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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Phantom Bonnie grinned as Phantom stood silently. It seemed she got his attention... "Hehe, you're the silent type uh? Very well, then I shall explain the situation as well as I can.." "The place you are now is the Fourth Circle of Hell, made for those that are deemed greedy in life. We are forced to sleep here in this filthy slum by night with absolutely nothing we can call ours, and during the day work at the Bank in the middle of the town, moving stuff from a safe to another like working ants. The thing is, some of us are hella tired of this... And I'm sure you will be too if you stay here long enough. We have some pretty skilled friends, and we managed to steal some stuff from the Bank - my weapon for an instance - but we want more. We want to make a robbery like no other in history and bring the Bank Manager down once and for all. I'm sure your little magic trick would be extremely useful, and I think the benefits of destroying this sick system are clear enough for you to comprehend so... What do you say? Do we have a deal?" *** The Bank Gestas looked to Ethic again with a grin, happy for picking their interest. "Well, we have been facing some problems with robbers lately. This scum is supposed to work in the Bank by day, carrying the things they hoarded in life on their shoulders in order to atone for their sins. The trouble is that somehow things started missing - which was supposed to be impossible until recently - and I can't run a proper investigation... You see, we Bank Staff are also atoning, and as such we can't leave the Bank. Without going into the Slum were the condemned live, it is hard to find and punish the culprits." He said, anger clear on his voice. "Now, since you lot are alive, you are not necessarily bound by the same rules as us. What I want you to do is to go there, find the thieves that are robbing the bank and bring them to me, dead or alive. You'll also help wit patrols, investigation and routine stuff during day, but the main reason is for you to be a hunting unit."
  2. Yay, it is really interesting to see him react like that to fire weapons... I wonder what that could mean. Also thanks Flux, I hope you guys enjoy the things we got planned this time.
  3. Yeah, I use to do this all the time and it generally works, but since I've rebooted my PC recently it might be a problem on my end. I'll ask Hukuna or Sheep if they can try fixing it, thanks for the feedback guys!
  4. The Bank "Nope, and I'm not allowed to tell anyone of his identity." Gestas answered Kenny with an annoyed look. "Anyway, he is a pretty busy man and it is not that easy to get an audience with him. Even I only talk to him when he calls me." Then a glint came across the man's eyes, as if he realized something. "Wait a second. You lot are actually alive right? That could be useful" He scratched his beard a little, considering the options he had to deal with them. "Well, let me make a proposal to you: why you all don't you work for me for some time? You'll have a special treatment here if you are part of the Bank staff, and if you work diligently enough it is possible that the Manager will hear you."
  5. Thanks DL, but what I meant to ask was if you can see the video on the post itself or if you need to click a link and get directed to You Tube.
  6. Juust checking, this post will be deleted after this. Are the videos regularly opening in the post itself, or is everyone only seeing links? I tried copy pasting them normally from You Tube, but it seems to me that I only linked them...
  7. Heyo everybody! So, the RP forums have been receiving many new members lately, and frequently we see phrases like "I'm new, to this" or "this is my first RP, is it OK for me to come in?". The truth is that role playing is not that hard, and if you take your time to read and plan your characters/stories and pay attention to a few key points and tips, you'll soon be writing great stuff and having loads of fun! Now, our sensei Hukuna has been posting a series of very instructive videos regarding various aspects of RPs, and I decided to gather them here to make it easier for new (and also old) players to check out. So, without further ado, here it goes! Player Related Videos: Note: While he talks mostly about D&D, these tips apply to most RPs as they are focused on the story aspects of Role Playing rather than in game mechanics. Hosting/DMing Related Videos: Videos by Neal Erickson, Koibu's Corner. Special thanks to Hukuna sensei for introducing those!
  8. Phantom The woman gasped, surprised with Phantom's sudden appearance, but made no movement besides that. On the oter building, the man's eyes went wide and he immediately pointed his rifle towards the assaulter. "You let go of her, or I blow your brains out !" The man yelled in an angry tone. Then, surprisingly, the blonde let out a small chuckle. "Calm now love, if he wanted to kill me he could have done it already." she said in an amused tone. "Well mister, you sure have some interesting tricks... And more sure yet, you must be new here if you don't even know the infamous Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow! Now now, if you would be so kind as to lower this dangerous toy of yours, I think we could do a little talk and reach some kind of agreement. What do you think?" *** The Bank "You... wondered in Hell by accident? What kind of idiot can manage to do that?" The bald man asked amused, completely ignoring Ethic's demand regarding the guns. Then he listened to Rose as she confirmed their story, sighed, and put the palm of his hand on his forehead. "Damn, why does this kind of stuff always happen in my shift... Ah, whatever." He then stood still, took a good look at all of them and kept talking. "You are in the Fourth Circle of Hell, and this is the Fortune Hall Bank. My name is Gestas, chief of security, and the guy you DON' T want to piss off around here. Now, regarding passing to te next Circle, I have no authority nor power to allow that and you'll probably want to talk with the Bank Manager about it." He quieted down after that, waiting for them to absorb the information and say something.
  9. Hehey, welcome aboard Rielly! Your character looks good and I specially liked the cost you used for your power. Just take care for not going a little too much OP with the ice (Akame ga Kill anyone?), but otherwise he is great. I'll PM you about the details and you can get in right away. Also Eagle, you're doing great! Edward is an unique character with his way of thinking, and you're pulling it very well. Just take care with OPness as well, as he is very powerful, but so far it has been ok.
  10. "Yes sir, it was something along these lines. I've never seen one of those before, and to think it could mess with our navigation sistem..." Big was starting to wonder why the commander wouldn't show up, but it would probably be anytime now. Nonetheless, his stealth skills seemed to be impressive. "Anyway, it flew away towards that other group we can see in the map."
  11. Rose, Enya, Kenny, Ethic, Mr.Taylor & Marcus In the exact moment when Kenny put up his barrier, a click echoed through the room and one of the locked doors opened.Through it stepped a bald, bearded man wearing a suit apparently distracted looking at a list - that is, until all the noise woke him up to reality and he stared dumbfounded at the fight going on inside the room. "What the... HEY YOU! STOP THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW!" the man yelled with his face now flushed red in anger. To help make his point, he tapped his foot twice in the floor and suddenly six heavy automated machine guns dropped from the ceiling, each taking aim at one of the adventurers. "Would you care to explain what is going on here? Who are you, what's your business, and how did you freaking manage to get here?"
  12. *pops champagne* Congratulations Hilda and Murdoc! You guys deserve it for sure! Also yeah, I just hope my crappy PC can run all those animations in Showdown, but apart from that all ok. Gonna try to download it later.
  13. *reads Oarloff´s bowling sequence* *reads again* *laughs so loud that almost gets the whole house awake* ... Super, Murdoc and Huk you guys are GENIUSES! (Also, you´re welcome XD)
  14. Marcus flushed way more when Jupiter commented his fall, his face now as red as his shield. "Uhmn, no, really Jupiter, I did that on purpose. He is just a bit stronger than I thought and... NO OARLOFF THAT´S NOT A-" Too late. Marcus could only watch in awe (and thank Pyron for being out of the way) as the Half-Ogre teared through the group like a wrecking ball. He blinked twice, not quite believing in the scene that was happening before his eyes, and then burst into laughter. "ENOUGH! Enough Oarloff, you did great, just make sure there´s no one ahead of you next time OK?" He managed to tell his new pupil, though it was quite hard to do it between chuckles. Damn, this is gonna be fun!
  15. Oh crap, bad ide- Marcus was sent straight to the floor as Oarloff returned his little gesture, and for a moment stood there with his head spinning. Then he quickly got up, face flushed for obvious reasons, coughed once, and kept walking as naturally as he could along with the group. "Very good Oarloff, that was a great test to measure your strenght!" The young man spoke out loud, hoping someone would believe that (but highly doubting it). "Now let´s go, we don´t wanna take all day to reach the camp right?"
  16. Big smiled heard Bane´s and Quiet´s voices in the intercomm. Great, they´re OK! He thought to himself, though up to this point he had acted as if this was a sure thing. It was his way of dealing with anxiety, and it was always a huge relief when it proved right. Seeing as Garren took some time to answer, he decided to take action and defend his teammate, again sure that Bane would understand the situation. "Commander Bane sir. We have been attacked by some sort of... Electric bird or something like that, and it seems that whatever it was had the ability to mess with our electronic equipment sir." He paused a moment before adding an extra. "It´s good to see you two are all right, sir."
  17. "No Oarloff, on the contrary: always ask and question whatever you want! I´m new to this teaching stuff, so it will be good to give me some pointers. Besides, I´ve got my fair share of boring teachers who just speak and don´t listen in the City of Eternal Ash and I think you wouldn´t like one of those, right?" the Templar sad, giving the Ogre a friendly punch in the shouder.
  18. Annie The cloaked man stood up and looked straight into Annies eyes smiling. His were black, contrasting with the pale skin of his face-which was a handsome one, thin and well treated. "Why mademoiselle, sure I am aware of that. But as Churchill once said: 'Un optimiste voit l´oportunité dans chaque difficulté' -An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Judging for what you can do and the way you behave, you sure are new in here, and I think it would serve you tré bien to have a guide to this place... As well as I could benefit from a strong friend like yourself. I don´t intend to lie, your ability impressed me and I think we could both profit from a deal." The man then moved his arm swiftly towards the body lying on the floor, pointing at him with all naturality. "For example, you don´t need to worry about me telling anyone about this incident here. Come morning this big fella will be alive again, and he will be able to tell for himself."
  19. Tons of apologies everyone, I was out of home and forgot my laptop's battery charger... Yeah, derp. XP Gonna update stuff as soon as possible! EDIT: btw, what´s Ace´s character status? Will he come in soon, or can I move with the "green" storyline? EDIT2: Eagle, he will see the slum reaching as far as the eye can see, around a huge white building that is in the exact middle of the town. The sky is always cloudy, so no moon, stars or whatever, and the only birds in it are crows.
  20. That feel when you forget your laptop charger at home and only realize that once your battery is about to run down... XP

  21. You sure Zeph? XD Also it's not a matter of taking places, everyone will have a role in this...
  22. Jon entered the room with Kyte close behind, and grinned at the sight of the generator. "Ok boy, that's it. Go and have some fun." Kyte smiled, let out a short growl, and then started towards the big generator, raising his arms high and bringing them down like huge hammers. Sparks flew everywhere while the Swampert trashed the machine, and once more Jon was relieved that he was immune to electricity. Not long after though, Jon heard steps running in the corridor. "Hey, we have company." The boy told to everyone, particularly the ones still near the door. Dang, I thought they would take longer to arrive. He thought, already trying to figure some easy way of escaping this situation.
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