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Everything posted by Notus

  1. The Battle of the Third Circle The Hound disappeared through the portal with a beastly howl, being pushed from all sides by the adventurers, and with that, finally the Third Circle fell silent again. ((Good job guys! XD))
  2. Big instinctively turned his body towards the Mossy Wolf speeding up towards him and shot with his AR right at the thing's chest, moving backwards at the same time to keep some distance. Those beasts seemed to be way less armored than the Monochromes, although they were faster, and as such he used the little time he had to swiftly switch to his Machine Gun and use it to try and shoot any stray Wolf that came near his companions. That was when Zero, right behind him, got hit. Soon the whole situation had changed into a hostage scene. Tense situatins aside, Big couldn't help admiring how smart these beasts seemed to be. "Hehe, that will be a little tough for me Miss Sarah." he answered to the girl. "But guess it's worth a shot." With that, Big slowly kneeled near her and put his MG to the ground.
  3. Woah, things escalated quickly. I'll update the situation when Big first got attacked and proceed to the present point right after. Though... Peace with wolfs whose first obective was to eat us? How would we communicate with those things?
  4. The Battle of the Third Circle The barrier made by Kenny stopped the Hell-Hound for only a moment. It's fangs easily tore through it as if it was made of butter, but the delay was enough to make the portal reach Cerberus's back paws. With a huge noise, the back of the three headed dog fell into the hole, and suddenly it found itself hanging by the front paws, incapable of reaching Enya or anyone else. "...I knew it. Damn, you guys really didn't notice that hole?" the right head said, looking as if it was ready to facepalm (if it had a palm to begin with). "Meh, you didn't too right? Stop lecturing us, you're being laame." The leftmost answered, before resuming it's now helpless attempt to reach and bite Enya. The center one, with a scared look on it's face after looking down, directed it's speech to Enya. "Eh, uhmn, it's pretty high here... So, uhmn... Sorry?"
  5. Damn, already starting like this? Well, this place sure is hardcore. Big thought to himself, trying not to think how they leftJace behind. Orders are orders anyway, and he was sure this boy commander would end up surprising them all yet again. "Roger, let's move guys!" the Tank said, rushing to his position in the formation as Garen commanded. He sounded like an experienced soldier, luckily. As he ran, he made sure to be well aware of the surroundings in case any more hostile things appeared.
  6. Wooohoo, Huk is here! My dream team is coming true! XD Serious now, welcome friend. Let's rock this thing!
  7. Welp, I was hoping I'd not have to do that, but real I'm way too overloaded lately and would not be able to pull Colin well enough with the few time I got. Good luck to all of you guys, and thanks a lot for the good time I had here Chim. Your's is easily one of the best RPs in the Forums, and I'm really sad about leaving it.
  8. Ooh man, I wanted so badly to get into this... But with my current state of life, I think I'd only hinder you guys. Good luck though, I'll be definitly reading this one.
  9. The Battle of the Third Circle Suddenly, the girl and the huge portal became visible again. Cerberus looked down with it's center head, which barked to the other two to draw their attention. All of them exchanged a worried look, and decided to go after the little girl all at once, in an attempt to stop the imminent threat.
  10. Soorry for the huge delay guys, last days where a little crazy, and on top of that I had to deal with more PC problems (now it is rebooted and hopefully working ok again. =D). Gonna update the IC soon!
  11. "Roger that." The Tank answered followed the orders and slowly started to retreat; trying to stay near the others for if the situation needed it. He had his assault rifle at ready while he moved waiting for the enemy to appear. ((My Keyoard is failing; so I get some letters and writing signs less. Gonna try to solve it as soon as I may.))
  12. Marcus got out of the ship slowly, despite the hurry he was in to be in land again. The reason was simple: being sea-sick for most of the trip was taking it´s toll in the young Templar. Yeah, he grew up amidst the sea of sand in the deserts of the Shifting Sands, but being over waves that actually moved had always been a trouble to him. Glad to stretch his legs, he moved towards the rest of the group. “Now, where are we going?” "To a place that doesn´t shake like a ride on a crazy horse, I hope." He answered Sigurd making a face despite already starting to feel relieved from the seasickness. He then changed to a more serious tone. "Ok, now seriously: Is it just an effect of this hell of a ride, or do you guys feel something... off too?"
  13. What Bagel did was clear within the rules, and all other discussion is basically personal opinion. Honestly, tactics-wise it was a smart move. Anyway, that is over now and we got to move on without raising senseless discussion in public places.
  14. Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you? Echo looks really interesting, as well as the Hatter. While one looks serious and bitter, the other sounds crazy... And I can´t decide which I like most. XD Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why? The Empty Armour, because, well, Titan´s Skin = Strenght. Which Death Angel do you most dread facing? Probably Echo. She looks like she is at the same time smart and really powerful. Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right? Probably he wanted to test our resolve, and point out those doubts early so we have a strong opinion when time comes to face the Gentleman. What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is? Some biiiiiig and bad monster. XD Or, maybe even Helze´s father possessed by something? What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power? Something like the Nemeia´s Lion skin on the legend of Heracles, that grants immunity to almost anything. As for the drawback... no idea. Which Shard do you think is the most interesting? Honestly no idea. =/ I think Marcus would like to get his hands on the Flames of Passion though. Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest? The weakest sounds like Aelia´s... And the strongest is obviously the one you haven´t told us about yet! XD Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it would make a crap load more work for me having to prepare a hell of a lot more stuff other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure. Just as everyone said, do it your way mate. Being comfortable with the writing style is important to achieve good results. Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)). Your NPCs are veery good, so at least I am always willing to see more of them. They strike me as being as interesting as any PC. What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is? Hehehe, of course there´s some secret you didn´t tell us yet and that will make our characters have doubts. For what we´ve been told, Arcano was only jealous and got mad for it, so he deserved what he´s got. What do you think of Blue? He looks nice, but surely knows more than he´s telling us. As a representative of Seeker I don´t think he would be very open to sharing his knowledge. Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for? No idea at all. Maybe something changed his mind about humans and demi-humans? What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage? As Chim said, Oarloff values life more than most people, and as off now I can´t see him taking anyone´s life recklessly. That also describes a little how I feel about Bartimus, he seems a nice God. And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon? Mate, keep up the amazing job. As always, your writing is amazing and I´m loving this RP. =D
  15. The Battle of the Third Circle Cerberus didn´t even notice Ellaria and continued in it´s rampage, trying to attack litterally everyone with it´s jaws and the snakes of it´s mane. The side heads were both raging, but there would be no way the central one wouldn´t notice the huge static portal beneath it, But in spite of that, the monster wasn´t taking any providence to avoid it... Ellaria breathed heavily lying against the wall. It was a miracle that the frail girl was still alive, despite the multiple broken bones from the impact, but that would probably not last much. For some reason she couldn´t feel any pain, but that relief quickly turned into despair when she realized she didn´t feel anything, and couldn´t move as well. Some part of her remembered the car accident that took her vision and family... This felt like thatt, all over again. She would lose everything one more time, her body and her friends. Suddenly, a decision rushed over the panic that threatened to take her. This time would NOT be like that, she wouldn´t allow senseless fate, in the form of some monster, to take the people that she cared for away while she didn´t do a thing. She heard static, louder than ever. And with her last strenght, she wished that Enya and her portal would be invisible like her. She focused on that as a least beacon of hope while her dark world started being filled with white, beautiful light...
  16. "Come see this; it pretty much explains what we saw and heard back at the pond." "it´s Colin mate." Colin told Mareek when he arrived, realizing he hadn´t introduced himself yet. The boy then looked around with wide eyes and let out a whistle. He had heard the end of the explanations, and judging by how big the destruction on the ground was, it looked like his classmates had been in reeeal trouble but at least everyone seemed to be all right. Shaken, but at least with all members seemingly in place. "Holy hell. Are you guys hurt?" He asked everyone with a worried tone.
  17. Actually it says there that it goes to an auto bid, buut what Bagel did is into the rules all right. I´m not going to start a discussion by stating my opinion on it though, what is done is done and this is only a game.
  18. Well, guess we all learned a important lesson yesterday eh? I´m really sorry for what happened to you, and I also want to reinforce Surge´s invitation to you guys: Vermilion is based in trust and I feel like you will be needing it in the present situation. Also, that´s our chance to create an unified RP Forum Alliance! XD Take your time and choose wisely, but it would be a pleasure to fight alongside you.
  19. That´s the spirit! The invitation to come to Vermilion if things go south still stands, but don´t think we are underestimating you guys. You have very dangerous battlers there, and I´m making that offer exactly because I know and respect that. Good luck this week, I hope facing you will prove to be fun!
  20. Aah, so that´s what happened. Well anyway as Rose said I´m not going to continue the discussion here. Murdoc, if you´re still interested it would be a pleasure to have you in our alliance. Also ExLink, if you´re in set your profile to Vermilion alliance, I´m adding you into the member list.
  21. "Are you coming, or what?" "Hell yeah, I am!" Colin answered, whistling to call Kyte and Cel before following Mareek and Professor Devin. "Whatever is happening we might as well help out! Cel here is itching to test her Aurora Beams on some of these dragons."
  22. "A water specialist, eh? alright... just hope you can move a lot better in water than you seem to do on land... jagged rocks aren't exactly as forgiving if you bump into them at full speed as people are." Colin scratched the back of his head, a bit embarrassed. "Oh yeah, sorry about that again mate... I didn´t have enough time to apologize properly the other day. But rest assured, I don´t do this kind of stuff in the water!" The boy laughed a bit and decided to get to know the other guy a bit more. "So, I saw you training sometimes during the week. Your Scyther looks really strong, are you thinking in evolving it to a Scizor?" ((Yay, back in the game! =D Thanks a lot Chim, you played Colin to perfection!))
  23. Big had his safety already off from the moment Quiet pulled that gun stunt. He didn´t know what the guy was thinking, but hell that was a scare. Welp, maybe this was his idea of a joke, and anyway now he seemed to be all right. "Hehey, nothing like a good walk to start a mission." he said happily, taking a position more or less in the middle of the group, were he could easily see and support everyone.
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