me mister, but ain't you going a little too qui-" As if to ilustrate her thought, a bullet passed whistling between them, followed by the voice of an irritated Clyde. "Hey, you don't get too close pal. Allie or not, Bonnie is my girl you got it?" Bonnie answered by rolling her eyes, unphased by the proximity of the shot. "Weren't you saying we should save ammo, dear? Jeez, don't go scaring away everyone like that." Then she turned and started deftly going down the building, signaling for Phantom to follow her. "Come, we must discuss some stuff before sunrise. There's much to plan off."
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