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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Big heard the whistle of a land-air rocket being launched... And the the night turned day, suddenly lighting the whole scene. Luckily it seemed Arietta was still all right and kicking hard, and the thing that was attacking them was... "Holy shit, that's one hella large chiken!" He exclaimed, honestly surprised by the size and strangeness of this new monster. The next thing he heard was Arietta's call "All of you, now! I'll hold this thing off as long as I can!" "Nope missy, that's my job - and my catchphrase for that matter." the huge man answered with a smile on his face while switching his strategy. The thing was probably blind with that blast to his face, and he planned on keeping it as confused as possible. "Let's distract it. Don't let it know for sure where you guys are, but keep shooting. It can't hit us if it doesn't know where to strike!" he yelled to the others. Staying in formation close to one another against something this big would probably not work, but if they only could confuse it by spreading the group on the field... With that in mind, the Tank dashed to his left, raised his the heavy Assault Rifle and started shooting towards the dragon thing.
  2. Ah ok, sorry about that. In this case then lets simply change what you got, since it was a little confusing. Ed can have the cane sword for next circle, and Quincy keeps a gun.
  3. ((End of chapter. See you all in Under the Hill - 4th Circle: Greed!))
  4. Ok, so that finishes up the 3rd Circle of Hell! Hope you all enjoyed the ride, and as usual I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. I'm not going to make a full questionnaire, but I'd like to hear your opinions on NPCs, pace, the approach of the sin of Gluttony, what you think I can improve on, and anything else you find relevant.
  5. Panik waved as Ixidor passed by, and watched all the other little ones pass through peacefully. It surely would be a bit lonely once they all had gone... Well, except for the Starving Souls of course. Anyway, he could do with those for the time being. The titan walked towards the corridor leading to the table-room. Surely the poor doomed souls would still be there feasting... "Good job there, Panik. I honestly didn't imagine you'd pull it this well. Now go enjoy your meal, you deserve it. " The voice had come out of nowhere, as if it was into the heads of Edward and Panik. There was no one else in the room, not a visible body, nor a presence of any kind. Only the voice. The titan smiled happilly, not even flinching. "Thanksssss, me will. Me iss really ssssstarving now!" With that, he walked away, leaving Edward alone in the room... Until it spoke again, seemingly in his ear. "You hearing voices boy? Well, don't pay it much attention. Maybe they are only watching over you. Or maybe you're going insane. Who knows? Maybe you find out if you keep forward..." And so, the room was once again dead silent.
  6. Rose is right Kenny, I don't see shape shifting as a viable interpretation of your powers. And if you insist that they indeed are this diverse, than I would have to flag a Sue there. =/ All in all, my advice is that you take a good look in your character as of now and see where you can improve it, because in my opinion it could get a lot better. @Hukuna: No problem at all Sensei, I know how busy you have been and the cooperation plan we devised is great on that point - giving you liberty to come and go without any trouble for the RP. If you want to be back again in C4, you're always welcome! @Eagleby: You'll see soon mate. XD
  7. Dang, three Tangoes in one day? Lady luck must be taking a nap right now. Big immediatelly took his AR in hand, ready to shoot. Whatever it was that wanted them for a meal now was surely not small, judging by that roar... But the bright side was that he only heard one roar. Standing low and focusing all his senses in the environment around him the huge man signaled to Kenshin, right next to him, pointing two fingers towards himself and then to the direction where the roar had come from. Whatever it was that attacked, it was sure that Arietta was in a hella big trouble now, and he wasn't about to let a comrade die on the first day. Rifle at ready, the Tank advanced to is target.
  8. Just to check: we are moving, right? (at least I assumed so, kinda pointless to update something as "Big walked.")
  9. Things to note here before I go sleep: 1) Ellaria has food from the 3rd Circle with her in a sack. 2) Checked the first OOC post for Quincy and realized he's only got two guns and a cane sword. I'm not going to edit things at this point, but I'm going to assume one gun is with Ed, one with Mr.Taylor, and that he's got the sword. 3) The next Circle may take some time to start, so be at rest guys. 4) WHAT A PLOT TWIST THAT WAS GREAT! Nice idea Super, I'm veery curious to see how this develops. Quickshot Quincy Status: Alive, full throttle and pissed off. Traveling with: Ellaria Stonewall (hostage) Inventory: Food suplies (meat from the 3rd circle's pantry), ammo (no guns though) and a cane sword.
  10. I think Rose posted something about the Killer group all having went into the Cerberus room, but yeah we can assume he is gone with the others. Also, will Marcus and Taylor want to finish their scene before I proceed with the 4th circle?
  11. "Are you going to be coming with us into the next Circle?" "Me can't leave here jussst yet... Bosss ssaid we die if we do that." Panik answered Ethic, looking down straight at him. "But me wishess you luck, esspecially to find the little girl." The giant now seemed to be recovering from the blast, and was breathing more normally. He looked around, walked to a empty place near the wall, and sat his huge body down there in order to wait for everyone to leave.
  12. "Why did you block that blast just now? Aren't you all supposed to be like the wardens down here or something? So why go out of your way and take so much physical risk to help Live ones like us?" "You sspeak difficult, little one" Panik told Ethic, still breathing heavily. "Me only thinkss this iss the right thing. You little oness are different and more fun that the otherss. Me passsed my whole life eating little oness, and me never knew why, but me knowss you are not the ssame." Then, with visible effort, the Titan got up and turned to Rose. " Oh, the little-rat carried the little-girl out of here, me ssaw it from up here. Issn't he your friendss too?"
  13. Ok status now is: Panik shielded you guys from most damage (except Ed since Eagle already described the impact on him) and is very wounded as a result. Dead characters for now are Kenny and Ellaria, the latter already out of the Third Circle after being kidnapped by Quincy. The players closer to Kenny will probably be hit by a shock wave or something, but nothing really dangerous. Annie's PC can also be considered out of the Circle unless she decides against it. Marcus, if I read it right, has retreated back to the corridor were you fought the Turtle guy.
  14. Aand I've said that "let's go" but now I'm thinking I should wait for Helze or Dru. Sooo, for now in stand by XD.
  15. The most beautiful sword I've ever seen... Yep, all of this is new Fate hype XD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kiryuu


      Don't worry, I read Berserk...nothing can't get more worse than that lol

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh okay then XD. Just warning you, since don't know people over the internet's "tolerance"? not sure if that is the word to use there, but eh to heck with it.

    4. Chevaleresse


      *jumps on hype train*

  16. Hehey, I played with Rusty's version of her in the other RP, surely a great character! I liked that new Noble Phantasm you made as well, so good luck with that! (Oh, btw I've found a pretty badass pic of Cleopatra back then... I'll try to send it to you) Also guys, your Masters and Servants are all looking great, congrats!
  17. ((A moment before...)) While Edward tried to feel Ellaria's pulse, with no result, Panik walked near the group of adventurers in the edge of a fight, a puzzled look in his face. "Why are yousss angry little oness? Youss better be friendss in a place like thiss." the lizard Titan told them. "Bessidess, the exit iss jusst there..." As Panik turned to point at the door that Cerberus left open, he noticed Kenny started glowing in a way that meant no good. In a reflex, the gentle giant threw himself over the little man, taking most of the impact with his body to protect the little ones. A moment later- amidst the cloud of smoke and dust that raised from the explosion- he got up again, only to feel pain in his (now wounded, despite the armored skin) belly and be forced to seat down again, panting. Quincy faked being dead a bit more, waiting for a distraction. Of course he was MAD as hell for having lost to a FREAKING GRANDPA, not to mention the loot of his weapons, but the rat-man was not dumb. He was surrounded, and although most of the prey was tired of the fight, he knew trying to take all of them down would be no fun... Aand suddenly, BOOM. Welp, that was random, but would serve. In the mid of the dust, Quincy's movements were fast and almost undetectable. In the blink of an eye he had picked back most of his weapons from the pile Edward had made and, having listened to Panik's remark about the exit, started to go towards the open door. However, he almost bumped in something laying on the wall in the way there... And suddenly got an idea. Maybe that would be useful later on. When the dust settled, there was no sign of Quickshot Quincy... Nor Ellaria Stonewall.
  18. ... Holy hell, this reminds me of KotH and Absol's random explosions. Luckily I have an idea to dimish the damage. Also, I'll consider it a strong explosion, but not a literal nuke, as it would be a bit OP even for a last resort move/cost.
  19. Big calmly picked his gun from the floor, and quickly made it ready for use again. "Well, that was new. I never saw animals that smart before, we gotta give them that." Walking back to his position in the formation, the big man kept talking. "No break needed here, thanks CO. Let's keep going, I'm sure the others will be ok!" He said, giving everyone a thumbs up.
  20. Man, I was NOT execting that. Well, you guys had a terrific campaign while it lasted, and whoever wants to come in to Vermillion will be welcome!
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