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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Well, I would like to know that too, but anyway I think I'm gonna delete/remake my last post to add the acolytes arriving in the generator room (and bring Aftermath back to the first page where it belongs XD). Thanks for bringing it up Dark Light!
  2. "Oh-hey, no problem Oarloff, and sorry if I ofended you." Marcus told the Half-Ogre after Odin's speech. Once again the good Dwarf handled things smoothly, and the young man was glad for that. "If you prefer the sword it is fine, I just think you should give a try to the greatest number of weapons you can at first, at least to learn how to properly counter them. Besides, Odin is right, many a great warrior used warhammers, axes and this kind of weapon. It has nothing to do with being "simple" as you say. Anyway, let's focus in swordplay first then." He said to calm his companion. After that, Marcus stretched his arms upwards and placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed motion, putting a grin to his face again. "Hehehe, we'll have a good sparring session then, all of you. I'm really itching for a good fight!"
  3. He's been online today... But there's an profile update he made on te end of October: "I have been removed form the Computer "Indefinitely", so i'm unable to Post on the Weekends At The Moment." Not sure if that's still valid, soI'll give him up to tomorrow night to post, otherwise I'll start the storyline anyway and think of a way for him to catch up later. Shouldn't be hard to do anyway.
  4. Phantom & Edward The woman shouted in surprise as Phantom disappeared and even tried to shoot at him before he disappeared, but to no effect. He slipped to fast into the Mirror dimension and the bullets landed with a big noise in the stone floor where he stood a little before. Then someone else spoke from a window in the other side of the street, this time clearly a man. "Stop honey, the man is gone and we got to save ammo." The owner of the voice came out of the shadows the relative clarity of the window frame: he was a tall and thin man, with chestnut brown hair and eyes and wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. He carried a rifle over his shoulder, supposidely to give cover to the woman in the other side of the street. "May we stop worrying with bullets for a sec love? I mean, did you see that?! That man just vanished into the floor! This is way too weir-" Before she could keep talking, a noise in the end of the alleyway made her stop. And that was when Edward made his entrance in the fourth circle, flying up high as the hidden duo watched dumbfounded. "Aaah, screw it, this is getting too crazy even for my taste! Hey you up there!" The woman shouted towards Edward. "What in nine hells are you doing?"
  5. Ok, update incoming (I'm out of home and having a hell of a time to find decent net, so please be patient guys XP). Also thanks again for keeping track of things for me Eagle, that was very helpful! (Aand don't be afraid to start a fight, green team, I'm only waiting for everyone to get there to start things!)
  6. "Akuma is right, Oarloff." Marcus said after hearing the Kenku's intermission. He couldn't shake off the feeling that it had been a bit harsher then it was needed, but nonetheless it was a sensible warning. "When we are training it might as well be fun, but in a real fight you gotta keep focused and serious, else your life is on the line. But that's exactly why you were right to come and ask for help!" The Fire Templar added this last part with a grin and a thumbs up to encourage his companion. Then he looked back to Akuma as he realized something. "Hey mate, why don't you practice a bit with us when we stop? I for one am in need of a little training after all that time in that damned ship, and I'm sure it would be useful to Oarloff if he learned something about war-hammers like your's."
  7. Yup, interesting indeed... You chose an ability not much combat oriented, but it as it's advantages as well. It also relates nicely with his personality/backstory, as someone who just wishes to experience whatever he can, whenever he want. Welcome to Under te Hill mate, I'll shoot you a PM so we can adjust how your character will get in the story.
  8. Phantom Suddenly a voice broke through the silence of the alley where Phantom stood, coming from above him. "Uhmn, so many newcomers tonight... Guess things will get fun for a change!" Looking up, Phantom could be a young blonde woman smiling at him, her legs hanging in the air as she sat in the rooftop of the building to his . She had a pretty face, her hair cut short and lively blue eyes, and was wearing a plain black dress. She was staring at him playfully, and the scene would be not worrysome at all... If it wasn't the old-looking machine gun she was pointing towards the lone explorer while she smiled. "Sooo, do you have anything interesting you'd like me to keep care for you, cowboy?"
  9. Typh already posted too, so that means next in line are Phantom, Marcus and Mr.Taylor... Those two bumping straight at Rose and Ethic btw. XD Also, my PC battery is almost gone so I'll have to update tomorrow.
  10. No problem Rose, take your time and if you think it will be hard for you to do it I can bunny your char for a while. Anyway, welcome back. XD Surge, it would be good if you made that update, it will help keeping us informed.
  11. Annie Out of nowhere, Annie heard a soft masculine voice coming from behind her. "Mon Dieu, you've sure made short work of my unlucky roommate there, mademoiselle. I would be most grateful if you would find in your heart the kindness to spare this poor soul that now speaks to thee." Turning around, the girl saw a man in dark cloak bowing to her. He must have been hiding in the shadows on the of the room, but the fact she didn't sense his presence until he spoke up was impressive by itself. As he kept his head low in respect, all she could see was that he was tall and had straight, long and dark hair. The man stood there motionless, as if waiting her permission to move.
  12. "Though me thinks me would be good with a sword. But, one of those small skinny swords that pirates always have in the books, oh yes they is my favorite!" "Eeeh..." A sabre out of all things? Marcus would expect Oarloff to use a war-hammer, axe, or mace, something that could use his sheer strenght. The weapon he chose was definitely not the right one to his body... But looking at the gleam in the Ogre's eyes, marcus just couldn't bring himself to say a straight out no. "...Well, it will be a bit hard to find one of those around here I think, so we can start practicing with other stuff. Maybe we can make a provisory mace if we find a three hard enough for it... But I can show you some sword moves anyway, so when we find one that suits you, you will be all ready!"
  13. Affirmative to both of you, we can do that with no problem! Also, just remembering you all that Kenny and Ix were sentenced to this circle, so they can expect some cool stuff. Bringing it up for this page, this list is so useful! =D
  14. Not sure if I'll have time to go through with it, but in any case... Notus signing in. My team is on my trainer card!
  15. Previously in Under the Hill Sound After they went through the door left open by Cerberus, the adventurers found themselves advancing in ever growing darkness, to the point they couldn't see anything around them... *** Ethic, Enya, Marcus, Mr.Taylor, Rose & Kenny ...When sudenly a white light blinds them. As their eyes adjust to the new environment, they realize they are in a completely different place. It is a spacious and clean hall of white marble, equipped with heavy wooden desks, leather couches and chairs... and video cameras in all corners, leaving practically no blind spots. There's no sign of the way they came from, as if they had simply appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the hall, and in addition all the numerous doors were locked, leaving the incoming adventurers stuck in the room while the others arrived. ((You arrive in the same order you left the last Circle, and find the players that arrived before there.)) *** Edward, Phantom, Ixidor & Annie ...Until gradually light starts to come back, and the next thing our heroes know they are standing in a dimly lighted, dirty and empty alley. It's night, but they can see they are in some kind of town... No, more like a slum. The buildings all seem to be falling apart, and they can hear dogs barking and someone crying in the distance. There's no sign of the way they used to come from the Third Circle, and it would look like they simply materialized in there. ((You arrive in the same order you left the last Circle, and can choose wether to explore the city or wait for your fellow players.)) *** Quincy & Ellaria Quincy finally found a spot to rest a bit in the dirty town. After arriving in the alley, the gunslinger rat went around looking for an empty - and preferencially dry - room to use as a base. The second part was the hardest one, and it took a while for him to find a place that fitted the bill. Slowly, the rat-man laid Ellaria in a chair and stretched his back. The girl was very light, so it hadn't been a problem to carry her around. On the way he had also found a poor soul in the streets and (lucky!) the fella had a battered but strong coat, which Quincy kindly relieved him from, and now was using it to tie the girl down. It seemed she wouldn't wake up anytime soon, so he got a position by the window and decided to rest a bit, waking up from time to time to keep watch on his surroundings.
  16. "Umm, Misturr Marcus? Does ... does you think you could teach me how to fight? Me doesn't really know how to." Marcus turned to Oarloff as soon as he heard that, a little surprised. For some reason - probably the Half-Ogre's size and strenght - it had never crossed his mind that he didn't know how to fight. Now that was obvious though, he probably spent most of his life peacefully singing at the inn after all. "Oh, sure Oarloff!" He said with a smile. Having an apprentice would be fun. "We'll have to wait till we make a stop to actually practice, but you can start by telling me if you ever tried using a weapon of any sort, or if you have one you'd like to try... We can figure out where to start from then."
  17. Puns (and Splash) OP. On the other hand, I really wanted those field effects, and they are looking great! Awesome job Ame!
  18. Marcus was gotten by surprise when Sigurd cleaned the sword in his clothes. "Hey! Those are family relics you know?" he said in a protest, but before anything else could happen a... Well, a Dwarf apparently fell from a nearby tree, distracting him for good. Welp, no use in getting fired up against Breeze Head now anyways, later he would think of a way to retribute the kindness... "Oh, uhmn. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Flint, I'm Marcus Arthai of the Cinder Knights." The young templar presented himself, still a little annoyed and trying to shake off the earth from himself. "Eh, you mind telling us what exactly was going on here when we arrived?"
  19. Big stopped and scratched the back of his head, confused, as the lightining bird ((Zapdos? XD)) started flying away from them. After all the pretty lights he was afraid the animal would come straight back to attack them, but whatever, that was probably for the bes... "Everyone, there's someone at our 7 o' clock, could be Jace and Bane" He looked up to the flying beast, and then again at the -now back to life- navigation instruments. "Yep, that's right Kenshin. Aand apparently our electric chicken there is heading towards them. Any chance we can manage to give 'em a warning?"
  20. "Eh? You know that guy Dru?" Marcus asked. He was a bit annoyed that the Orcs fled this quick... Dang, the others were so fast that he didn't even get any fun!
  21. Marcus was almost relieved that the fighting started to take him out of that weird situation with Boney... In the end, talking with blades was what he was really used to. The Templar remebered Brass fighting in a stone armour, and realized this could be well the same case. If so, maybe it was a fellow Templar there, and one they could get some help from. "Ok, don't rush in without me Xavier!" The young man shouted excitedly, following his comrade to the battle field.
  22. "Oh. Well, I'm... gonna keep that in mind." Marcus managed to say, surprised by the sudden change in the King's behavior. He might have hit a sore spot there, and was a bit unsure how to proceed without hurting the dead man's feelings... Wait what?!
  23. The Crimson King's last phrase managed to get Marcu's curiosity as a thought passed through his head. "Hey Boney, where you really alive at some point? I mean, normal guy with a beating heart, blood and stuff?"
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